You should hold a game show contest: "Is this an idiot?" And you play a recorded phone conversation and wait to see who beeps MAGA or NORMAL.

I'd clean up. I love playing this game with myself. I got this guy's number 8 seconds in, when he used the word "just." That word signals a deception.

I was particularly enraptured by you, Michael, at 7:22 when you said, "... stain on this MAN'S legacy."

When I heard your say "MAN," I head your rage, my brother--it was enthralling. It was palpable here in Norway (I left the US year's ago to live in a normal country).

Dude! You are impressive, in your knowledge, articulation and passion. I am so grateful for men and women like you.

(I am also stoned on gummies right now, but I mean every word I said.)

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You lose. I got it from reading the title words “Trump Defender...” 🤣🤣🤣

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I heard this live and was both so dumbfounded by this cult member and so pleased with how you handled t that I went back on demand for that show and listened to the whole thing again. Cuckoo Land. They’re so far down the Faux News rabbit hole they can’t tell if it’s night or day. But you did a great job, staying calm and pushing him. Honestly this was really good interaction. Maybe you gave him something to think about. Thanks Mike

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Honestly, I am no longer dumbfounded by anything these people say.🤦‍♀️😡

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Only problem I see with this cultist's logic (if there was any logic to it) is 1. As you pointed out, President Obama was responsible for any prosperity we had in '17 and 2. I have no idea what 'peace' he was referring to. The orange monster started his presidency attacking Latinos, as I recall, and, thus, beginning the 'war' against ALL minorities in the country. As Forrest Gump said "stupid is as stupid does'!

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Michaelangelo the tel call conversations with bleach ingesting no IQ ers are priceless and hilarious. Thank you. There’s definitely a strong hint of masochism with the cult members. Surely they know they’re going to be blasted for their love of cretinism 👏

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It's sickening how petty and spiteful these cult45 members are. Always looking to own the libs and as usual, you slap them down with pure facts and reality, Michelangelo.

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Do the MAGATS comprehend reason and logic? Nope.

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Hard to comprehend anything if you have no brain.

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This call is the perfect example of why I love your show Michelangelo, you so beautifully refute the MAGA talking points these deluded Trump cultists try to argue. Once again I am inspired by your brilliance and your passion, it is so refreshing BRAVO!

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If you have to say “Oh I’m very smart!” Hmmmm….yeahhhhhh…..about that. 🤔🤔🤔🤔

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I agreed with everything you said until the very end. “I know you are smarter than that.” The guy is clearly an idiot. 🤣🤣

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People like Brian, I feel, know the truth but need to convince themselves otherwise.

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Adolf Hitler was considered one of the best orators in the world. He used this skill to destroy the world during his reign as the Dictator of Nazi Germany.

It is now obvious to me that 33% of America has become so dumbed down after Resident Raygun's austere attack on education over the last half century; and the proof of that is they consider the word salad vomit that "Hannibal Lectern" spews every time his ocher hued oral rectum spasms, as if it is Winston Churchill's WW2 oratorical address to the world!

Poor Brian is just another sad example as one of the Mad Hatter's MAGA minions, paying homage to the Lied Piper and his volumes of verbal diarrhea. I suggest ⸸RUMP start gargling Imodium ASAP!

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I’m a student who has recently come back from a solo trip to front line Ukraine. I’ve just published a new piece on my experiences and thought readers here may appreciate it. Please do see what you think. https://irongoose.substack.com/p/how-i-accidentally-plundered-the

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I was listening to your program today, Friday, about President Biden and the poles. Manchin - no democrat would vote for him. A true Democrat believes he deceived us on Build Back Better agenda. He would take away votes from Trump. Jill Stein same thing. We will not be hoodwinked again, especially the young people.

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Michelangelo was correct when he said at the end of the conversation that Brian seems like an intelligent person. THAT IS SCARY! I think of Trump supporters (generally) as having no ability to think for themselves and look through a critical lens. That’s how I make sense of the MAGA cult. The other Trump supporters are the super wealthy who just want the tax cuts. But Brian doesn’t fit either mold. He seems capable of critical thinking so WTF!!! 🤬

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