This is a preview of what is to come- next is LGBT rights beginning with decimating Obergefell My wife is from Texas, and we have close friends there. We are doing everything we can to convince them to move.

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Dec 12, 2023·edited Dec 12, 2023

I have two gay kids -- a boy and a girl. Both are married and feel safe and secure. Personally, I think both are nuts. My daughter and her wife live in Broward County which trends liberal; however, the state is Fascist thanks to Gov. DeSatan and his cronies in the FL legislature. If we become an authoritarian state due to a Shitler victory in 2024, I'll move back to my blue hometown of Chicago .

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The High Nine will go BEYOND Obergefell.

They will rule that all forms of homosexuality are unconstitutional.

By the way, until 1977, “fornication” was illegal in New Jersey. Then a consenting couple was arrested in a car in a park in Jersey City, jailed, charged, and found guilty.

They appealed the conviction to the state Supreme Court, and the state’s lawyer argued that New Jersey had “health reasons” to have the statute and that fornication was regarded by many New Jersey residents as being “wrong and immoral.”

The Supreme Court response was great. “It may be so that many New Jerseyans regard fornication as being ‘wrong and immoral,’ but that does not include the Supreme Court, and we certainly do not regard it as being illegal.”

Given that the Bloated Yam has bopped his way through the world, it’ll be interesting to see if the Supreme Court rules on fornication.

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Interesting, but, but, but, but, the head of the FL GOP, Christian Zeigler and his wife (Moms for Liberty co-founder, Bridget) evidently thought their 3-ways with a school board member were exempt from the family values nonsense they preach.

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Yeah, I couldn't stop laughing about that one.

Well, all these defenders of morality are total fakes. Jimmy Swaggert and his hooker, Debra Murphee. Jimmy Bakker and Jessica Hahn, his secretary. D.C. Stephenson, who ran the Klan in Indiana in the 1920s, raped and murdered a young woman, Madge Oberholtzer. David Duke chased anything in a skirt, including other men's wives. Kevin Strom of the National Alliance pursued underage girls. Bill Riccio was accused of fondling underage boys. "Davis Wolfgang Hawke" and Danny Burros of the "National Renaissance Party" both turned out to be Jewish.

I'm sure I can find some more if I bother to look.

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Let’s not forget the Later-Day-Saints and Evangelicals who married off over 200k underage girls to older men in yrs 2000 - 2010*. All against the girls will but with the blessings of their very Christian parents, extreme churches & Republican state legislatures. Young girls sold off like cattle, & legally raped in the name of their Lord. Then forced to give birth so these “Christian men” could increase their family sizes to elevate their place in another religious fantasy, “the celestial kingdom.”

THIS criminal behavior is not only supported by our government but further encouraged with tax deductions (at all our expense) while the religious claim to be protectors of the children.

When the demise of the U.S. is recorded for history, it should be noted that the U.S. destroyed itself by allowing religious lunatics to infiltrate and control our government. Nothing like “judgement of the delusional,” allowed to destroy a nation inhabited by millions who did not agree with or support any of this religious nonsense. But, but the children” . . .

*Documentary. Info supplied by

female hostages who escaped the abusive Later-Day-Saints religion.

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Warren Jeffs was their "Glorious Leader," if memory serves. I think he fled to Hawaii.

Before him was Tony Alamo, born Bernie LaZar, from New York, who set up his compound in Texas, where his flock worshipped God and him in that order. In return, he raped little boys and little girls, while defying the IRS. He went to prison for defiling the kids, and died there. No bloody loss.

Lincoln was right about how this nation will be destroyed. It won't be from foreign invasion, it will be from within, and we will see it in the next 10-20 years, when the Bloated Yam becomes "Dictator-for-Life" and discovers, to his astonishment and chagrin, that he "can do a lot of things with bayonets, but he can't sit on them." Chancellor Schleicher said that in Germany in 1933. The next Chancellor was that guy with the dustbug mustache.

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Warren Jeffs was actually arrested & prosecuted for either multiple child rapes or abuse of children. Not sure of the final charges but Jeffs has a life sentence & from a TX prison still controls the Later-Da-Saints via phone to his brother.

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Dec 12, 2023·edited Dec 12, 2023

The list of GOP hypocrites is long.

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The last who were not were:

Nelson Rockefeller (had Jackie Robinson on his team, got rid of Robert Moses, and was a decent governor)

Barry Goldwater (a rock-ribbed Conservative nutball, but he was on the right side on abortion and Watergate)

Dwight D. Eisenhower (didn't lose ground to the Soviets, avoided wars, stood up to ridiculous military spending demands -- as Supreme Commander of D-Day, he had the chops -- sent troops to Little Rock, and warned about the Military-Industrial Complex)

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As Harlan Crowe's toady Clarence indicated after the fall of Roe, contraception is also on the chopping block. Funny how he didn't mention interracial marriage, which would likely be outlawed at some point, too. He has benefitted from a legal interracial marriage and from affirmative action, the latter now essentially overturned. It's good enough for him but not for the rest of us.

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Contraception and interracial marriage will go, too.

I've written about interracial relationships, having pursued black women when I was younger, even catching up with a couple (who did not have boyfriends or fiances).

The jewel that door pivots on is that 300 years ago, white slaveowners had this paranoid fear that Marcellus, the slave with the rippling muscles out in the field, would lead the revolt to sack and burn the "big house."

Worse, in the course of doing so, he would carry off Mrs. Planter with ulterior motives.

However, if that wasn't bad enough, here's the terrifying punchline for white men then and now: that Mrs. Planter would return to the "big house" the next morning, in a tattered dress, hair askew, a satisfied smile on her face, and say, "Honey-pie, you never did it for me. I just found out what all the fuss is about. So Marcellus and I are leaving you for good to

1. Move in with his Seminole relatives in Florida

2. Hitch up a wagon and go out West as pioneers

3. Otherwise sail off into the sunset

You will never see us again."

That is devastating to the fragile male ego and other parts of his body.

However, let's not forget that while the sort of interracial relationship I just described is a horror, it was perfectly all right for that same 300 years for white men to rape their way up and down slave row to provide more manpower, and then hire those women's descendants to "teach them the arts of the goddess Venus."

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Again and again. Especially to all the appeasers who say it’s only to prevent the use of abortion as birth control by airheads and oh don’t worry we have medical and rape and incest exceptions. Nope. This is Gilead, brought to you directly by the orange baboon. Mind you, that’s not even his beliefs; he doesn’t have any. It’s just red meat he throws at people who will enable him to pilfer in all impunity. How did this country become hypnotized by this senile con man who can’t string three words together to form a sentence? What have we become? Or were we ever as good as we thought?

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Never in my life did I think Americans could be stupid enough to vote for an orange con man.

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LJW, OMGosh, what a powerful paragraph !! Thank you for putting in words the voices of the sane portion of America, which is definitely more than 50%, 60%+ ? What better proof that every single vote counts than the realities of this shit-show of today ??! When some were indifferent, some voted 3rd party, some pissed not their fav candidate, and 100 FREEKIN MILLION DID NOT VOTE AT ALL !!! That’s HUGE bunch just sittin on their fannies. Scowl !!

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I have to say, why in hell would any young person want to remain in that Gilead-like, medieval, backward shithole? If I were Cox and her family, I would get our asses out of that shithole now and permanently. When all of the shithole Confederate states start losing their best and brightest, as Florida's current exodus of college professors demonstrates, maybe they will get the message. My bet is that they won't. So, if you are a young professional or family, stay the hell out of the Confederacy and let them rot.

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I would like to wear this in Texas: t.co/cPzR9h2zV6

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Love it!

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Excellent shirt.

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It'll be interesting to see when the Texas Supreme Court outlaws "unChristian" religions in Texas, like Islam, Buddhism, Unitarianism, and, of course and inevitably, Judaism.

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Thanks very much for these clear, strong and true words about what Kate Cox is going through to get an abortion after diagnosis of a pregnancy in which the fetus will not survive long after birth and which will weigh against Ms Cox’s chances of another healthy pregnancy if this one continues.

Thanks also for calling Texas what it has become – a theocracy in which the separation of church and state is out the window. I think we should be using the words theocracy and theocratic much more to describe what will happen if Trump or any other Republican is elected President. We need to focus on saying what is going to happen, case by case, and over and over again, if the Republicans take over the government. It may help change the minds of some voters, though probably not the Democrat and democracy haters.

I have also said before I think we should stop using the word conservative to describe what Republicans have become. They are not conservative but are truly reactionary. Extremist reactionaries. They want to turn back the clock on many of the advances America has made all the way since Franklin D. Roosevelt’s time. And they don’t care if they do this against their own best interests either. They are too full of hate to have thought it through what this reactionary behavior will do to their own lives. Surely many of these people or their loved ones will have life-threatening pregnancies and be cut off from medical help, too. Acting against their own self-interests should also be emphasized from now right until the election. Call out what they will do to themselves, as well as to others.

My wish is that Ms. Cox will go through her struggle successfully and have the child she seeks next time. She’s doing this for all of us.

Richard Simonelli

Fenton, Missouri

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Richard, and Mr. Speaker Johnson mindset I believe is truly like 400 YO Puritan wannabe. My ancestors, not very kind people, judgmental as all get out. Salem witch trials kind of says it all.

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Let's face it: Republicans, aka Dixiecrats, in the red welfare, former confederate states never believed in democracy, anyway. They have shown this to be true time and time again. They do not conserve anything, so they should not be called conservative. Socially conservative is one thing, but their ongoing efforts to impose their form of religion or morality on others is not conservative. And they are hypocritical because they engage in all of the behaviors that they want to punish others for. They don't believe in "live and let live" nor in the Golden Rule. As the great Maya Angelou once said, when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.

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Thanks Mike!


Correct to raise TFG’s answer to Chris Matthews for punishing women.

I note Cox left Texas for the procedure; but can she return home? What will Paxton do? Watch a bunch of Vigilantes sue for $10k each……Ashamed of Texas.

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👏👏👏👏👏👏hammer this theme home. Non stop till Election Day This is a total disaster. Why is KP not in jail? A question for the ages. Vote blue there is no other option

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As an RN over 25 years, I have talked to doctors all my career ( and still do of course) . Michelangelo, that man who called your show claiming to be a doctor ... I was convinced he was not a doctor! He spoke with zero medical authority. He was BS-ing in order to get in his anti abortion rant. Thank you for calling him out.

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And isn't it funny how only women are being targeted! I remember in health class that it takes a male and a female to get pregnant but the repugnants are not making any rules regarding the males ! Why is that ? Because it is about control of women ! These asshats want women out of the workforce and back in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant into a dystopian Gilead ! Next they will go after contraception, wait and see !

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Mike, that “pediatrician” from Florida on phone yesterday, really a pediatrician ? Seems like the nut meat of what he wanted to claim was he and wife had PG problem and the next day appointment was all set for a PG termination sans even consulting them, “just do it”. Which in the med world, is BS. Also DT saying “women who get abortions should be punished”, wait a minute. Was not he on the record saying “the 1980’s was my Viet Nam in trying NOT to get an STD” and he said he hated using condoms ?? So, he never ever paid hush money for even one abortion with that attitude/lifestyle ??

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Addendum, women don’t get pg all by themselves, Captain O., and DT calling for them to be punished. If he were the seed and he pressed for a hushed termination, shouldn’t “the man” be punished as well ??? Bio-fathers should also be the hook of punishment if Rwingers in Rstates go there. Damn Gilead. 60-70+% of us say NO !!!

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Dec 12, 2023·edited Dec 12, 2023

Hey Rick, that caller was full of it. No doctor is going to SCHEDULE any medical procedure without the patient's consent and, as Mike pointed out, they were allowed the choice not to go through with it, even though we all know he made it up.

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Ya, Sakina, was he making 100% of it up just trying to slyly get lefty air time to promote his c. nationalist r. winger agenda. One wonders.

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Exactly! I am convinced he was lying ....

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It has come to pass that red states that exist for the corporations and not their people are giving the rest of us a realtime example of their fevered dreams. This poor woman in her lowest psychological and physical state has to contend with an uncaring state more interested in making a point rather than showing the tiniest but of compassion. Right to Life has always been a sound bite rather than sound judgement when it comes to reality. That the state doesn't have a medical license should tell everyone that lording it over citizens is the raison d'etre in a Theocracy. Notwithstanding that states succeeding in enshrining Abortion in the state constitution are pointing us in the right direction, we must vote out those who care not for us except along tax base parameters.

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Agree with everything. We need to be screaming from the rooftops “ this is Trump’s America “.

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Yes. Thank you.

Proofreading point: I think you meant the fetus has a fatal *genetic* condition--not “genital.”

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Texas, Putin’s Russia, Orban’s Hungary...all are models for what Republican Christian nationalists want to bring to the USA nationwide, making abortion rights and the rights of LGBT people a thing of the past. It’s not a coincidence that Republican Christian nationalists and Hungary are both trying to block aid to Ukraine - they are working to help Putin keep “the depravity of the West” (reproductive freedom/gay and trans equality), from spreading, and reversing all our progress.

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