Thank you for leaving your s with the capable direction of Joe Sudvey in your absence. He is an exceptional guest host and if we are without you.

Love your show, enjoy your vacation

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Thank you for your tireless efforts. I am a more informed member of the LGBT+ 🏳️‍🌈 community because of your show and reporting. I will continue doing what I can in Florida to elect Democratic candidates!!! Enjoy the break!

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Grateful for you. Nice to know you are recreating & recharging! Hear you soon :)

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Have a great time Michelangelo! Hi from Lisbon 😃

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I trust your sojourn was the salve your soul required. We missed your beatdowns of the Maga's on your show. Have a safe return home kind sir.

BTW, Berman (former SDNY top prosecutor) released his book and I can't wait to devour it...

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You are a treasure, Michelangelo! Enjoy the rest of your vacation and safe travels!

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Appreciate you so much…y’all have a great time!

Joe doing great as usual!

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Much deserved. Have fun and stay safe.

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So glad you could get an extended break, much merited. Is deeply healing as you sense. Safe travels!!

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Missed on SiriusXM, but can appreciate a much needed break as I am taking a break from my job as well. Safe travels, I’ll b listening on Thursday.

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Enjoy the R&R, Michelangelo.

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So glad you are enjoying much-deserved time off! But…so happy you will be back just in time to accompany my husband and me on another of our road-trips. Your fellow sojourner and lover of truth and justice…Corinne

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Nice to see a relaxation photo! Glad you’re getting a break and we love Joe. Enjoy the rest of your vacation! Food looks yummy. Hope we’ll get to hear more on your show.

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Enjoy. ❤️

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Will you come back with a little smattering of Spanish? LOL

Viaje seguro de vuelta.

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Hi Mike, love the show. Enjoy your break but send pictures if you can.

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