Jul 20, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

The Orange Scumbag Followers Are All HillJacks, Unfortunately The Wizard Never Gave Them A Brain!

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Jul 19, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

We've actually had organized domestic terrorism for some time, namely the KuKluxKlan. Again, it's made up of white supremacists who are also ignorant. These terrorist groups have been coddled by police (who are often members), the FBI, and the press. Why have they never been accused of "Federal Crimes Against the State?" The laws need to be changed to call out these groups for what they are - Taliban Terrorists. The Press needs to quit giving them credence for their ignorance and stupidity and start calling them out. They should refer to the Proud Boys as a terrorist cabal. But the media dance around these labels giving them cover. Stop it!

Anyway, hope you had a good weekend.

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It's wrong that the U.S. won't actually domestic groups as "terrorist groups" because the first amendment protects them -- unlike from groups -- from being labeled for "speech" or beliefs. But this is beyond beliefs and is their actions.

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Thank you, but the ‘Real World’ is never far away.

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The trump cult in the thumb of Michigan still have their "trump 2020" yard signs/flags/banners and have added to that with, "trump 2021" and "trump 2024". Not only that, they have stickers and flags on their pick-up trucks, I have to see this shit every single day and it makes me want to vomit on them. These nut bag believe trump will be back in office by the end of this summer! Not only do they proudly display their trump crap, they have "my governor is an idiot" yard signs and now I see "Fuck Biden" flags all over, which is disgusting. Right across the street from the High School some idiot is flying a "Fuck Biden" flag, with no consideration for anyone else. I called the Supervisor and she told me that all campaign stuff must be down by now and no cuss words are allowed to be displayed in public places. Well, its been 2 weeks since I reported the vulgar flag and it still flies! Now I am seeing more of those!

These trump cult assholes want attention, they want to be heard, they want to bully and intimidate and we can't let them win. We all need to be asking our DOJ, and Biden, why they are not investigating trump and his attempted coup, among the MANY other crimes he committed while being president.

I think Biden made a mistake w/Merrick Garland, we don't need a moderate in this situation, we need someone with GUTS and true patriotism and loyalty to the people and our Constitution. If the shoe was on the other foot, which it never would be, the GOP and their Atty General would be out for blood. We don't have to be out for blood, we need to be out for JUSTICE FOR ALL, like our pledge of allegiance says. If our DOJ does not hold trump accountable, nobody can or will and trumpism will be around for a long, long time and more people will be hurt and lives destroyed....

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Did you all see today that the first felony conviction for the 1/6 insurrection was only an 8 month sentence? This is not a deterrent to further action for domestic terrorists. They are not done and this sets the precedent that these people would be willing to sacrifice a relatively short time of their life to advance their political goals through violent illegal action.

For perspective there are non violent pipeline protesters who have just been sentenced to 10 years in DAPL actions.

Also all journalists or stringers who interact with whistleblower and leaked information take the risk of a an 18 month detention for contempt if they refuse to sell out their sources. Chelsea Manning and Jeremy Hammond's cases show that is already being abused.

The reluctance to hold the insurrectionists accountable will enable further domestic terrorism.

One bright spot in all of this is that some of the insurrectionists will appear before Amy Berman Jackson who I witnessed every Roger Stone hearing and I think she is not somebody or a judge to fuck with. I am unfamiliar with the judge that issued the ruling today, but if any of these cases go before a DC jury, I don't think their FL lawyers will make much of an impression. Same as Leduc made a fool out of himself today outside the federal courthouse.

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One other bright spot was that this man pleaded guilty -- only a few pleaded guilty -- and did apologize for acting against the country (however not heartfelt it was), and perhaps the judge is signaling that if you plead guilty and are not remorseful you'll do more time.

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Too late to shut the barn door when the horses have already galloped away. And speaking of shutting the barn door, Senator Schumer and the Mayor of Washington DC should do everything in their power to counteract Senator Lindsey Graham's strategy for the GOP Senators to flee the Capitol. The Dems. must maintain a quorum in the Senate to try and pass the Infrastructure Bill with Democrats only. For heaven's sake, we are in the middle of a civil war and the GOP will do whatever it can including inciting violence and a inflaming a pandemic to keep its power. The Dems. need to act tougher and faster to respond to these very real threats to our national emergency. Wake up, the house is on fire!

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My only hope is that Drumpf and the pillow nut keep pushing the date back, and these extremist groups turn on each other. Not to mention all the Q cult members who will eventually get tired of getting ripped off, run out of money, or die of COVID.

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Look at history. Adolf Hitler staged a failed coup and spent less than a year in prison, then his fascist Nazi party rose to power and we all know what happened next. Trump led his party in a failed coup and he faces no consequences at all. Do you really think it is hyperbole to say that American democracy is in grave danger, given all the Trump cult work going on right now to end free and fair elections in America?

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Thanks Craig. And we can more recently look at Victor Orban in Hungary. He lost the re-election after his first autocratic regime and then spent years claiming it was all rigged and stolen, only to seize power again and this time really strip the constitution and the rights of citizens.

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Yes Michelangelo that is exactly my major worry with what I see happening to our country. The Trump GOP is stripping away the power of the populace to vote, state by state. It is happening in Georgia where I live and in many other states, they are making it impossible for any candidate that opposes the Trump GOP to win, destroying democracy.

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It is beyond problematic that there is not more focus on controlling the obvious out of control terrorism being exhibited by Trump, his enablers and supporters. Planned bombings, and myriad other forms of mayhem appear to be ratcheting up. Time to put muscle into the situation, or it will, as shown early days, get much worse quickly.

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Exactly how I feel Steve. Imagine any other time when a former president would be inspiration for violence. It's unthinkable and now it's just another fact of life.

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Trump is, Demented as he may well be, a danger to everyone, including himself. Gradually, he, and a coterie of his fellow travelers, are pushing their malignant form of Anarchy. This is not helped by DOJ NOT pursuing action

vis a vis Wilbur Ross for lying to Congress. That, and allied decisions, gives the Rightwingnuts, Trumpists, a clear field forward.

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