As childish as Trump’s behavior is and has been, I do not believe he’s trying to “get back” at Dems for the 2016 election. This is a sociapath and narcissistic person trying to avoid the reality: his ego and screw-ups have caught up with him, there is no escape and he finally has to pay the price.

When is the mainstream media and even the Democratic Party going to stop focusing on this one man and start focusing on the seeds the GOP, under the leadership of McConnell, has planted and is continuing to plant to further destroy the country? Covid is raging, more QAnon people are being installed in federal positions, we are on our way to the 2nd Great Depression and slightly less than half the country is proud and flaunting their hatred of Blacks and LGBTQ.

Seriously, after 4 years still asking why is Trump doing something else anti-democracy is pointless. As is being baited into another so-called press conference about something relevant when the media knows it is just going to be another whining session from him about how he won the election.

I fear what’s going to happen to this country before January If the focus isn’t shifted from the Orange Decoy and his loose-denture, sweaty, Toppik-using “lawyer” to what shady activities are really being orchestrated behind the scenes.

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Nov 21, 2020
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Agreed. MMcC has been and is doing so much to set up the 2024 election and beyond yet all the mainstream media asks is where has he been. Then they all run with their press badges , mics and cameras to the next Trump Tantrum.

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None of them in my hood have taken down their obnoxious flags, one house with two flags, a poster board and a big sign that says "Socialism Sucks!" My next door neighbor went out and put up a T**** flag on Tuesday, not during the election but after. My husband and I are betting on how long they will all stay up flying. Most of them are at the biggest houses in a neighborhood of assorted sizes. I am going to complain on Nextdoor if they are not down by the end of January.

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Wow, you must keep us posted on this. Here in New York City -- where obviously there are few Trump supporters and no flags would last -- I do know of one residential building where the owner is a big Trump supporter. This building, unlike any other residence, boarded up it's glass doors and glass front -- just like all the stores -- around Election Day. But once Biden was announced the winner, all the stores took down their boards as people celebrated. But this building kept its boards up. It's almost like a stand in for the flags, or they're really believe Trump will overturn the election and there will be trouble. It' bizarre.

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Only time will tell. And the funny thing is this is really "blue" town.

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You know what, why should we give a flying shit about what these dumb fucks believe? If it comes down to Trump moving his sorry ass out of our White House, or him staying and his cult of racist believers finally being ok with the election results, FUCK his supporters! All that matters at this point is this band of vermin getting the hell out of town so we can finally begin to assess the extent of the catastrophe this creature left us in, and begin holding his enablers accountable right alongside him. There's a lot of prison time facing Trump and his boot lickers, which accounts for how happy he is to take the country down with him on his way. Understand that he doesn't give a warm shit about any of us, including those deplorable fucks he's happy to see out in the streets essentially committing suicide screaming all over one another while wearing no masks. He cares about one person and one person only: himself. His spoiled bigot supporters are already a lost tribe that we need to just shove out of the way because we've seen what type of America they're happy with, so let me say once more what I think of them: FUCK THEM!!!

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So true. These people are monsters.

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Thousands of people are dying but, no problem for Trump, he's happy to continue to play baby games. This country has been good to Donald J. Trump but he doesn't care, he'll completely upend the entire politics of the country.

Two things to bring to your attention, though, Michelangelo — first is a Reuters article that Katy Tur just showed on MSNBC:


One example from the piece: "In Sundown, Texas, Mayor Jonathan Strickland said there’s 'no way in hell' Biden won fairly. The only way he’ll believe it, he said, is if Trump himself says so. 'Trump is the only one we’ve been able to trust for the last four years,' said Strickland, an oilfield production engineer. 'As far as the civil war goes, I don’t think it’s off the table.' And another fellow in the article said, “If President Trump comes out and says: ‘Guys, I have irrefutable proof of fraud, the courts won’t listen, and I’m now calling on Americans to take up arms,’ we would go.”

I mean, REALLY people? You'll only listen to Trump, a rich, spoiled brat from New York City who really has NOTHING in common with your situation..?!?! Unbelievable. And there are a lot of other examples within the article, take a look. But, in terms of their civil war, we just don't know for sure how many people are planning on going out to fight this war, and where they are planning on fighting their battles. But I'm sure the vast majority of Trump voters would take their lumps and go on with their lives.

On the POSITIVE side of things, Michelangelo, the Biden-Harris Campaign Attorney, Bob Bauer, did a very good Legal Briefing this morning and he strikes down all of the actions that Trump is working on now. It's about a half-hour in length — he goes over several issues then takes reporters' questions — and definitely worth the watch:


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Sorry, one more unbelievable quote from the Reuters article I linked above that had my jaw dropping straight on the floor:

"Raymond Fontaine, a hardware store owner in Oakville, Connecticut, said Biden’s vote total - the highest of any presidential candidate in history - makes no sense because the 78-year-old Democrat made relatively few campaign appearances and seemed to be in mental decline. 'You are going to tell me 77 million Americans voted for him? There is just no way,' said Fontaine, 50."

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As they say, there's one born every minute. Rubes gonna be rubes.

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PT Barnum would be proud....

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Yes, Merrick, people have called my SiriusXM show and said come on, there's no way Biden won this or that state or the entire election. What's insane is -- we couldn't believe Trump won in '16 but we didn't think it couldn't be true or wasn't true. But this is the magical thinking the engage in.

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Trumpers believe any lie out of his orifice. He is vindictive, but this is less about that than a fragile egoed childish man who was told "No" for the first time in his life, and his fragile self-esteem just can't take the blow. He's been propped up all his life. His most stunning failure came from not recognizing that and taking an office he was profoundly unfit for.

If his base believes them, who the hell cares anymore? They'll either wake up or not. At this point, you'd have to be a gullible horse's ass to see him as anything more than a grifter with his hands in every pocket he can lie his way into.

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Wouldn’t you like to have today’s WH meeting between tRump, the lawyers and the State Repugnants recorded and made public.

You can only imagine the criminal actions & corruption tRump will create, offering all sorts of “incentives” to overturn the Electoral College’s certifications. Will be interesting if they have Barr at that meeting, could they be that stupid?

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This is so spot on

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the definition of PETTY....

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So let me get this straight, you got impeached, you lost the election in 2016 (popular vote), and this election cycle you lost both the popular vote and electoral college, you openly colluded with a foreign power for dirt on a political opponent, withheld aid to an ally and you cabinet has violated the Hatch Act since you the day dude was sworn in and you have an issue with an honest election. There is truly no honor among thieves and Republicans have proven this time and time again.

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He’s a vindictive, piece of shit and I cannot wait until we no longer have him in the news every single day. What will news organizations do without his name, face and voice everyday?

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Trump is a evil person

Michael making stew today

My mom still hopes Trump drops dead

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How pathetic is that, while people are getting infected all over this sad country, tRumps' supporters want to make this about revenge for uncovering the absolute election interference of Russia?!? This orange asshole is causing more people to get sick and die. It is really getting very hard to feel positive about this country, the fact that this number of people support a very sick narcissist who needs psychological help (which he may or may not get in prison) is astonishing. Karma sucks, especially when you are a repugnican...

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