If groups like Listen to Michigan cost Biden the election, they will have only themselves to blame when Herr Pumpkinfuhrer starts his dictatorship and ethnic cleansing. My guess is that most of them belong to populations that dRumpf and his WCN buddies consider undesirables. Protests are great. Most of the time. But this feels like cutting off your nose to spite your fucking face.

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Feb 28·edited Feb 28

I agree, and guess what group will be at the top of Orange Hitler's list for deportation? His hatred of Muslims is epic, since 911.

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Yes and no: this demographic has a personal stake, either coming from that region, having loved ones there, or both. So, on an emotional level, I accept, but have concerns about the protest votes.

That said, I do think their anger at Biden is misplaced: he didn’t cause any of this. I put the biggest blame for this situation on Nentanyahu and his acolytes, since they’re now known to have been disregarding intelligence warning of something like the 7 Oct. attack.

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There was a portion of American hostages and victims in the attacks, and when that sort of thing happens the President has to react, even if only to keep from being eaten alive by the loyal opposition (as if we had it). The horror that followed dwarfed even what we all imagined, but it’s sickening to hear the old man being called Genocide Joe…though the internet herd seems to have given that up a bit

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Thanks Mike!

The protest is understandable, but the participants need to vote for Biden in November. If they do not, a Trump win arguably will put them in real danger, not protest. It’s Biden or Dictatorship.

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"Biden or Dictatorship."

That would make a perfect campaign slogan.

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Yes , the protesters are protesting the wrong person ! It's Netanyahu who is doing this ! He is the one leading the charge , so to speak because he doesn't want to go to jail ! As long as he has Hamas to use as an excuse , he stays out of jail ! Dumpster is only running for president in hopes he will win and not go to prison ! So stop blaming Biden for everything and put the blame on those that deserve it - Hamas and Bibi !

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So true Kimberly-this message should be understood by now.

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I keep thinking about how Trump lost the popular vote in 2016.

He refuses to pivot and continues to divide people into groups of desirable and undesirable.

Doesn't seem like a winning strategy. Nether did encouraging his supporters to not get the covid Vax or wear masks, and that killed off some of his supporters.

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What is it they think that Biden can do. Malcolm Nance was talking about this on Stephanie Miller's show today and he said this is not a genocide, this a war. Hamas started this war, that does not mean that Biden doesn't try to work towards a ceasefire and/or a solution, but he has already come and stated he is for a "two-state solution", but until Netanyahu is removed that isn't going to happen. And Trump will allow him to turn Gaza into a parking lot. I get it, you are angry, it is a protest, but at the end of the day, there a lot of more at stake and it is a selfish position to take. Even outside of Michigan in New York, Act-Up posted negativity towards the Biden administration, stating we should stop funding Israel. Once again, that is a very selfish position to take, because lots of people support Israel being the gate keeper in the Middle East, personally, I have always felt they were bullies, but in the Oct 7th scenario, they were attacked and they, as do we, have a right to defend ourselves. The way they are going about it is most likely not very strategic, just bombing Gaza and hurting innocent civilians is not going to resolve this issue. And this is a bigger issue than Biden or Trump. Stability in that region has been an issue for every administration for the last 50 years. The closest anyone has come to a peace agreement was during the Carter administration and then again during the Clinton Administration. Ironically, the ceasefire that Hamas violated was brokered by Hillary Clinton and others while she was Secretary of State. I have no idea how this is going to play out, but playing with your vote to send a message will have irreparable consequences.

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Tony Blinken is working his a— off trying to broker a deal with “Bibi” and Hamas that will free all of the hostages-a feat that’s nearly impossible. The Biden administration wants a ceasefire, as the protesters demand. These protesters need to realize that Biden IS listening. It’s Drumpf, with his Muslim ban attempt, who would NEVER do what isn’t in his own best interest.

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Ho hum, the Biden landslide has be tempered with non commitals?!? I surmise the boredom of reluctant praise wasn't eyeball catching enough. The real newsworthy cause was the turtle leaving the Senate. Found out that the public freezing was caused by connection interference with satan. With the trifecta of government we are rushing towards in November, we can start the wholesale reversal of the courts Mitch instituted...

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Latest worry: Supreme Court might grant him immunity.

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What the supremacist court just did was rob the American people of seeing trumpanzee held to account before casting ballots. I consider it judicial election interference...

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That's scaring the hell out of me right now.

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Scaring everybody and showing that despite the highly praised, legal arguments by the three appellate court judges, Drumpf “wins” by buying more time when his political friends enable him.

He should be in jail by now if the judicial system worked effectively.

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me too

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I’ve been thinking about the uncommitted vote and why it bothered me and how it's not to late to fix it.

First, the people who voted uncommitted aren’t at all uncommitted. I know a lot of them personally and we agree the vast majority of the time. They are in fact very committed. Not only when it comes to Palestine and Gaza but to a more just world in all sorts of ways.

Second, it assumes Biden needs to be forced to do the right thing. That he won’t demand an end to the Israeli actions without being threatened into it. That threat is, as far as I can see, a threat to make things worse on every conceivable level by undermining support for not just Biden but Democrats generally and handing power to the Republicans. This is, because the threat is based on the idea that Democrats are just as bad as Republicans, and so, they have to be forced to do the right thing. The uncommitted are saying they’re “sending a message.” And on this we absolutely agree but I’m not sure the message they’re sending is the one they mean to send.

The way their message is interpreted is as distrust and lack of support for Biden specifically and Democrats generally. This despite their explanation that they support Biden and the Democrats and understand the real threat posed by Trump and the Republicans because that explanation is wholesale ignored in the mainstream media. As they say, if you’re explaining, you’re losing. Uncommitted is a losing position. So, let me suggest an alternative.

Now, rather than staying with uncommitted, let’s tell the truth. We are in fact very committed and let’s claim the word. Let’s be committed to the long term goals of establishing a just two state solution between Israel and Palestine with mutual respect and security and clear established borders. Let’s be committed to doing something meaningful to deal with the problem of climate change. Let’s be committed to establishing universal access to good healthcare and education and to good jobs and fair taxes where people get compensated for their contributions but don't exploit and use public infrastructure without paying for it. Let’s be committed to equal justice under the law and universal respect for each other’s rights to express ourselves as we will absent the abuse of others of course. We are committed to appointing Judges and Justices who respect human rights, particularly the right of a person to do with their own body what they see as best.

By adopting committed, we would be claiming that position, and by voting committed in other Democratic primaries we would be acknowledging that only with that party can we expect to make any progress on those goals. We would be removing any idea that we can be manipulated into making things worse.

Voting is about power, about power, about power and which of the two parties we want to have our power. So, I’m “Committed” to voting for the Democratic party because I want “Committed” to become a force inside the party so we can get on with doing what this country and world desperately needs done.

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If we lose our democracy, it will be due to the sloth, delay, obvious corruption and complete inadequacy of our justice system to respond to the current political jeopardy. The latest example, of course, is the SCOTUS decision to take up the immunity issue, but the pathology is much broader and deeper. It begins with the flaccid, milquetoast fool Merrick Garland, the file clerk masquerading as Attorney General. There is no reason -- NO FUKKING REASON -- why it should have taken the House Jan. 6 Commission to shame him into the appointment of Jack Smith after months of apparently determined inaction on the investigation of the architects of the insurrection. But the delays that are so frustrating to those of us who want justice are fundamental to our court system. It is designed to hand out delays like candy on Halloween. I suspect that the reconfigured "justice" system we will have after the installation of the coming authoritarian dystopia will move much faster, evidence or not. Our Constitution and justice system are simply not configured to protect us from a corrupt autocrat. In fact, I am beginning to believe it is a feature, not a fluke.

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SCOTUS decision….. I am absolutely not surprised at all! I actually expected it that they will take the time to look at the case.

My own thoughts about it… I called it!! Yeah, it sucks but I know we will prevail!!

We will prevail Mike!

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Mike you must have your legal analyst on to speak to what the Court is doing on this immunity issue.

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