DeSatan is against DEI (Diversity, Equality, Inclusion). This means he favors conformity, inequality and exclusion. I hope Democratic politicians expound on this. Is this what Americans believe in -- a nation of either clones or people who are excluded (outcasts)?

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I'm from Silicon Valley. James Comer, representative (small R intentional) from Kentucky's 1st district, stated that Silicon Valley Bank's failure is due to it's being a 'woke' bank. Whatever the fuck that may be. A woke bank is essentially a contradiction in terms, what with the banking industries history of redlining and all, but that's not really relevant here. SVB is not a bank that I could even have an account with. It is, or was, a specialty bank essentially for tech industry startups, which I am not.

Let's look at Jim Comer's lovely state of Kentucky. In 2109, Kentucky paid $36 billion dollars in federal taxes. It received $104 billion dollars in federal spending, $68 more than it paid, or $2.89 for every dollar it paid.

Why would Kentucky need so much of the federal tax money paid by the hard working states of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Minnesota, Illinois, Colorado, Washington, Utah, Nebraska and California, the 12 Donor states? Note that all but two of those are Blue states. Somebody needs to ask Jim Comer this question. Along with Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul. This hardly looks like any kind of a success story. More like massive failure to me.

On a per capita basis, in 2019, each man woman and child in Kentucky received $12,743 over and above what they paid in federal taxes. For the classic family of 4 in Kentucky, that would be $50,972 more than they paid in federal taxes. That would include James Comer. And this clown is commenting on woke banks. Good thing there are still successful states in this country to pay for his sorry ass. Over 39 years of data I have, Kentucky has never paid more federal taxes than it received in federal spending. And it's getting worse. Kentucky's requirements per dollar of federal tax paid is significantly higher now than from 1981 thru 2005. Kentucky started to jump around 2006 to where it is now, requiring an average of $2.32 from 2015 thru 2019. What the hell is going on in Kentucky? Things seem to be declining rapidly in this former slave holder Red state and all this idiot can do is comment on a 'woke' bank. As Trump stated in his first campaign, 'I love the poorly educated'. Looks like we got a state full of 'em right there.

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In a word? McConnell is the reason.

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Mar 16, 2023
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I do not have data on that, though the Tax Foundation and the Rockefeller Institute are places I would start with. They've done lots of stuff beyond the data I've been quoting. Bernie's site may have it, or direct you somewhere that might have it.

I've chosen to attack the Republicans where the data shows they are clearly vulnerable, the economy. 12 Donor states, 10 of which are Blue, and 38 Welfare states, the vast majority being Red. Over a 40 year period. This is not 'superior on the economy' by any stretch, much as they have convinced themselves that is the case. The successful Blue Donor states have higher taxes and more regulations, the unsuccessful Red Welfare states have lower taxes and fewer regulations. Not Tax Foundation or Rockefeller data, but from other sources online, the Blue donor states have better eduction, health care, and higher productivity from their more creative, innovative workforce. The Red states are regularly at the bottom in education, health care and productivity with a workforce that seems to want to return to the 1850's. Some hyperbole their, but you get the idea.

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Mar 16, 2023
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I understand the urge for nicknames and so forth. Trump likes to indulge in that, but I don't think it accomplishes anything ultimately. You and I get a chuckle, but it's not much of an attack vehicle.

The Republicans have sold themselves as being 'good on the economy'. They've said it so many times, even amongst themselves, they actually believe that to be the case. The press apparently believes this as well, as they never question Republicans regarding their rather significant Welfare state status. I realize they need 'access', which will be denied if they start asking the 'wrong' questions, assuming they even know about or want to ask them in the first place. The data, 40 years of it, clearly indicates that the Red states, be they former slave holder states or not, are shitty at the economy. It's right there in black and white, and the data comes from very conservative organizations, the Tax Foundation and the Rockefeller Institute. Neither one of these organizations will have a float in a Pride Parade anytime soon. They are essentially a bunch of white people who would love to see fewer taxes across the board, though the Rockefeller Institute says they are about 'evidence based solutions'. Well, their evidence suggests that the Republicans suck at economics. And everybody just seems to let that go, like it's some sort of law of physics that we can't do anything about. From what I've been able to tell, this was a 'law of physics' that started with Reconstruction. Hard to find the evidence, as I believe the first time anybody started tracking taxes paid versus federal spending received was around 1980. I guess it never occurred to anyone prior to that that a handful of successful states might be paying the way for a whole bunch of failed states.

Comer is from the state that is by far the biggest Welfare / Socialist state in the country. And nobody says shit about it. I'm almost 71 years old and I've been paying for this piece of crap state for at least the 40 years of data I have. 40 years of data that looks like a very Socialist country to me. Bernie Sanders is socialism light compared to what we've been doing for the past 40 years. And still are. This also means that myself and all the other Donor state folks are paying for all the crap that's currently coming out of Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, South & North Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Missouri, Kentucky, etc. The folks in the Donor states have a power a lot of them may not even be aware they have. A whole lot of people in Donor states are not even aware of this situation

From my standpoint, the Republicans don't give shit about any of the principals we care about. But the do care about money. And the data shows they are terrible at that. There's the start of the attack as I see it. They will question the numbers, of course, fake news, whatever, but it gets them at their core. Economics, and they are really bad at it. 12 Donor states, 10 of which are Blue, and 38 Welfare states, the vast majority of which are Red. Seems like a simple place to start.

If the Red states want fewer federal taxes, unlikely to happen, I'm all for it! Less money to redistribute to them. Let's keep our money. States rights. The economies of the Donor states just go better!

If a bunch of Red states want to secede from the Union, great! It won't happen, but think of how much better our economy would be with them gone! We won't have to send all that free money to those states anymore. Simple way to make the U.S. economy better, get rid of the failed states that want to leave. Sort of like real businesses, where they shut down or get rid of the portions of the company that are not performing. Happens all the time.

I could continue to riff on the Red states, but the essential idea is to start the attack on the Republicans where they are vulnerable, the economy. An area where they have convinced themselves they are superior. They're own data says they are not.

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Count me in as Woke! I got a belly laugh from Ms. Mandel's inability to define woke. DEI is a part of many businesses and organizations these days and that's a good start. Add implicit bias training to DEI programs and we all can get even closer to achieving complete wokeness.

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You hit the nail on the head...and this isn’t complicated in the slightest. I wish they would just be honest and say what they really feel...but I think a lot of them literally CAN’T access that level of what the old folks used to call “consciousness.”

Acknowledging just how much of their lives and identities depend not on some divine law but on man-made constructs, built over decades and centuries, that gave them unearned privilege and elevated them above others at the expense of those others...I think that is simply too scary for them to even attempt.

My whole life I’ve had to hear white folks say, often condescendingly, “We’re all one race...the human race!” Seems to me that’s what progressives are trying to GET to...and if that’s “woke,” then sign me up.

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I think that the word "woke"should definitely be hijacked by progressives, just as the words "queer" & "gay" were taken over & used effectively by the gay activists & community., thereby, neutralizing the right's use of it. The more we use the word "woke" to describe all sorts of progressive & activist's policies the less it will be used by the right. We need "woke" slogans to really get under their skins. "Woke is me!"...."Vote for Woke"....I am sure we can come up with some absurd,silly & funny slogans.

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“Woke” sounds so much less bigoted than “n———r lover” or F——t”. But it means the same thing.

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What an un-woke moron! She states they have a whole chapter on woke in her book, but "it's hard to define"?!? These people never fail to show that they always pick terms to deride in their 'crusade' for propping up their failed Repugnican party. Getting really tired of everything that goes wrong in this country being blamed on Blacks, Gays, Asians, Muslims, etc. These right wingers are pathetic.

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Finally, a reporter hard questioned one of the people. She knew she was in trouble when she said "this is going to go virile. These news organization's ratings would go up if they continued to confront these talking heads. Thankfully, we have Michelangelo, Dean O and Thom H on our side. They all speak with intelligence and point out this type of hypocrisy.

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I wrote this yesterday: That’s a long explanation of what woke is. I know that regular people don’t know what half of it means. It needs to be explained in one or two sentences. Like woke is: what blacks, women and LGBTQ people know what’s affecting their lives and are standing up against it. It’s what conservatives are using Christian Nationalism to silence what a majority of Americans are against. Today everything under conservatives is against “woke”. It’s anything that does not support Christian straight white men from having control of everything in the country.

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My thoughts exactly. You took the words right out of my mouth. We have to fight these hateful people and everything doing.

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I remember seeing this earlier, and I facepalmed. She said it would go viral, and she wasn't wrong. The stuttering was unreal.

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If you think about it, it’s their main policy, since there are no other policies...

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You keep getting me with the explanation of the article's title. You explained the gop usage of the term and asked DEMs to embrace it. I read the article and at the end the lightning bolt of comprehension struck. I would laugh but the wytpipo who swallow this BS are actually displaying their inherent racism and ignorance of history. I truly believe before the gop actually implodes that Jim Crow will be the law of the red states.

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I "woke" up on this coming Monday...or maybe I may have to wait till Wednesday..but I am greeted with the news that Trump is finally indicted.....I will celebrate my "woke"......finally!!

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Just read an article the NYT that exposes the difference between the US & Australian opposing politicians regarding dealing with hate groups. A group of neo-nazis turned up at a protest against Transgender rights in the State of Victoria's capital, Melbourne ,Australia. The group of approx. 30 people , who were identified as a Neo-nazis group called the National socialist Network, they extended their arms in an unmistakable Nazi salute. A lawmaker from the center-right Liberal Party was amongst the protestors. None of the Neo-nazis, all wearing black and masks, displayed swastikas, as this symbol had previously been banned by the Victorian government (penalty 12 months in prison plus a $US15,000 fine). The following day, action from both parties was immediate.The leader of the Liberal Party , condemned the attendance of his own party member and declared that he would call a vote to expel the attending Liberal lawmaker, declaring that "her position is untenable". The premier of that same state affirmed his support for transgender rights and strongly condemned the Neo-Nazi group stating they had "gathered to spread hate". The Attorney General of the state of Victoria stated that her state would introduce legislation to ban Nazi salutes within months,.This example of immediate bi-partisan action against hate is what is so desperately absent in the USA.

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