For some time I believed a monumental tidal way of karma was heading towards Trump, as it does towards other monsters like him. He knew how deadly and easily spread Covid-19 is, lied, misled and contributed to the deaths of 209,000 Americans. There's pressure right now from Republicans and some on our side to express empathy. Screw that. Trump is a monster, and his wife is just as heartless. My empathy lies with those who died, their families and friends. Trump can go to hell. I don't care how much he suffers or what happens to him.

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Well said Patty! The misplaced compassion needs to stop. I'm not seeing as much of that as I thought I would but I'm still seeing some, and it makes me want to gag. What's happening to Trump and his psycho-phants is the natural consequence of defying facts, science, and basic human freaking decency. The Rona is simply doing what the dems have been too weak and spineless to do, which is hold him and this administration accountable and take them down one by one. Sorry not sorry 🤷🏾‍♀️

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The comments are interesting. I'm glad to see that many readers are skeptical that Trump has the virus, not that I think it's accurate, but I think it's important to be on guard until the election results are certified. I do believe that Trump has the virus, but only because Hicks is his closest advisor and she not only tested positive, but she's showing symptoms. If his case is mild, we should expect his base to use this to further their deluded belief that the virus isn't deadly, and those who died, perished from unrelated co-morbidities (dying 'with' Covid vs 'from' Covid). I also expect to see a small 'sympathy bump' in the polls. The big question is what will happen over the next month. Trump can survive the virus, but he can't survive without the adulation of his cult followers. I wish that I could believe that the media will use this time to shine a spotlight on Biden's agenda and the pervasive voter suppression tactics by GOP state legislators and GOP governors, but of course, this will not be the case. It will still be non-stop coverage of Trump. I feel as though I am waiting for the other shoe to drop...maybe Bill Barr will unleash further DOJ corruption during Trump's quarantine, maybe there will be further damaging leaks from former Trump insiders...it just feels as though something momentous is about to occur. Am I the only one that feels this way?

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Nope you’re not the only one. I think something else is coming too. Fasten your seatbelts!

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My take is perhaps a little different to what I suspect will be the tenor of comments written here.

As much as I despise tRump I want him to recover. He needs to be there for the election and face the wrath of the people and be overwhelmingly beaten by Biden. If tRump is not recovered at election time and lose, Biden’s enemies will cry “foul“....and use the same argument we used when Clinton lost....that the win by Biden was “illegitimate “. The aftermath of a Biden win should tRump be still ill , will cause extra chaos to the new administration. A severe lost by a “healthy” tRump would diminish arguments by tRump supporters , at least one would hope so.

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A Biden win is not guaranteed by any means.

I don’t like polls nor do I trust them. But anything can happen this year—as it did in 2016.

On Wednesday I checked (and you can, too) Nate Silver’s website. They are roughly tied in three key states. 45 is up 0.7 in Iowa and up 0.1 in Georgia today. Biden is up 1.1 in Ohio today.

Next Wednesday October 7 is VP debate. Eyes on the prize.


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1) In 2016, around 15-20% of the electorate was undecided at this point. Most of those undecided went to Trump, thanks to Comey's last minute email announcement. This year, it's <5%. If ALL of them went to Trump, he'd still lose.

2) Biden is up 2-3 times as many points as Hillary was at this point.

3) In 2016, there were strong third party contenders, with many people planning to vote for them. That's not the case this time.

4) Biden doesn't really need Iowa, Ohio or Georgia. None of those states are key in any way. If he wins those states, then he'll already be way over 270 electoral votes. Those states would just be nice to make it a full sweep and make it even more obvious to the American people and the courts how badly he lost.

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Thanks for your thorough response. Sounds good to me. I got my info from a fundraising Kamala Harris-sponsored ad that popped up in Facebook. Here is the link. Maybe they were trying to project some desperation to inspire more donations.


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It is amazing that the GOP continues to get away with crimes. They are the party of criminals.

Nixon - Watergate; Reagan - Iran contra; Bush Sr. (head of CIA) - Iran contra; George W - weapons of mass destruction; Trump - Russian election fraud, lying, emmoluments clause, Stormy Daniels, sexual assault there are too many to list. We should be calling the GOP - Gross Obnoxious Pricks. They are the party that takes away peoples' rights/freedom/liberties but not for themselves. Selfishness.

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Am doing my part. Voted for Biden/Harris and other Dems by in person absentee last week.

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Trump is lucky to have our taxpayer funded medical care . I have no doubt he will get the best of care with our government healthcare ..exactly the healthcare he wishes to deny or take away from others . I can’t imagine what it would be like to go through COVID and also lose health coverage after the Supreme Court destroys Obama care . Trump is covered . So many In our nation are not and can’t afford these costs

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What about a set-up for a medical resignation? The coward then doesn’t face the voters and can then say to himself he didn’t lose. Then before resigning he pardons Pence, Pence pardons him and we get Pence-Hailey? Think the bone Spurs doctor note and Vietnam. If he truly had it, he wouldn’t say. Since he did and lies, what else might it be?

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Michael. I think this is all bullshit. He doesn’t have it. It’s in his words is a hoax. The dems better keep pushing hard and start playing dirty. Not below the belt. With no belt just like the Reich does every day. F em. They are all pure evil. White supremacy supporters are in it. That’s it. They are a death cult of hate and hypocrisy. We need to keep going. Pelosi and Schumer better do something quick. Or we will finally be a fascist nation.

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I think they should state all facts in this article. Trump closed boarders, when democrats, did not want him too, to prevent more infections, I seen this on news and debate. Sad you can't just say get well, instead blame getting sick on themselves. I personally know people, who wore mask and keep safe distance, from others. They still got this virus, was not there fault.

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I believe that he will not “fully” recover even if they say he is. Debilitating consequences of the virus may stay with him the rest of his life; serious heart conditions, extreme fatigue, chronic exhaustion or all of these.

He ‘s a sick, old man. Sick in mind, sick in body. I believe his BMI is higher than 30.5. He has no muscle. I read somewhere that he believes we are born with a limited amount of energy. So, he believes excersise depleted that “energy” so he likes to spend his “energy” in other ways.

I pity him. You reap what you sow. Hell, they might “chip” him while he is in the hospital. Oh Lordy, hold on to your horses!

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Chris Christie, Stepian, Kellyanne Conway, have all tested positive =for COVID Now if we could have Barr tested positive as well. I think that would be a home run. Maybe with Mike Lee, Ron Johnson and Thom Tillis they won't be able to take a vote on Amy Barrett until after the election. We can only hope that there are more republican senator that have to be quarantined. What a shit show.

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It's hard to tell if Drumpf is lying about having COVID-19 or is downplaying the severity of his infection. Either way, it wouldn't surprise me if he's doing this to change his poll numbers. Not to mention trying to still pull off this act of COVID-19 being just like the flu and that it's no big deal.

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IF he truly has the virus and recovers quickly, can you imagine the mask-tossing that will increase in this country? It will only spur on the people who are in denial and may increase the targeting at those of us listening to science.

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The well wishers for Trump's speedy recovery seem to be forgetting that the primary reason to wear a mask is not to protect yourself against Covid, it's to protect others. By failing to model mask-wearing (and mocking others for doing so), Trump was not just rolling the dice and accepting personal risk and now losing his bet (THAT might be cause to express some sympathy, after all who among us has not engaged in some form of risky behavior at some point). No, he was modeling the behavior of a predator, aggressively encouraging people to behave in a way that put OTHERS at risk. He's a monster, and his enablers are monsters too. So, no, I'm not inclined to hope for his speedy recovery. I'm inclined to hope that he leaves office as quickly possible and by whatever means available, including succumbing to the disease he brought on himself.

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Thanks for mentioning the shit-show presidential debate at which the president tried to emasculate Biden for wearing a mask so often and generally being safer about the pandemic. It was disgusting.

I really hope that his being positive takes the air out of the Covid deniers, conspiracy theorists and anti-maskers. America needs to wake up. The virus is spiking.

As for it all being “fake news”...

This is not “positive” news. It’s not a positive for his presidential brand. The president has little to gain by faking Covid. The Dow is down. That’s a huge sacred cow to him and his numbers.

Speaking of numbers, news coverage this morning is revealing his BMI at 30.5, just over the threshold for obesity. As much as he has tried to act like the healthiest person who ever lived and has perfect physicals verified by his wacky-looking personal “doctor,” both this revelation of his BMI and his being positive is entirely not good for his brand. A fake Covid diagnosis would eventually come out in the wash of the press.

He doesn’t strike me as someone afraid to debate or, unfortunately, afraid of Biden, at whom he roared and no doubt spat venom and droplets from 12-15 feet the other night. Tons of his supporters—and maybe at least a few undecideds—are entranced by toxic masculinity.

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He's overweight, doesn't exercise, eats junk food as a norm, probably has diabetes.... good luck. He'll need it. I hope Biden was far enough away from tRump's tantrums to have been safe.

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