
OMG when your caller says "I agree none of that happened." They are delusional. You know he has seen all the videos. Why does he lie? Trump has that caller and millions of followers convinced the insurrection was on election day and not on January 6th. We are not out of danger of losing our democracy. Great show, once again Michelangelo!

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Please call and email the DOJ and asked when Steve Bannon will be criminally charged

for violating a congressional subpoena. If people like Bannon don’t face consequences, people like Dan will feel more empowered to spread false information.

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Bennie Thompson is not doing his job, what is he afraid of? Congress is authorized to dispatch the Sergeant at Arms to arrest Bannon. It has used the Sgt at Arms twice in the past, 1920 and 1928, for that purpose and it was ruled constitutional by the courts.

Garland is not a good faith actor, he is dragging his heels, to protect Trump and the conspirators. His DoJ, has not pursed felony charges for insurrection and treason against the mob, as they should, but have downgraded the charged to trespassing misdemeanors.

Bidien has not cleaned out the Trump appointees from DoJ.. And he appointed a conservative Republicanas AG.. That hard right Senator from Utah, Orrin Hatch, vetted Garland to Obama, and Biden chose him as AG, because Biden is either weak, or complicit.

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Evidently, Dan thinks Insurrection and busting windows and destroying our Capitol are just part of regular tourism. I haven't met anyone who likes Trump who I will associate with. They are Fascists and are not worth my time since they don't listen to reason.

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I really wanted to hear his reasoning as to why he thinks none of that happened on 1/6.

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There are no good people who support the orange bastard. They either commit violence or support it via their silence/inaction. Sort of like the so-called "southern heritage" supporters of confederate statues who said or did nothing against the alt-right nazis in Charlottesville.

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Millions of people just like Dan here would fully support a fascist dictatorship as long as they have their orange god at the top to worship. As you can tell, I think our country is on a rapid downward slide into a complete loss of democracy. If this country is still a true functioning democracy in 2025, I will be shocked.

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There is little difference in America today than what Germany was going through in the 1930s, save technology amplifies the indoctrination into the cult.

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