Trump's courtroom snooze killed his chief talking point about Biden. With dozens of hours go, Trump may sink his own presidential campaign just by sitting in a courtroom.
Sakina, I have no pity for him. He ruined the Scotus, wanted to pull out of NATO, sucked up to dictators, and pulled us out of nuclear deal with Iran. He's an evil, incompetent buffoon.
It is a fitting end to the "Nodfather" Trilogy of Terror. Done Vito Snoreleone finally sleeps with his own horse of an ass head! "Can I get a witness for the witless?"
What really aggravates me, is that the radical right winged media has the "benefit" of Trump's distorted & deceitful commentary outside the courts where he will not take the stand to answer the hard questions ....yet we are not permitted to see live what is happening in the court. So once again the MAGA cult gets a Trumped one eyed warped "report". This is an argument as to why this particular court proceedings should have been live streamed so we can all see the reality of why Trump is before this court and it would neutralize Trump's deceitful commentary.
its always projection with these people, you know what ... he's old too!!! and you know what I am a lot younger than both of those men, and I fall asleep all of the time as soon as I sit down and get comfortable, my body gets relaxed and I nod off. I am in exceptional physical shape, I am fitness instructor but I don't get a lot of time to rest so as soon as the environment presents itself I nod off ... but I digress. The one take-a-way from this whole trial thing is that now every freakin' day we have to get a play-by-play like this is a sporting event. and once again he takes up all of the oxygen in the room, and I just don't get these people who defend him. If anybody else did this crime, they would want them nailed to the wall, but somehow this idiot has these people believing he is somehow the second coming of Christ and so he is being persecuted, they have lost their god damned minds. I don't understand why it is not admissible in court that while he was having an affair, his wife was home nursing his newborn baby??? if it is the truth, and everyone already knows this, why can't it be admissible also, why can't they play the Access Hollywood tape?? Unless you were living under a rock we all know what he said on that tape, and I am sorry it is evidence of the kind of despicable human garbage that he is. again, I really don't believe that he was able to do anything he wanted to just any woman without that woman decking him, I don't care who he is, most women would not allow a man to put their grubby hands on them but I digress. I would like to believe that are tired of this broken records a "whoa always me" or "i am being treated so unfairly". you gotta wonder when people are gonna be like "yeah, okay whatever dude!!"
Listening to the show… one particular segment or discussion was the possibility of maybe he’s doing this on purpose? Maybe he does want to go to jail so he can raise 💴 money? A sick mind of a sociopath you’re fighting your life and you fall asleep two days in a row??? 🤔 poor victim.
One thing I do resent, I resent the fact that Trump has divided so many people and so many family members. There are certain family members and friends i do not talk to any longer and I think that’s so sad and unfair…. And he don’t care.
It's sad (not really) to watch the downfall of one of the most despicable people to ever be elevated to the presidency.
Sakina, I have no pity for him. He ruined the Scotus, wanted to pull out of NATO, sucked up to dictators, and pulled us out of nuclear deal with Iran. He's an evil, incompetent buffoon.
It is a fitting end to the "Nodfather" Trilogy of Terror. Done Vito Snoreleone finally sleeps with his own horse of an ass head! "Can I get a witness for the witless?"
Love Don Snoreleone! Fitting name for him.
Thank you DB! After all, he is Don-e like a dinner. lol
Hope so! They need to jail him or else there is no justice in this country and certainly no need to obey the law like don-e!
What really aggravates me, is that the radical right winged media has the "benefit" of Trump's distorted & deceitful commentary outside the courts where he will not take the stand to answer the hard questions ....yet we are not permitted to see live what is happening in the court. So once again the MAGA cult gets a Trumped one eyed warped "report". This is an argument as to why this particular court proceedings should have been live streamed so we can all see the reality of why Trump is before this court and it would neutralize Trump's deceitful commentary.
its always projection with these people, you know what ... he's old too!!! and you know what I am a lot younger than both of those men, and I fall asleep all of the time as soon as I sit down and get comfortable, my body gets relaxed and I nod off. I am in exceptional physical shape, I am fitness instructor but I don't get a lot of time to rest so as soon as the environment presents itself I nod off ... but I digress. The one take-a-way from this whole trial thing is that now every freakin' day we have to get a play-by-play like this is a sporting event. and once again he takes up all of the oxygen in the room, and I just don't get these people who defend him. If anybody else did this crime, they would want them nailed to the wall, but somehow this idiot has these people believing he is somehow the second coming of Christ and so he is being persecuted, they have lost their god damned minds. I don't understand why it is not admissible in court that while he was having an affair, his wife was home nursing his newborn baby??? if it is the truth, and everyone already knows this, why can't it be admissible also, why can't they play the Access Hollywood tape?? Unless you were living under a rock we all know what he said on that tape, and I am sorry it is evidence of the kind of despicable human garbage that he is. again, I really don't believe that he was able to do anything he wanted to just any woman without that woman decking him, I don't care who he is, most women would not allow a man to put their grubby hands on them but I digress. I would like to believe that are tired of this broken records a "whoa always me" or "i am being treated so unfairly". you gotta wonder when people are gonna be like "yeah, okay whatever dude!!"
It shows how his image as a “super boss” of a TV reality show has brainwashed people.
They fail to see that he is a failed businessman, a whiner and even his own family disdains him.
Hopefully there are enough sane and rational people who don’t want four (or more) years of him.
Are people noticing that his wife and children never show up in court or at his rallies?
As Hal Sparks has said: MAGA=Make Apnea Great Again!
Sleepy Joe??? I don’t think so.
Drowsy Don!
His sycophants are in intimidating and or influencing potential jurors in all media.
The Dozing Don!
I believe that Haberman is not a fan of Trump in any way. Rather, I think she's playing a rather long game of journalism. I could be wrong.
Let’s hope you’re right Donald.
How could anyone with any degree of civility be a fan of his?
Why are you using my name instead of my handle?
Are people noticing that his wife and children never show up in court or at his rallies?
Listening to the show… one particular segment or discussion was the possibility of maybe he’s doing this on purpose? Maybe he does want to go to jail so he can raise 💴 money? A sick mind of a sociopath you’re fighting your life and you fall asleep two days in a row??? 🤔 poor victim.
One thing I do resent, I resent the fact that Trump has divided so many people and so many family members. There are certain family members and friends i do not talk to any longer and I think that’s so sad and unfair…. And he don’t care.