Keep in mind that Trump’s primary support within the community is Peter Thiel and Jeff Giesea, who along with Reid Hoffman, and two other members of the PayPal Mafia, created MAGA3x.

MAGA3x is the primary force pushing most US-originated disinformation campaigns and honeypot and infiltration efforts harming American discourse, elections, and Democracy itself.

Keep the pressure up. EXPAND the pressure on Trump and his support from Thiel who I expect was at this meeting.

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Oh Gawd, these closeted fools again ... I don't understand how any gay person can look themselves in the mirror and say, "Yes, this the guy"!! Also, can you really look me in the eye and say Trump was a better president than Joe Biden. Joe Biden can run rings around Trump, literally and figuratively. And the one thing that always gets my goat is the people that think somehow the president has the power to make their lives better, when they are sitting on their fat asses doing nothing to better themselves. yes, prices are higher, but that has nothing to do with presidential policy and more to do with corporate greed. As far as LGBTQ, I thought we were better educated should know when we are being used as "pawns". it is really annoying!!

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Corporate greed for sure-and which side are the corporations on? Magacons complain that President Biden is responsible for high prices/“inflation” so companies oblige by increasing prices, and Biden gets the blame.

Truth is that many Americans are currently living in the best economy in the world; many friends and family I know have in the past year traveled around the country and the world, purchased cars, TVs, made home renovations, etc. and vacations have been planned throughout the summer and autumn. But Fox and the cultists keep complaining about the bad economy; crying with robust 401k earnings under their arms.

Karma to these hypocrites.

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I have met Republican lesbians and gays. Especially the log cabin fools. They are well-to-do and are thinking about their tax cuts. It's pitiful and says a lot about their character. I won't associate with them. In fact, my husband will say, "Shame on you" right to their faces. My LGBT friends are solid Democrats and they share my values.

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Thanks Mike!

He’s told us who he is and will be!

Believe him; vote Blue in November!

Lives depend on it!

Also, this should be a permanent vote for the rest of our lives!

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Charles Moran is a moran.

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Moron, there I fixed it for you kind sir 😉

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Moran is how the MAGAts spell it. Fixed it for you.

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I almost forgot that the MAGAts can't spell or use proper grammar.

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You can always find a crowd of them at the intersection of Stupidity and Confidence.

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Thanks kind sir 😊

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No worries Arnie. Just never underestimate how stupid, or determined, they are.

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Great analysis, Michelangelo. When I think of the times I've encountered a trans person - I have to admit it is never (to my knowledge). I truly don't understand the zeal with which RWNJs want to attack gay and trans people. It baffles me that it matters so much to these people. Live and let live. Why must they be hovering over everyone's business?

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Low hanging fruit on the vine, gay and trans worked yesteryear so it stands to reason you rinse and repeat...

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Who could possibly not know where this dimwit stands? My ex-coworker told me about his gay friends in Tennessee who fell for trumpanzee's BS back in his day circa 2016. The scourge of American politics at this juncture is that DEMS can't message correctly enough and the despot on the other side has 36% support period!

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So true Arnie.

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Log Cabin types have always come in two strains (sometimes overlapping): Ideological Ayn Rand libertarians, and the affluent selfish anti-tax greedy. Libertarians are now on record as rejecting MAGA fascism. So who does that leave holding the rump Log Cabins together? And are they to be our influencers?

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I'm sure that another reason Trump didn't attend Melania's"gala" is that it's a marriage of convenience. She needed a green card and he wanted a "beauty" on his arm. And she got citizenship, but he won't die, so she watches him fritter away all the money he is able to grift.

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LGBTQ+ people supporting Donald tRUMP makes as much sense as Jews supporting Adolph Hitler!

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Drumpf is American bigots’ excuse to be themselves. All he expects in return is their vote and resulting “power” he craves.

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Actually it's more a stay out of prison move that they fail to connect the dots for...

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