May 2Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

The orange demon and his cult are racists and proud of it. How embarrassing to our country!

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I have a shirt that says: Keep the immigrants, deport the racists.

This one 👇


Perfect for these times!

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May 2·edited May 2Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Thanks Mike!

Cruelty is the point!

TFG stopped a border bill to do this!

Vote Blue: Lives DO depend on it!

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May 2Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Agreed - that’s exactly why 🤡 stopped the bipartisan border bill and the craven Republicans fell in line 🙉🙈🙊with their wannabe dictator.

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Drumpf and Johnson STOPPED a bipartisan border bill. This needs repeating, over and over. And it needs to be said EVERY time the magacons bring up a border crisis. Expose them for the hypocrites they are.

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May 2·edited May 2Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

ya know, this is rich coming from someone who has actively sought out immigrants to work on his building projects. Immigrants made this country and we are all ancestors of immigrants. It irks me to no end that there isn't a plan to fast-track the immigration process so that people can contribute to this country without retribution. And here's a couple of things, it will be interesting to see people rounded up, especially people who have been here for decades, and two things come mind, who is going to fund this process of removing 11 million people and where do they get sent to? And are the employers of these undocumented people to be prosecuted too? I mean, what a shitshow this is gonna be. Also, what happens to these dreamers, who have never been to their country of origin or have no recollection or even speak the language, many of which are students and people who are working and contributing to our country waiting and hoping that at some point they will be legally made US citizens, in the only country that they have ever know and were raised up in.

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This deportation is all a sham-the Magacons have no plan. They don’t want a plan either (i.e. the border bill they killed) bc that would mean there’s nothing to run on. Republicons have no solutions, just problems to incite their voting base.

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Do you think anyone who isn't an immigrant wants to work for Trump?

Wouldn't be surprised if Trump personally went down to the pier when boats arrive to pass out pamphlets about jobs at Trump's plantations. 😂

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yes, immigrants have worked for Trump. Michangelo talks about this all of the time, so does Joe Sudbay who I believe is an immigration lawyer. In fact, there were reports of the Trump company recruiting people from other countries to work here at Bedminster. And I believe there was an attorney interviewed on one of the programs who is representing some of the immigrants (undocumented) workers who reported abuse at Bedminster, sexual assault, etc. I don't know if you are being flippant with me or if you think I am just giving you anecdotal information.

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May 2Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

My personal thought is that the GOP/MAGA have put in agitators in each campus to cause this mayhem ! They have been claimed to be peaceful protests but there has been some trouble and many arrests ! I dare say this is something that dumpster and his cronies would do , cause chaos ! And the repugnants are trying to introduce bills to get rid of fair voting rights . They have an army of imbeciles that will go around voting sites to intimidate voters and those that work there .Then they continue with gerrymandering,

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I agree. Remember when Drumpf said the 1/6 insurrectionists were really Antifa? These “agitators” are his chaos militia, trying to cause problems for this administration.

Another thought, if the 1/6 insurrectionists were “Antifa”, why is Drumpf calling them prisoners and threatening to pardon them all?

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Mike, it seems the dumber these politicians portray themselves they believe the more votes they will receive. Great Replacement Theory is, IMHO, 21st century Jew hatred, pure and simple.. Mike, as you know I’m a 72 year old Jewish guy..I find the public discourse concerning the existence of Jews, questioning the patriotism of Jews and finally the remarks by TFG concerning the practice of the Jewish religion by Jews to be reprehensible to say the least…makes me sick. Thanks for what you do Mike.

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May 2Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Is it a coincidence the MAGAs seem so well prepared to react to what happened on 10/7 and had their antisemitism accusations loaded and ready? Bibi would do this in a heartbeat to get rid of Biden. It's not just the Russians who see an opportunity to influence our elections. I don't know if you heard Mike Pocan on Thom's show but the recent polling here in Wisconsin is very depressing and stems mostly from the current unrest. The mind set from 2016 is alive and well in 2024 from both the left and right.

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Bibi knew about the plans a year in advance and did nothing.

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May 4Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I really don’t think a lot of Americans have thought about what Trump is pledging to do day one. As part of his message of fear and to appease the racist MAGA cult, we will start the biggest mass deportation in history. The plan is to roundup 10 to 20 million “illegals” and put them in detention camps. This will be such a massive endeavor almost every person in America will be impacted. Trump and evil racist Stephen Miller (author of the heinous removal of brown children from their parent(s) caught entering the U.S. at the Southern border) are drooling over the opportunity to save America from a nonexistent crisis.

America has already experienced an idiotic race-based panic during WWII after Pearl Harbor. Japanese immigrants, many of which were Americans, were told to pack small suitcases and meet buses that would be parked in their neighborhoods. During those years, most Japanese lived in major cities often in segregated neighborhoods. That made it easy to put signs up in store windows and announce the evacuation plan on the radio. About 90% of Japanese immigrants, the majority of which were legal residents or citizens and were singled out because they were easily recognizable by their skin color and facial features. But white Germans and Italians weren’t part of “saving America from from our enemies” plan.

The government hastily built ten detention camps in remote locations across nation. Each camp was surrounded by barbed wire and chain link fencing. Whole families were detained so there were small shacks for them. Others lived in bunk houses. Conditions could be brutal in places like the desert between California and Southern Nevada. They had to cook for themselves but the food was unfamiliar army grub. Almost 120,000 people were held from 1942 to 1945. It was estimated that almost $400 million in land, businesses and homes were taken from these Americans.

Fast forward to summer 2025, the National Guard have been deployed to search every city and town that “illegal aliens” would live or could hide. Since they are searching for brown skinned people, every brown skinned American will probably be stopped. There will be some lists they’ll work off but every Jose Garcia or Maria Sanchez is going to be suspected. Native born and naturalized citizens will be required to prove they are legal. Hispanic American families will be repeatedly stopped and detained. Brown skinned people of various races will be arrested.

The Japanese Americans were respectful of FDRs roundup order so gathering people (mostly located on the West Coast) was not very difficult to achieve. However, the task of gathering up millions might take years. Sweeps through Hispanic neighborhoods and work places would be a time consuming task for the Guard. There would have to be progressively complicated searches and even door to door searches. Citizens will be encouraged to turn in a neighbor or two.

I would imagine that tent cities or mobile buildings would be used to quickly create camps surrounded by 14 ft. chainlink fence with barbed wire across the top. Camps would need to be staffed with guards and medical personnel. Camps would become cities within weeks. You may live in LA but wind up in North Dakota. Family members not affected by the deportation order may have to spend months trying to locate a loved one in a camp or discover they were bused across the border to who knows where. Parents may be grabbed at their job but their children at school. I would doubt anyone would bother to take the time to reunite families in one camp.

While the National Guard is wrangling very mad people, some will be sent to local jails to await for a trial. Resistance is a crime in America. There will protests and immigration lawyers working overtime. Many people of all races will be standing up against this racist mass deportation.

Within days, all of America will be feeling the effect of stripping the nation of immigrants. Getting your burger will take longer. Your clothes won’t be ready at the cleaners. School floors won’t be mopped. Produce farms across the nation will be raided leaving the fields to rot in the sun. Produce will become much more expensive and hard to come by. Chicken will be bard to find as poultry processing plants will be still. Pools will turn green. Lawns will grow too high. Boxes won’t be packed. Churches will be empty. The bodega will close. Buildings will be missing roofs. Moms won’t be able work because the nanny is gone. Every aspect of our lives will be touched. He undocumented immigrants will have have been shipped to south of the border. And thousands of Americans will be judged by the color of their skin.

Since Trump prefers immigrants to be from white countries, those people won’t be part of the initial deportation plan just like the Germans and Italians in WWII. Obviously because your skin color matters more than you character!

Life will be tougher. Unemployment will soar. The economy will suffer. Less taxes will be paid. Homes will be abandoned.Businesses will be forced to close. Why? Because immigrants play an important role in our economic health by filling jobs that Americans won’t do.

So will the racists of America sleep better at night? Will you be a part of stopping this travesty? VOTE FOR JOE BIDEN.

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May 3Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

…if country allows a dictator to become a dictator after he said he will be a dictator, then a country deserves a dictator

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May 2Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Guess which air manufacturers will benefit from this? See who donates to what….. opensecrets.org

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May 2Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

You are absolutely correct about how Republicans and cynically and hypocritically all of a sudden become champions of the Jewish community. (I would guess that the vast majority of the yokels in Stefanik's, Greene's et al districts have never met a Jewish person.)

But I take strong exception to your claim that these cannot be antisemitic protests because there are some Jews taking part. You of all people should know that there are self-loathing individuals in any community. The vast majority of those protesting are engaging in antisemitic rhetoric: Calling for the destruction / elimination of Israel. And if these are not mostly antisemitic, then are Jews afraid to be on these campuses? My nextdoor neighbor's daughter, a student at Barnard, is absolutely terrified based on the chants and signs of those who have, inadvertently at least, sided with Hamas.

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Hypocrisy thy name is GOP.

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Another gem from the 'upstate Republican hayseed' Elise Stefanik, no doubt. She's still auditioning, no?!

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Deport? Now there’s a thought about the blight on our country! Jail him while we search for an island to stowaway his sick a$$ !!

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His plan for creating camps should make us all scared.

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