Jul 1, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

At least his timbre was calm and civil, unlike most of the racist rabble that CONgregates in these 'chicken hawk coups' masquerading as Senior Citizen enclaves! The golden years come to mind along with an air of incontinence!

As Horace Greeley once quipped while tripping on acid, "Go South, Young CON"!

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Jun 30, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I laughed yesterday when his “good friend” was actually a co-worker he had a beer with. Not sure how he defines his actual friends but I can assure you he’s had more than A beer and they aren’t black.

For Mike and MANY others, they go with the Archie Bunker definition of not being racist: they live close to/work with/shop at a store with a sprinkle or less of African-Americans so they’re not racist. And they also aren’t racist against Asian Americans because they eat “Chinese” food on occasion. Ignorance is bliss!

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Oh but they must be good friends, they went to the boobie bar!!!

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Jul 1, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

He wasn't verbally abusive, so props for that. But this whole defense of not being on social media therefore not seeing the racism, misogyny, corruption and the whole shit show baggage of this presidency is the same tactic the Republicans use when they refuse to be briefed on coronavirus, the bounties on our troops or anything they want to have plausible deniability about. It just doesn't wash. He doesn't live in a vacuum. If he's unplugged from Limbaugh, Fox, Hannity on his radio and listens to actual news reports, and even if he doesn't and listens to Fox interviews, he can hear this unhinged racist monster for himself. And if he does and still agrees with him, then he's on board with the shit show baggage, too. Can't have it both ways, can't be "just a little pregnant".

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Exactly. Overall, i've noticed the tone of the Trump supporters getting a bit sheepish. Like their heart isn't in it.

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Jul 1, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

The caller is walking on thin ice with his Drumpf worship.

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Jul 1, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Cannot fix stupid which IQ45 supporters prove every day.

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The astonishing revelation is that Trump has given people permission to be racist. It is as if a seed of hatred has been buried deep inside his supporters and somehow Trump has activated the seed allowing this hatred to come to fruition. Sad....

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