Oct 20, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

First, thank You Michelangelo for your show and newsletter. You are helping to keep me sane and I love when you clap-back at the Trumpers.

Trump is spiraling out of control. I’ve always had an interest in abnormal psychology so I’m weirdly fascinated by his frightening mental state. He is increasingly projecting his flaws and truths about himself and his corrupt family onto others. Maybe his recent increase in his public cursing and strange behavior (even for him!) is due to a mix of roid-rage and his mental instability. Dancing to YMCA? Telling a crowd he’ll kiss everyone, even the men?

He’s terrified, like the cornered cockroach that he is. He’s done. And he needs to be immediately removed from office after he loses on November 3. No waiting until January.

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Thank you! And I agree re: Trump. Last night in Erie, PA he told his audience "I didn't want to come to Erie," but that he had to because he's losing. What people in their right mind would still support someone who said that? You are right -- his heart is not in it and he is terrified.

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Oct 20, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

As a drag queen I once knew said, "He's got farts in his dream box"! While I know it will be hard for him to face losing, but as the 28 million who have already voted prove, he is done, WE are done with his antics and ineptitude. When he attacks Dr. Fauci, he has crossed the line. It's time for America to heal itself from this scourge... and the virus! :-)

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Even one of his own campaign officials -- I suspect the campaign manager -- told CNN it was "not smart" to attack Fauci. They can't control him.

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Michael, that is SO true, he is out of control. That same drag queen also used to say "She's a sick little girl and she's living a lie!" Could it be tRump she was talking about?!?

And a big thank you for the pleasure you give us all when you stand up to and then take down the moron Trumpers who call in to your show!

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Oct 20, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

One can hope that once a new administration is in the WH, tRump and his gang will have a load of investigations, subpoenas, arrests & court cases against them to distract them from creating more chaos. They will be throwing accusations at each other, flipping on their colleagues etc. Our greatest concern is Nov.to Feb., when tRump faces his failed reelection bid head on, he will be like a caged and totally out of control mental case. I have no idea how we deal with that? Perhaps tRump will assist our anxieties by resigning or disappearing somewhere with his family.

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Oct 20, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I'm hoping that as soon as his term is up in January that he will be arrested and/or charged for all his crimes. Maybe being tied up in litigation for years will cause him to lay low or as he mentioned over the weekend, leave the country. We all know now who are friends and family are that have turned out to support this racist. We can stay clear and send them thoughts and prayers from afar.

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Oct 20, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Trump must be held accountable for his hate speech on some level of justification. When will the leaders of his so called people party voice there words against the his monster of ego and vile .

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Oct 20, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I am worried once Trump loses the election . Will Trump start to just go from state to state and do rally’s against the current administration and cause chaos and civil unrest in his way . The real question the leaders have to ask once Trump loses these rally’s must stop he must not be allowed to cause civil unrest . It’s one thing to hold a rally but to chant lock her up while she had a death threat against her life and his is on another level

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Oct 20, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Michelangelo. Voting is not enough for the party of white supremacy. They control too much of our government now. Courts and senate and presidency. They do whatever they want and say whatever they want and there’s no ramifications ever except Americans are dying and suffering all over. We need a backup plan to flee this country if they are still there in mid January. Period.

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Oct 20, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Please I pray he loses. Can you imagine this monster in command for another 4 years : and last night he was blasting tony the head of cdc again

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Michelangelo, thanks for thanking us but we thank YOU. The weekend threads are a highlight of my week, feel like we have all met so many friends here and love hearing from people in different parts of the country as well as our overall lives, like Ric’s bike rides in MN and Sandra in Seattle’s rain, etc. Too many wonderful people on here to name them all. Thank you also for the on air shout out to Jacinda on your show yesterday, she touched us all this weekend.

I hope one of the first things Biden does is expand SCOTUS. We will need it. If that patronizing ABC was on already Pennsylvania voters would be totally screwed up now and I shudder to think of all the damage that will be caused by the court for years if it is not rebalanced.

I also think we are going to find out Trump is much worse than we know about, I hope someone at Walter Reed will break their NDA and reveal he did have a stroke last year. I do have hope Biden is already putting together people and policies that will liftoff right out of the gate to reverse all this shit. Finally we can have an honorable DOJ again.

Cheers, Chris in California 😎🌴🏄🏼‍♀️

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Thanks Chris! So great to know the weekend discussions have been beneficial and that you've connected with people here. It's really what I hoped the newsletter would be.

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Ah thanks Chris! It's actually a gorgeous blue-skied and sunny day in Seattle today and no rain! Hugs!

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We thank YOU! You keep us informed and provide an outlet to grieve and then mobilize. I look forward to your weekend posts every week. You and your listeners and readers keep me motivated even when I feel sad about all the hateful things trump does or says. You were such a voice of reason for me when I discovered you by lucky chance, on OutQ radio years ago right as my son was coming out.I am grateful for all of the many ways you continue to educate and inspire us! Big Hugs and Lots of Love to you from all of us!

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Tina, it's so great to hear that history going back to OutQ. That was the first-ever LGBTQ national radio channel and I began at SiriusXM on that channel in 2003, the first talk channel on Sirius (before the merger with XM, and when there were only music channels). It filled such a void for people all over the country and we went through some historic times -- big lows during the Bush era and big highs during the Obama era. Then I moved to the newly-formatted Progress channel (it had previously been SiriusXM Left) with an exciting line-up. And again we've been through historic times -- highs and lows (big big lows). Thanks for being with me all that time and let's make some big history in two weeks.

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Amen to that! Yes to history in 2 weeks!! And then when I listen I’m going to have a glass of champagne in hand to toast new brighter beginnings!❤️❤️❤️

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Thanks MS, you keep us sane. Having a healthy outlet for our outrage with like minded Patriots is vital!

I go from day to day and think, how could I be more enraged than yesterday, but then the orange clown says or does something else!

We are all stuck in a Jerry Springer show or a Jim Jones like cult.

I hope if we gain control of Washington that we have some kind of classification of Qanon as a domestic threat and no one can be elected to government with this belief system. We need our law makes having a grasp on basic reality!

God help us going forward. A third of this nation will need cult rehab de programming!

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Thank you Lisa --- yes it's a cult. And the damage has been enormous. I'm hopeful that a lot of these followers will eventually realize it, once it's punctured, that they were had, that they were fooled. How many? I don't know.

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Ah....do you think that the “cult” followers will get free “rehab”mental health care if SCOTUS completely guts ObamaCare? Classic case of “pre-existing condition” I suspect.

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I appreciate you so much and listen to you every day or "on demand".

The program is always so well done and I love the interval music during breaks. I also think you have a great sense of humor that comes across in your communication. And you do keep all of us sane although at times have felt overwhelmed with political actions.

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Thanks Sandra. As I've said many times, you all keep me sane too. And I'm glad we can still have sense of humor --we need to laugh at the absurdity of all this. It's part of empowering us and allowing us to feel we can and will overcome this.

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Michelangelo - thank you again for keeping us sane and engaged here at the Substack. We are all Substackers that want this Orange monster out of the White House and in jail. Engaging with so many Subs is awesome and you promoting democracy, freedom of speech while our democracy is under attack is a lifesaver, a place where everyone is welcome to express themselves and speak the truth. Thank you for everything!!!

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Thank you Serge --- have loved your comments and energy here, much appreciated. Glad you've been able to connect with people -- and that we can all assure each other we're not the crazy ones, by bar. And I have to watch that documentary, everyone's talking about it!

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I meant to share, this past weekend I watched “The way I see it”, documentary from Pete Souza and cried and asked myself, HTF we got this monster elected for the highest office in the land? This is America, we are acting, behaving like a total Banana Republic. Just like you said, let’s be engaged and alert because the shit is about to hit the fan and it will take all of us, “United” to clean this “Asshole’s Dumpster Fire”!!!

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Wow I just watched the unedited 60 minutes footage that the campaign released and I just don't see how they think this helps him. Anyone not fully immersed in far right bs, which most of us who are, are or were paid to be so, will have no idea what he was talking about. It gives me some hope that he will be so spun up to drastically blow this debate percormance. Also his misogyny was on full display with the interuppting of Stahl and saying phrases like "that is no way to speak" when she challenged him on statements he's made. Also guess the Covid crew is back because McEnany was that to hand Stahl a large binder full of the alternative health care policy that may have consisted if blank paper. I have not independently that confirmed that yet.

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Thank you for sticking up for the majority of us in Michigan who LOVE our governor.

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You are the bright spot in my afternoon when I get to listen. I've called once from here in East Tennessee. We walked five miles in our neighborhood last night and I was amazed with the number of Biden Harris signs I saw, some with the most hideous Trump displays on the other side of the street. So many rednecks and misguided souls who may cause trouble if it doesn't go the way of 45. Tom in Knoxville.

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