Yeah, this is a bad look for both Hillyard and Trump. The reporter SHOULD have reported on Trump's behavior because it's relevant to his fitness for office. And Trump? He's a sadistic bully who's been enabled his entire life, ESPECIALLY by the media. It sets a DANGEROUS foundation for the 2024 election.

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This angers me to no end. I'm sick of hearing about access! With the orange menace, it's SSDD (same shit different day). Narcissists do not change, especially sociopathic narcissistics like him and other extreme republicans. We know that in the past reporters protected previous presidents up through Reagan and H.W. Bush. Then the gloves came off with Clinton like we had never seen before. Since Reagan, only GOP presidents get the kid glove treatment by the mainstream media. Clinton, Obama, and Biden have not been afforded the same treatment by and large.

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Thank you!

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You are spot on, Sakina. They non-stop attack Democratic leaders while they merrily lie, cheat, and steal. What about George W's war crimes and bombing the wrong country? Crickets. The media has been too kind to the flabby, orange Nazi. He's a Class A criminal and should have been in prison long ago. I can't watch the news on television. My husband likes CNN. I can't tolerate any of the TV b.s.

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I hear you. But MSNBC is the only network giving us the truth about what’s happening, in my opinion.

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Larry, I agree with you, but I don't watch it as my husband is glued to CNN.

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Donnab, I'm still hanging in with MSNBC but not all day, everyday. I can't take CNN anymore. I love my SiriusXM Progress and Free Speech TV hosts, as well, especially Michelangelo.

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Hi, I trust Michelangelo and MSNBC. I am sick of CNN. I read Michael Moore also. There are honest journalists out there. I prefer them to CNN and other network outlets. Our local newspaper, The Tampa Bay Times, leans left of center so I read that, too. If you want to see how nuts it is in Florida, check this out: www.floridastraights.com The insanity is getting more extreme.

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OMG! It never ends. We need to send the extremists back under their rocks where they came from!

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Yes, they are getting crazier by the minute. I'm sure they all have guns, too. What is this world coming to?

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Hillyard should have reported the entire incident. If he loses his access to Trump, he should report on that as well. If the public is not allowed to view the naked emperor, they will always praise his wonderful clothes.

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Excellent analysis. If enough reporters are not getting “access” because of tough and persistent questioning, then it’s another example of DT’s being unfit to hold public office. Let’s continue showing strong examples of this Orange demon’s narcissistic personality. Journalists need to seek the truth and news organizations must disregard profit, for the sake of our democracy. Their livelihoods are also at stake because if we don’t continue as a democracy, the free press is gone.

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We’ve all certainly seen the naked emperor.

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And it ain't pretty.

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I am so sick of this guy and his bully mentality. Why no one ever calls him out sickens me even more. They are afraid of him, afraid of losing access to him and his lies, afraid. For Gods sake, lock his a$$ up already.

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Yes. It should have been reported but doesn’t make a difference. I can think of no greater a-hole than a rapist who insults his victim’s looks as a defense. 🤬

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Or a misogynist piece of shit who, after saying that Carroll is "not my type," (the sociopath has a "type" that he rapes, evidently), is shown a picture of her and mistakes her for his second wife, with whom he's cheating on Ivana, who's also in the picture.

I don't know if it's possible for him to be any more disgusting.

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He’s so disgusting he’d never get past an editor as a fictional villain because it’s unrealistic for someone to be all bad!

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Reporters should ignore that piece of shit. He doesn't respect them, why do they respect any of the bullshit he has to say? Just a sad, pathetic situation.

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tRump can’t handle criticism. He is as fragile as an egg shell when someone says the truth. He is a (insert your favorite derogatory adjective here)

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they let him get away with murder, Typeo year 2106 ??? lol

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How many died from COVID because he said it would go away by itself?

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How many times does Humpty Dumpty Pumpkin have to flip out before media pundits hold him responsible for his deranged behavior? Apparently not enough? His tirades and outbursts are revolting. He will lose Bigly in the next election. Hopefully his non stop consumption of processed foods and chicken nuggets will accelerate his descent into food coma oblivion

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We know this story very well, and the constant struggle we have dealing with roughly 30 percent of the country’s being brainwashed, continues. It’s exhausting. What gives me hope is that our “side” consists of brilliant people who have good intentions, open minds, and who understand the benefits of knowing history and trusting science.

We need to be determined and brave fighting these corrupt bullies. We need to register and VOTE!

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CNN is going for ratings. Full stop. They are hoping he’ll have such a moment not fearing it. The argument that he is a legit candidate left the barn long ago. Stop giving him free ads, MSM!

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Hey Donnie: Do you want some cheese with that whine?

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Again, Traitor Trump gets a pass. Bully that he is, Hilliard is lucky they weren’t at 30,000 feet. That’s a long, cold, lonely fall to the ground.

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