Trump supporters, inspired by the president, stormed the People's House, rioted, looted and broke into the House Speaker's office. An insurrection, yet no one were arrested.
With the exception of the wolf-vested and -helmeted furry on the dais, I was most furious at Our Liberal Media calling them "protestors" well into the terrorism part of the afternoon [hi Andrea Mitchell!] Then, watching the MAGAts casually stroll off the Capitol grounds, like they were headed for their Plymouth Voyager minivans to pick the kids up at daycare.
No arrests, no kettling, no heads cracked open.
It's become a cliche' nowadays, but imagine if these miscreants were Black.
Imagine if President Hillary Clinton had urged her supporters to storm the Capitol.
They WILL be arrested....and the evidence will be provided by the domestic terrorists themselves...NO confession needed....their selfies & photos are all over the internet. One issue is that it my be,perhaps ,a good strategy not to arrest anybody UNTIL tRump is out of office in 13 days. I say this ,because tRump is likely to use his PARDON POWERS to exonerate these terrorists.
This is the Democrats chance to show their legal muscle and make sure those responsible suffer the most severe consequences. Trump told his people to do this, just like Manson told his followers to kill in order or start a race war. Manson didn’t kill, Trump didn’t lead the mob to the Capital, but his constant lies and mental manipulation directly caused this insanity. Shame on every republican that carried a torch behind Trump. Democrats need to prosecute those involved at the highest level of this administration. Trump says he will run again in 2024. Republicans better make sure that never happens again.
It’s mind control. Trump is a master manipulator. The right wing media doesn’t help. I watched 😱 Fox a bit last night and they tried so hard to down play what happened while talking about “ all the good things “ Trump did for this country. Telling folks that they understand their frustration, etc. it’s terrible.
I am taking a different approach, is that I think the major issue was the complete lack of reinforcements on the ready and close by. There will be an investigation into the lack of security knowing that there was an obvious high probability of violence and property damage at Federal buildings given that tRump has been inciting these “domestic terrorists”for sometime. My gut feeling is that tRump administration (deliberately ?)did not allow or restricted the extra enforcement officers that should have been available on short notices. The protocol that is needed to use D.C. enforcement officers is ridiculously administratively complicated. Federal government buildings have there own police department, the local police can not protect Federal buildings without authority or invitation.. The D.C. National Guard can not involve themselves without Federal administration authority, that authority should have been in place prior to yesterday’s sad events. The Capitol police officers were overwhelmed by these “domestic terrorists”. As we are learning today is that multiple enforcement agencies across many states will investigate and charge those they can find. The tRump administration is totally to blame for what was a coup d’etat. The D.C. enforcement agencies( inc.the D.C.National Guard) have no authority to involve themselves, without proper authorization or when they are “invited” to assist the Capital.....the tRump administration did not seek the D.C. involvement, this is the outrageous and seditious action that tRump, Pence, McConnell and the Repugnants need to be punished legally and politically. The tRump’s dangerous rhetoric and actions has been out there for several years and these people did nothing.
Michelangelo. Nothing will happen. This was a domestic terrorist attack. Period but all media even Rachel Maddow who I love said mob. This wasn’t a mob. It was American right wing terrorists. They should have all been shot because it was an invasion into our federal buildings. It was never a protest. But nothing happened or really will happen because they were all white right wingers. Freedom ya know. They should have all been mowed down by our brave military and the rest taken to Guantanamo. Period. And Pelosi better expel those in congress who promoted this bullshit or she should step down. No more this bullshit. And if Biden doesn’t grow a steel spine then he should step aside and let someone in to bulldoze these Nazis.
If you tried that at say, Buckingham palace for instance, you would be shot on sight.
If these had been BLM they would have certainly been shot.
Remember during the Obamacare protests when they literally dragged people in wheelchairs out of the Capital for christsakes? We need a deep dive into who was responsible for allowing this to happen.
Michelangelo - Good morning. I was very sad and cried while watching what these people were doing to the capital in real time inspired by the man who holds the highest office in the land. I cried pissed off about the damage, the danger the people was exposed while conducting their duty as senators/congress men, women. Pissed off about the free card they got by doing all this damage to U.S. capital, people died, and they went back to their business like nothing. Fucking bullshit. I remember back in the summer how BLM peaceful protesters were treated so bad, tear-gassed, rubber bullets used on them. People in wheelchairs got arrested for protesting about the affordable care act, and these motherfuckers get a free card? How's this okay?
This fucking asshole needs to be re-impeached and/or the 25th Amendment invoked, shit or both, whatever works faster ASAP! How many people need to die before the cult-followers republican do anything?
What we witnessed yesterday was a total coup, sedition incited by Trump!
And we all saw this coming, we saw it happening. From years ago, but also in recent weeks. It's appalling that law enforcement didn't see it coming. This requires a massive investigation.
Michael I firmly believe there is complicity on some level with the Capitol police as a result of this horrific action that was clearly allowed to happen. We definitely need and investigation and as far as the liar in chief, he should be gone today! I am also committed to seeing the House members who supported him in this ridiculous scam to try and steal a legally certified election be held accountable. They should be censored at the very least and any votes they participate in going forward should be nullified. Cheetolini has tried hard and may yet succeed in turning this once great country into a shithole country. From the looks of some of these anarchists, we may already be there!
These terrorists should be arrested BUT after tRump is out of office or he is impeached , he is likely to use his active PARDON powers otherwise.He may even award them the Medal of Freedom given his mental issues.
This was exactly why I said that the people on the Left needed to stay away from DC on 1/6. As it is, there are still people trying to claim that these thugs were actually leftists paid to pretend to be tRumpists. I knew nothing good would come of this situation. I was attacked by some for saying it and I still stand by it.
There is no question that this is insurrection. At a minimum the 25th should be invoked.
In reality, tRump, Giuliani, tRump Jr et all should be arrested for inciting a riot.
Just now there is a GOP congressional rep has come out publically to support the 25th.
Bill Barr just issued a scathing statement.
I doubt Pence has the stones to sign on. You need the VP to invoke the 25th.
We must immediately hold those accountable who are responsible for this stunning breach o security.
It was oddly humorous to see the republicans try to shake the shit off their shoes, though they were so deep in it. But what happened there? Did Trump realize his plan had backfired after Pelosi and Pence had to call in extra police and the National Guard, and he couldn't use the insurrection act because he had caused insurrection. Or did it backfire because he, Guliani, and Don Jr.'s attempts to fire up the terrorists, were really an attempt to stoke leftist "Antifa" protestors to run in where a big fight would ensue, and then he could use the insurrection act. Though Fox news claimed Antifa was there and were the one's that broke in to the capital(I heard this reported) there were no left protestors who showed up, and the big insurrection plot fell apart. Well, maybe we will find out what really happened. In the meantime if Trump and his family. and Cruz and Hawley, will return to the bunker in the white house and break out the cyanide. If not, they should be arrested immediately and impedached today.
Trump needs to be impeached NOW. They need to arrest Cruz, Hawley, guliani, Flynn and anyone else who advoacted this coup. I want the people that were in the people's house to be arrested and convicted of treason. I want to know why there weren't police didn't make any arrests of people that were in the capital.... and why they were not treated the same as the peaceful MLM group with rubber bullets.. I am sick and tired of this.... I hear that Trump called into the GOP meeting that they were having Florida this morning and he got cheers from the group. They need to dissolve the GOP.
I'm absolutely disgusted with pissed off with our country right now and embarrassed by what happened yesterday. I worked in DC a few blocks from the Capitol from '95-96. I used to run during my lunch hour by the White House, up the Capitol steps. Years later, post 9/11 during a weekend visit to DC I went out for a run and thought it would be nice to do the Capitol steps again. When I saw all of the fencing and several guards at the building entrance I realized I completely forgot how it wouldn't be possible to do that anymore.
So how is it that yesterday, with police present, a mass of white supremacists were able to break a couple of windows and easily enter the building, take photo ops with police, steal property, look at computers, etc with no intervention? And then allowed to just leave with zero arrests. Peaceful BLM protesters were tear-gassed, beaten so Trump could have a photo op at a church but yesterday nothing? Were the police in on the coup attempt? Something is very off to me about how yesterday's events were possible.
Trump needs to be impeached and removed from office before Jan 20. No more excuses from passive Dems about it taking too much time, looking forward to rebuilding, blah blah blah. And I think it would be better to cancel any type of Biden/Harris inauguration day events they are planning. It is too risky and I'm even more concerned for their safety after yesterday.
So, I’ve been trying to explain the difference between the Omnibus Bill passed and the Covid Bill passed. They are not one and the same as I see it. Am I correct on that Mike?
Thank you. I have someone who swears the American people are being cheated out of $2000 because of foreign aide to other countries. Trying to explain the difference between the 2 Bills was making me crazy 😜🤦♀️ She refused to believe me.
I would just like to point out we are not after this. Literally some of the same nazis that planned Charlottesville violence in 2017 were live streaming themselves inside Pleosi's office yesterday. I get it normal people don't want to spend their entire day steeped in hateful right wing social media, but if you do not have that kind of knowledge you should listen to the people who do.
The only thing from their public plans that was not accomplished yesterday was the lynching of Congress people.
If you do not follow the far right on a regular basis, I implore you to understand that none of these events are happening in isolation. It is sustained organized efforts started by white supremacists and from what I've seen they have been able to expand their reach. They have successfully been able to recruit from what would be considered mainstream conservative republicans. They will not go away on their own and the police are largely sympathetic to them and often police officers are them because law enforcement at all levels has been infiltrated by white supremacists.
On the local level, it is hard to state how much of a gut punch it was that they were just allowed to disperse and only a handful of arrests. We who live here have endured 4 years of punitive violence by law enforcement, several mass arrests and political prosecutions since trump has been president.
I am hearing from people who are doing jail support (for regular people not trumpers) that the people who were arrested at the capitol are being issued stay away orders. So they can only be in DC for court. Enrique Tarrio was also given one which is good and may stem the frequency with which Proud Boys come to the city. We don't have cash bail in DC so either you get released with conditions or remanded. So it seems like the majority of them are being released.
So they are already planning coming back for the inauguration. A lot of talk about showing up with rifles this time. I hope people take them seriously this time but I doubt it.
If you wonder if you can do anything to help stop or slow this activity down, you can work everyday to dismantle white supremacy. Ignoring it is the genesis of all the horrible things we are seeing from the right. Not just the far right but the entire right.
Hubby and I were shocked! I was watching with the captions on so that I could watch and listen to you at the same time. A lot of Trumpers are saying that this is no different than what happened after George Floyd. However, this was our democracy being attacked. Do those idiots not read numbers? That's what I don't understand, just like my crazy neighbor with his Trump flag still flying this morning! Then when Trump came on with his little video I almost threw something at the TV! "We won massively!" I am so happy that Twitter and Facebook are taking action. I can only imagine that he went CRAZY when that Twitter feed was taken away from him. It's going to be an interesting week. Meanwhile, we have two new Democratic Senators and Merrick Garland to be happy about.
I am trying hard to ignore it, however, after yesterday I wanted to go over there and rip it down! I didn't want to be shot though. Maybe I will try prayers and thoughts and prayers. LOL
The main reason why these Trump-inspired terrorists weren't arrested was that a large percentage of the Capitol police (like all other police forces around the country) are right-wing terrorist sympathisers. Plus I'm not surprised that veterans are involved in this too since the Obama administration was warning about right-wing racists trying to recruit current or former service members. Frankly there needs to be maximum state or county recruiting quotas in order to make the military more diverse and not have it be disproportionately white evangelicals.
Jeff C. I think you are being a unfair...the Capital police were overwhelmed....arresting a mob of terrorists takes a lot of officers which had not been made available. Their first concern is to protect the legislatures, which they did. The blame is well and truly on the shoulders of the tRump administration, they should have declared, prior to yesterday, that this protest was a National Security event , as a strategic precaution.The Capital police were heroic,video of them attempting to hold the doors certainly supported their courage.
They didn't look very heroic when they were walking away and letting the terrorist mob walk past the barricade, doing nothing when they were stealing items, or taking selfies with them.
But a certain percentage are right-wing nutjobs, especially in the higher ranks. Take John Kelly, Michael Flynn, and William Boykin for example. Not to mention during the Clinton years when domestic terrorist supporting soldiers were stealing ammo and weapons from various armories around the country, along with that horrible bombing in Oklahoma City done by two veterans named Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols. There were also few Marines in my previous units bitching about Waco when I served in the USMC during the late 90's and early 00's. So even though it's not a majority, it is a problem. I know a few other Marines that I had to ditch off Facebook over the years because they wandered into Alex Jonestown or claimed the Proud Boys weren't racist.
With the exception of the wolf-vested and -helmeted furry on the dais, I was most furious at Our Liberal Media calling them "protestors" well into the terrorism part of the afternoon [hi Andrea Mitchell!] Then, watching the MAGAts casually stroll off the Capitol grounds, like they were headed for their Plymouth Voyager minivans to pick the kids up at daycare.
No arrests, no kettling, no heads cracked open.
It's become a cliche' nowadays, but imagine if these miscreants were Black.
Imagine if President Hillary Clinton had urged her supporters to storm the Capitol.
Right? Omg, she would be locked up. They're trying to lock her up as it is.
They WILL be arrested....and the evidence will be provided by the domestic terrorists themselves...NO confession needed....their selfies & photos are all over the internet. One issue is that it my be,perhaps ,a good strategy not to arrest anybody UNTIL tRump is out of office in 13 days. I say this ,because tRump is likely to use his PARDON POWERS to exonerate these terrorists.
And then they will be heroes to their demented, sick cause. I hate the way this works.
This is the Democrats chance to show their legal muscle and make sure those responsible suffer the most severe consequences. Trump told his people to do this, just like Manson told his followers to kill in order or start a race war. Manson didn’t kill, Trump didn’t lead the mob to the Capital, but his constant lies and mental manipulation directly caused this insanity. Shame on every republican that carried a torch behind Trump. Democrats need to prosecute those involved at the highest level of this administration. Trump says he will run again in 2024. Republicans better make sure that never happens again.
That's why impeaching him would be great because he would not be able to run again. But prosecuting him would help in that regard too.
Exactly, and hope they do it. Impeachment is the only way to stop him.
It’s mind control. Trump is a master manipulator. The right wing media doesn’t help. I watched 😱 Fox a bit last night and they tried so hard to down play what happened while talking about “ all the good things “ Trump did for this country. Telling folks that they understand their frustration, etc. it’s terrible.
Sadly, there is nothing Congress can do about Fox and Rightwing radio. We need to fight for more progressive radio on AM channels.
I am taking a different approach, is that I think the major issue was the complete lack of reinforcements on the ready and close by. There will be an investigation into the lack of security knowing that there was an obvious high probability of violence and property damage at Federal buildings given that tRump has been inciting these “domestic terrorists”for sometime. My gut feeling is that tRump administration (deliberately ?)did not allow or restricted the extra enforcement officers that should have been available on short notices. The protocol that is needed to use D.C. enforcement officers is ridiculously administratively complicated. Federal government buildings have there own police department, the local police can not protect Federal buildings without authority or invitation.. The D.C. National Guard can not involve themselves without Federal administration authority, that authority should have been in place prior to yesterday’s sad events. The Capitol police officers were overwhelmed by these “domestic terrorists”. As we are learning today is that multiple enforcement agencies across many states will investigate and charge those they can find. The tRump administration is totally to blame for what was a coup d’etat. The D.C. enforcement agencies( inc.the D.C.National Guard) have no authority to involve themselves, without proper authorization or when they are “invited” to assist the Capital.....the tRump administration did not seek the D.C. involvement, this is the outrageous and seditious action that tRump, Pence, McConnell and the Repugnants need to be punished legally and politically. The tRump’s dangerous rhetoric and actions has been out there for several years and these people did nothing.
Michelangelo. Nothing will happen. This was a domestic terrorist attack. Period but all media even Rachel Maddow who I love said mob. This wasn’t a mob. It was American right wing terrorists. They should have all been shot because it was an invasion into our federal buildings. It was never a protest. But nothing happened or really will happen because they were all white right wingers. Freedom ya know. They should have all been mowed down by our brave military and the rest taken to Guantanamo. Period. And Pelosi better expel those in congress who promoted this bullshit or she should step down. No more this bullshit. And if Biden doesn’t grow a steel spine then he should step aside and let someone in to bulldoze these Nazis.
If you tried that at say, Buckingham palace for instance, you would be shot on sight.
If these had been BLM they would have certainly been shot.
Remember during the Obamacare protests when they literally dragged people in wheelchairs out of the Capital for christsakes? We need a deep dive into who was responsible for allowing this to happen.
The Canadian parliament does a better job of handling domestic terrorists than we do.
Pelosi needs to be primaried in 2022 if she keeps up this decorum BS.
Impeach today.
Michelangelo - Good morning. I was very sad and cried while watching what these people were doing to the capital in real time inspired by the man who holds the highest office in the land. I cried pissed off about the damage, the danger the people was exposed while conducting their duty as senators/congress men, women. Pissed off about the free card they got by doing all this damage to U.S. capital, people died, and they went back to their business like nothing. Fucking bullshit. I remember back in the summer how BLM peaceful protesters were treated so bad, tear-gassed, rubber bullets used on them. People in wheelchairs got arrested for protesting about the affordable care act, and these motherfuckers get a free card? How's this okay?
This fucking asshole needs to be re-impeached and/or the 25th Amendment invoked, shit or both, whatever works faster ASAP! How many people need to die before the cult-followers republican do anything?
What we witnessed yesterday was a total coup, sedition incited by Trump!
And we all saw this coming, we saw it happening. From years ago, but also in recent weeks. It's appalling that law enforcement didn't see it coming. This requires a massive investigation.
Michael I firmly believe there is complicity on some level with the Capitol police as a result of this horrific action that was clearly allowed to happen. We definitely need and investigation and as far as the liar in chief, he should be gone today! I am also committed to seeing the House members who supported him in this ridiculous scam to try and steal a legally certified election be held accountable. They should be censored at the very least and any votes they participate in going forward should be nullified. Cheetolini has tried hard and may yet succeed in turning this once great country into a shithole country. From the looks of some of these anarchists, we may already be there!
These terrorists should be arrested BUT after tRump is out of office or he is impeached , he is likely to use his active PARDON powers otherwise.He may even award them the Medal of Freedom given his mental issues.
This was exactly why I said that the people on the Left needed to stay away from DC on 1/6. As it is, there are still people trying to claim that these thugs were actually leftists paid to pretend to be tRumpists. I knew nothing good would come of this situation. I was attacked by some for saying it and I still stand by it.
There is no question that this is insurrection. At a minimum the 25th should be invoked.
In reality, tRump, Giuliani, tRump Jr et all should be arrested for inciting a riot.
Just now there is a GOP congressional rep has come out publically to support the 25th.
Bill Barr just issued a scathing statement.
I doubt Pence has the stones to sign on. You need the VP to invoke the 25th.
We must immediately hold those accountable who are responsible for this stunning breach o security.
The claim that it was Antifa is ludicrous. I saw that trying that. It's not going to work -- but will probably make the cult feel better.
Right-wing conspiracy movements always deny everything, deflect, and claim they were infiltrated whenever their members commit violence.
Let’s not forget Flynn. That asshole needs to be indicted too!
Not familiar with him but that lunatic Gaetz said it right on the floor of the House.
He was another one of those long-haired use to be beefcake celebrities from the 90's.
Thank gawd Lucy Lawless and Bruce Campbell are the complete opposite of that fundie freak.
It was oddly humorous to see the republicans try to shake the shit off their shoes, though they were so deep in it. But what happened there? Did Trump realize his plan had backfired after Pelosi and Pence had to call in extra police and the National Guard, and he couldn't use the insurrection act because he had caused insurrection. Or did it backfire because he, Guliani, and Don Jr.'s attempts to fire up the terrorists, were really an attempt to stoke leftist "Antifa" protestors to run in where a big fight would ensue, and then he could use the insurrection act. Though Fox news claimed Antifa was there and were the one's that broke in to the capital(I heard this reported) there were no left protestors who showed up, and the big insurrection plot fell apart. Well, maybe we will find out what really happened. In the meantime if Trump and his family. and Cruz and Hawley, will return to the bunker in the white house and break out the cyanide. If not, they should be arrested immediately and impedached today.
Senator Chris Coons has called for Cruz and Hawley to resign. I think that's pretty bold.
Trump needs to be impeached NOW. They need to arrest Cruz, Hawley, guliani, Flynn and anyone else who advoacted this coup. I want the people that were in the people's house to be arrested and convicted of treason. I want to know why there weren't police didn't make any arrests of people that were in the capital.... and why they were not treated the same as the peaceful MLM group with rubber bullets.. I am sick and tired of this.... I hear that Trump called into the GOP meeting that they were having Florida this morning and he got cheers from the group. They need to dissolve the GOP.
I'm absolutely disgusted with pissed off with our country right now and embarrassed by what happened yesterday. I worked in DC a few blocks from the Capitol from '95-96. I used to run during my lunch hour by the White House, up the Capitol steps. Years later, post 9/11 during a weekend visit to DC I went out for a run and thought it would be nice to do the Capitol steps again. When I saw all of the fencing and several guards at the building entrance I realized I completely forgot how it wouldn't be possible to do that anymore.
So how is it that yesterday, with police present, a mass of white supremacists were able to break a couple of windows and easily enter the building, take photo ops with police, steal property, look at computers, etc with no intervention? And then allowed to just leave with zero arrests. Peaceful BLM protesters were tear-gassed, beaten so Trump could have a photo op at a church but yesterday nothing? Were the police in on the coup attempt? Something is very off to me about how yesterday's events were possible.
Trump needs to be impeached and removed from office before Jan 20. No more excuses from passive Dems about it taking too much time, looking forward to rebuilding, blah blah blah. And I think it would be better to cancel any type of Biden/Harris inauguration day events they are planning. It is too risky and I'm even more concerned for their safety after yesterday.
So, I’ve been trying to explain the difference between the Omnibus Bill passed and the Covid Bill passed. They are not one and the same as I see it. Am I correct on that Mike?
You are. 100%. Media did a lousy job of explaining this.
Thank you. I have someone who swears the American people are being cheated out of $2000 because of foreign aide to other countries. Trying to explain the difference between the 2 Bills was making me crazy 😜🤦♀️ She refused to believe me.
Omnibus spending bill had a hard deadline and I think they thought it would be good to combine to get it done and then tRump blew it up.
Can you please post a list of phone numbers we can call to demand an immediate impeachment and flush?
202 224 3121 is the Congressional switchboard. Just tell them the name of your legislator and they will put you through.
It really sucks that Doug Jones is not my Senator anymore. Now it's just the old corrupt GOPer and the dumbfuck football coach.
Yes, we can call congresspeople, but what are the most efficient numbers?
I would just like to point out we are not after this. Literally some of the same nazis that planned Charlottesville violence in 2017 were live streaming themselves inside Pleosi's office yesterday. I get it normal people don't want to spend their entire day steeped in hateful right wing social media, but if you do not have that kind of knowledge you should listen to the people who do.
The only thing from their public plans that was not accomplished yesterday was the lynching of Congress people.
If you do not follow the far right on a regular basis, I implore you to understand that none of these events are happening in isolation. It is sustained organized efforts started by white supremacists and from what I've seen they have been able to expand their reach. They have successfully been able to recruit from what would be considered mainstream conservative republicans. They will not go away on their own and the police are largely sympathetic to them and often police officers are them because law enforcement at all levels has been infiltrated by white supremacists.
On the local level, it is hard to state how much of a gut punch it was that they were just allowed to disperse and only a handful of arrests. We who live here have endured 4 years of punitive violence by law enforcement, several mass arrests and political prosecutions since trump has been president.
I am hearing from people who are doing jail support (for regular people not trumpers) that the people who were arrested at the capitol are being issued stay away orders. So they can only be in DC for court. Enrique Tarrio was also given one which is good and may stem the frequency with which Proud Boys come to the city. We don't have cash bail in DC so either you get released with conditions or remanded. So it seems like the majority of them are being released.
So they are already planning coming back for the inauguration. A lot of talk about showing up with rifles this time. I hope people take them seriously this time but I doubt it.
If you wonder if you can do anything to help stop or slow this activity down, you can work everyday to dismantle white supremacy. Ignoring it is the genesis of all the horrible things we are seeing from the right. Not just the far right but the entire right.
Thanks for all the info Klo. And yes, people need to keep in mind it is all organized and coordinated.
I am sure there are some online articles that explains it. They cobbled together the 2 bills for the sake of expediency...until tRump blew it all up.
Hubby and I were shocked! I was watching with the captions on so that I could watch and listen to you at the same time. A lot of Trumpers are saying that this is no different than what happened after George Floyd. However, this was our democracy being attacked. Do those idiots not read numbers? That's what I don't understand, just like my crazy neighbor with his Trump flag still flying this morning! Then when Trump came on with his little video I almost threw something at the TV! "We won massively!" I am so happy that Twitter and Facebook are taking action. I can only imagine that he went CRAZY when that Twitter feed was taken away from him. It's going to be an interesting week. Meanwhile, we have two new Democratic Senators and Merrick Garland to be happy about.
I am trying hard to ignore it, however, after yesterday I wanted to go over there and rip it down! I didn't want to be shot though. Maybe I will try prayers and thoughts and prayers. LOL
The main reason why these Trump-inspired terrorists weren't arrested was that a large percentage of the Capitol police (like all other police forces around the country) are right-wing terrorist sympathisers. Plus I'm not surprised that veterans are involved in this too since the Obama administration was warning about right-wing racists trying to recruit current or former service members. Frankly there needs to be maximum state or county recruiting quotas in order to make the military more diverse and not have it be disproportionately white evangelicals.
Jeff C. I think you are being a unfair...the Capital police were overwhelmed....arresting a mob of terrorists takes a lot of officers which had not been made available. Their first concern is to protect the legislatures, which they did. The blame is well and truly on the shoulders of the tRump administration, they should have declared, prior to yesterday, that this protest was a National Security event , as a strategic precaution.The Capital police were heroic,video of them attempting to hold the doors certainly supported their courage.
They didn't look very heroic when they were walking away and letting the terrorist mob walk past the barricade, doing nothing when they were stealing items, or taking selfies with them.
But a certain percentage are right-wing nutjobs, especially in the higher ranks. Take John Kelly, Michael Flynn, and William Boykin for example. Not to mention during the Clinton years when domestic terrorist supporting soldiers were stealing ammo and weapons from various armories around the country, along with that horrible bombing in Oklahoma City done by two veterans named Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols. There were also few Marines in my previous units bitching about Waco when I served in the USMC during the late 90's and early 00's. So even though it's not a majority, it is a problem. I know a few other Marines that I had to ditch off Facebook over the years because they wandered into Alex Jonestown or claimed the Proud Boys weren't racist.