Jan 12, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

It's kind of funny, you know. When you present them with a few hard facts, their brains lock up and they lose their minds! Hilarious! Keep up the great work, Michelangelo!

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Bravissimo figlio mio! Forget Marty for a moment because it is you I wish to focus on at this exact moment.

I have been listening to you for a long time, along with the cast and crew of all of SXM's progressive prodigies.

If there is one radio personality that deserves the Medal of Freedom my boy, it is you!

I'm not looking for your gnocchi [I also make my own [riced potatoes eggs and flour or ricotta, eggs and flour-faster] by flattering you; I just have to thank you personally for keeping the myriad of listeners out there and myself so informed with the truth and all of your fact based research because it is the vaccine, the soul of America and the world for that matter needs and it's FREE!!!

Also, Mega thanks to the Mark Joseph Stern's [who was on today], the Molly Jong-Fast's, the Heather Digby Parton's et al. who contribute collectively to the miracle that is the Michelangelo Signorile Show. I must break the ice and call one of these 'daze' to rap it up!

The Marty's of the world will either eventually come to their senses or be consumed by the political poison they have been fed and to that I say Arriverderci, animali selvaggi. Ciao for now!

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Jan 12, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

He says he's not a lunatic, but he still supports tRump! And he is wrong about getting stronger as I read today all the people that have been calling their election boards in PA to change their party affiliation away from Repugnican. I love that "intergalactic fantasy" Michael! Then he says that liberals are the violent ones?! I seem to remember a guy in his state in the city of Kenosha who killed 2 people in the street with an assault rifle and left a 3rd with an arm missing. He's screaming that WE are taking things out of context and we are "deer in the headlights people"?!? What a joke. It's a sad commentary, but listening to the rantings of a madman for 5 years had brought out the real nature of some of these fascists, that and the projection that we always get from dear leader, which is exactly what they are doing, projecting.

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Jan 12, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

A joke? So I guess Marty also thinks it’s a joke that someone carved “Trump” into a manatee’s back? That made me cry when I saw the photo.

I don’t see this country ever being united again. Unfortunately I’ve come to that opinion. I am beyond disgusted with the depraved beings in this country. I can’t even refer to them as human.

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Jan 12, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

You are SO calm with them! Your tone and your charm really disarm them. They expect a screamer on the other end of the phone, and I think those long pauses of Marty's are because you're behaving in an unexpected way: kindly, sympathetic, humane. It's not what their radio is usually like. They're flummoxed! Keep up the great work.

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Jan 12, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Aside from all else, I am curious to know if you can perceive the direction when they start. In this case, you can hear it in the constricted voice and the elevated octave.

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Jan 12, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

The MAGA Era is over..... and so is this phone call. YES!

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Jan 13, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

AND, again, he gives ABSOLUTELY NO proof of election fraud that would change any state election! They never call with obvious facts, and that’s why you’re able to kick their asses. You use verifiable facts. The ultimate weapon. As Robert Dinero says, “Fuck Trump.”

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Jan 13, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

A really excellent, compassionate and strong interaction with Marty from Wisconsin, Michelangelo. That fellow is probably not totally gone into the Trumpian cult and its Jim Jones thinking. There’s a chance he might take another look at things just from your reasonable, clear and friendly response to him. Maybe, anyway. I could be wrong. I’m learning by listening to some of your dialogs with callers like this that you have to make a pretty quick judgement from the heart, head, gut and facts all working together to know whether a caller should be cut fast because its hopeless, or whether an individual may be pretty confused and might listen to reason. Trump’s talk before the mob marched to the Capitol was, in my opinion, laced with coded language inciting them to riot. Then, towards the end of the riot, Trump did that video which seemed conciliatory and spoke of healing. As an editor I can tell you he did not write that. Those were not his words that he read off the teleprompter. Some staff member was trying to save all their backsides. That talk was another lie. Some people, maybe like Marty from Wisconsin, can be fooled by that kind of cunning word play. It’s hard to know who might come to their senses and who needs to be shut down right away to keep one’s own cool. It’s a skill that’s not my strong suit, but it’s one of the reasons I love the show. Richard

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Wow, another awesome call Michelangelo! But it is clear we are going to have years of turmoil. Trump says he loves his terrorist supporters, they are 'special', they believe his lies, and we have GOP senators and representatives that support all of this. I am filled with fear around what may happen up to, during and after the inauguration. Thank you again for being a strong voice for democracy and sanity!

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Today was the PERFECT day for MJ Stern to be on!

I think things will get better. Fox will have its bitch fest forever on anything Biden wants to do but I have to say Obamacare, which saved my life, is still here (even if not perfect) despite Fox spending 24/7 for YEARS trying to stop it. Not unlike the socialist Medicare and Social security. Many MAGAs like all those things, in fact many are probably dependent on them. Point being, maybe not Marty but MAYBE others will get their reality jarred enough to come back to the real world if some things can get done in the first two years while we have WH, House and Senate. We are going to have to work hard because 2 years is not long but we must get as much good legislation done ASAP while McTurtle is not in control of every single piece of legislation in the country. In addition, we heard the FBI today—harder charges coming. Holding them accountable. Also if even Liz Cheney is fed up, maybe it will pull some of these idiots away from the kool aid. Keep hitting them with reality and FACTS when they call, M. The brain freeze is good for them.

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Every time Michaelangelo takes a Trump troll down, an angel gets his wings! 👼🏾😂👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾✊🏾

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Watching PBS Frontline . Alex Jones dry , raspy vocal delivery is not unlike drumpf's . When I hear voices such as these , I run for the hills figuratively speaking. I'm convinced that drumpf and Jones attract the same folks who go to NASCAR (loud) and WRESTLING MATCHES (loud) . These folks like being stirred up into a froth. I'll add this : Alex Jones makes Rush seem like Mr. Rogers.

Oh yeah. Jones and Roger Stone. Why why why must we endure their destructive agendas? What is wrong with people? (rhetorical) I am deeply concerned about the 74 million who voted for drumpf for a second term. For me Biden's lead was not so impressive. After the destruction and chaos of the past four years , there should have been "zero" million votes for drumpf. But I don't blame drumpf who really is a tragic figure . The GOP is responsible. They put drumpf in office

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Could you answer two questions for me (because in the coming days, this will be important)

If the name of the indictment, is impeacment, what is the name of the senate trial?

Also, when you report on this evolving scenario, can you distinguish between the impeachment vote likelyhood (which is likely due to the democratic majority) vs. the senate ??? (trial? or the proper name for this)?

Because, it seems to me, the impeachment is likely, so I do not know why the media keeps reporting on this. I am more curious about whether the senate will have the 66 votes for... that other thing (the trial itself).

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