
Trump’s “advisors”… Stephen Miller, Bannon and probably disgraced General Flynn are the motivators of Trump’s traitorous rhetoric. Yes, it appears that they are propagating a fascist movement towards violence. We need to avoid allowing the word “fascist “ to become benign , where we don’t take the word seriously anymore. It is important that we remind ourselves and others what damage fascism has done to democracy. We are heading into dangerous political waters, where these anti-Americans & freedom haters are being wound up to cause chaos & doubt . We need to stand firm and encourage doubters to vote BLUE.

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There are too many Americans who don’t know what the word “fascist” means which is already dangerous.

The plan started during the Reagan years to cut teaching civics education has led us to this. An American society unable to understand the importance of the rule of law and separation of powers.

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Feb 13·edited Feb 13

The extreme wing of the public on party is running the show, and MTG, from a very rural area of Georgia, has threatened to oust Johnson, so he’s scared and won’t present the latest aid package. A few extremists, representing a small minority of Americans, now have control over aid to help protect Israel and Ukraine.

Drumpf, MTG and their ilk are not republicons; let’s call them “magacons.”

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They are traitors and fascists

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Could you imagine if Omar or AOC tried to do what MTG is doing?

True example of white privilege.

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You can always tell when the profit motive overtakes common sense. I sorely miss the local newspaper when, as a first grader, I asked for when handed Dick and Jane. The sheer obtuseness of some journalists to paper (pun intended) over alarming utterances and render the message inert will actually be surprised when the invasion of Eastern Europe commences. Folks, the MAGA's are a step ahead because the fascist grooming started in trumpanzee's first go around. Mr. Signorile, thanks for the reminder but the sanity drumbeat is quite unheard by MSM.

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Obviously a ruse by pooty poot. NATO has always been a defensive NOT an offensive organization. Love the way you use ludicrous Mr S! Absolutely fitting.

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Thank you Mike!

I agree wholeheartedly!

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I watched This Week and Jon Karl was the host. I like Karl but I feel like I was watching Entertainment Tonight. The first half was about Biden’s age. The second half was what Trump said about Haley’s husband. They barely touched on NATO. Very disappointing

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Agreed - I turned it off. Too dumb to bother watching.

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In 2022, Poland's GDP was $688.2 billion. From the World Bank. 2% of that, what would go to NATO that year, would be $13.76 billion. In 2021, we the Federal Taxpayers of the U.S, GAVE Florida $48.1 billion in Free Money, GAVE $46.8 billion to Texas, GAVE $73.4 billion to Ohio, GAVE $20.4 billion to Georgia, so on and so forth. And we're worried about $13.76 billion from Poland, which, consideration all the lies that flow from the mouth of a certain former president on a regular basis, they may have actually paid.

Using a certain former president's own logic, we should then cease REDISTRIBUTING the VAST AMOUNT of FREE FEDERAL MONEY we've been giving away to the CHRONIC FAILURES known as Red States. After all, 11 of the 25 states that voted for a certain former president in 2020, have absolutely NO HISTORY of ever receiving LESS MONEY than they paid in Federal Taxes. These states seem to be contributing nothing what so ever to the country, so why continue to support them? Same logic, no? Socialism is a bad thing according to their own statements, yet 24 of the 25 states that voted for a certain former president in 2020, constitute what may be the largest Socialist 'State' in the history of the world. If Socialism is such a bad thing, let's stop the Socialism we have here first, no? Nothing like starting at home.

A certain former president is concerned over $13.76 billion, while just the 4 states mentioned above constituted a GIVE AWAY in 2021 of $188.7 billion! And that's just 4 Red States. We gave enormous piles of money to the 20 other Red states that year as well.

Of note, Russia, the country a certain former president seems so enthralled with, is, as of 2023, the 11th largest economy in the world. Somewhat pathetic given it's vast size. But they've always had issues getting products from point A to point B. Look at the massive logistics screwups they've in trying to 'invade' the much smaller Ukraine. For a country the size of Russia and with the resources they have, this should have been a piece of cake. But, alas, they've always excelled in getting in their own way. So, they end up #11 behind Canada, Brazil, Italy, France, UK, India, CALIFORNIA (which makes them sort of #12 actually), Japan, Germany, China & U.S.

This is the country a certain former president former president has chosen to align with.

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Peter Baker - King of the Weasel Words

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