Oct 28, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I just listened to a clip from another one of It’s rallies where he mentioned an assassination of Biden 3 weeks into his presidency if he wins and people were cheering!

I can’t find enough words to describe how disgustingly reprehensible this is. So a comedienne can have her career ruined due to a bad joke which included a fake head but It can get away with messaging his supporters to kidnap and kill his perceived enemies?!

I have been bullied and forced out of jobs due to my race despite my education, skills and international experience. For the past 10 years I’ve only been able to obtain work for which I am well overqualified. Yet incompetent, unqualified and corrupt individuals are appointed and permitted to stay in our government for life?

I’m so fed up and angry with all of the biased, selfish and greedy people in this country. Biden and Harris will have a massive mess to clean up and it won’t be easy or quick but at least we can build a path back to civility. For those who want to continue to try to tear this nation down after It is kicked out of office, they can all leave the country with him and the rest of his corrupt family and associates.

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I am angry just reading about how you were treated -- and yes, it's going to be a mess to clean up. That clip of people cheering, btw, is grotesque.

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So sorry for how you have been treated, just remember, WE are the MAJORITY VOTE!

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My in-laws are trump cult people and they know trump says and does shitty stuff, but they find him entertaining and "funny". Makes me want to vomit all over them. They want to be entertained and have a good old time, its insane and why I haven't seen my in-laws at all this year. I can't be around these people right now, they hurt my heart.

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Please post a clip of him calling for Biden to be assassinated. I am horrified! 😳

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I believe Trump said something like Kamala taking over if he’s shot three weeks into the presidency. (I took it as being impaired personally) but he may have meant assassinated).

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Oct 28, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

My mantra today is "one more week". The last few miles of this national nightmarish marathon seem the longest. Thank you for keeping our spirits up through it all Michelangelo! My husband and I got our ballots in early in Colorado and we're encouraging others to do the same. We all need to do as you say: "...stay alert, stay engaged and fight this until the end."

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Oct 29, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I have so many "I told you so's" waiting to fire out once the Dems have all 3 branches of gov't, and I am going to thoroughly enjoy every last "I told you so", starting with one here at home with my 24 year old lost trump cult son.

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Keep the faith Joanne, and thanks for all your support and hanging in there!

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Thank YOU Michelangelo, I truly mean it when I say you have kept me sane and have made my heart and soul feel better about this trump fiasco. I don't know what I would do without you.

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I'm optimistic that anti-Trump people are going to overwhelm Trump supporters.

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So the orange bastard literally left his followers out in the cold. Now that sounds like a fitting metaphor after the election as well! Also, is that former MTV alternative music VJ Kennedy interviewing that scumbag who use to be mayor? What the hell happened with her career?

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How come Biden doesn’t do the exact same thing to Agent Orange but with rep facts and examples about Dumps family making so much money. This is where the dems still don’t have a spine. Fuck being nice. Never again. This death cult of right wing white supremicsts nazis needs to die off. All of them.

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Fortunately Obama is on the campaign trail to call out the slimey shots on Trump and he does it better than anyone can.

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Hard to fathom how far Rudi has fallen. His daughter’s op add about why she and others should vote for Biden was impressive. If it weren’t so frightening, this cast of characters looks like cartoon land!

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It does not matter what trump says or does, he cult is never leaving him. My 24 year old son, who voted for Obama and was a loyal Democrat until 2016 LOVES trump, still. My son thinks I am "crazy" and that trump and the GOP are going to win big! He also believes the Hunter Biden shit and anything else trump spews from his stupid mouth. I can't even talk to my son right now, he is so far gone. Yesterday he was in his room listening to one of trumps cult rallies (had it so loud so he knew I could hear it) and he was yelling and cheering very loud and was so excited and happy with trump, its maddening! My son has ALL the trump talking points and is deep in the cult.

These trump cult people think everything is a conspiracy, they think we are all part of ANTIFA and that we are out burning the cities down. We have a LONG way to go with the trump cult, I don't know what to say anymore, they are so brainwashed, its insane! If trump says covid-19 is almost done, the cult believes it. When trump and the gop lose next week, the cult is going to start the bullshit excuses that the Dems cheated, I totally expect that and can deal with it. I am more worried about the militia and hate groups coming out on the streets when their orange god loses, they are not going to take the loss well at all. Then we have 3 months of an angry loser trump to deal with, that is when he will be the most dangerous.

I do know a handful of republicans who voted for trump in 2016 that will not vote for him again and are voting for Biden, just not my son. My son just stood here and told me that trump is winning my state of Michigan (I don't think that will happen) and that trump easily has Florida and Pennsylvania, does not see how close these races are and says I listen to "fake news", my dear savior Michelangelo Signorile really rubs my son the wrong way, I would LOVE to hear Signorile take my son on, I just can't do it anymore, we end up yelling and screaming at each other and then he starts with all the typical trump lingo and name calling.

Michelangelo Signorile has saved my mind and soul these last 4 years, as have all of you and the callers. I live in a very rural part of Michigan, in the thumb, its trumpland for sure, farmers have gone to long lengths to paint trumps name and the American flag on the side of their barns and hang the biggest trump flags and banners I have ever seen. On weekends they camp out on the corner of the main road here with their trump and confederate flags and have a petition to remove my Governor and they sell trump merchandise. Whenever I go by them I roll my window down and yell at them that they are "treasonous traitors and that no good yankee flies that enemy flag and that trump is going to lose and we will LOCK HIM UP", it makes me feel good, lol.

I have had 3 Biden signs stolen from the end of my driveway and 1 BURNT! The cowards come in at night and take and burn them, I don't know when because my driveway is 150 feet long and I don't know when they are here. Joke is on the trumpers, every time they take or destroy my signs, I buy more, which helps the Biden campaign. My neighbors, both school teachers with 4 kids, 2 of voting age, are ALL Biden supporters, they too have had signs stolen, and they keep replacing them. I do see a lot more Biden signs up around me then I did Hillary signs, shit, I never saw a Hillary sign in 2016 up here and I didn't put any up. I voted for Hillary, as I held my nose, I knew she was a bad candidate, especially when she didn't show up in the states she ended up losing to trump, like Michigan. I still think Bernie would've beat trump in 2016.

I feel pretty good about the direction Michigan will take. I know this, we HAVE TO WIN THE SENATE, then if trump cheats and does win, we can IMPEACH his rotten ass again and do it right, we will remove him one way or another. At this point, don't bother with the trump cult, they are so far gone, its going to take years for them to come around and see trump for who he is, and if the Dems don't go after trump with all they have, the cult will never see trump for who he is. Once we get Biden in, that is when we start in on the Dem leadership and make sure they are doing what we want of them. I think we need to clean house in our party, starting with the top, Chuck and Nancy. Sorry, but those 2 don't see the direction we are all trying to drag them too, but AOC, Warren, Katie Porter and good old Bernie get it, THEY are the future of our party. We may only have 2 years of power to make change and we must use it, can't do what Obama did his first 2 years, which he wasted thinking the gop would work with him. McConnell has done so much damage to our country, more then trump by a long shot, Mitch let trump be trump. McConnell must go too. Then we get term limits for all so they work for us and aren't so concerned with raising money to win the next election. And we get rid of the electoral college, but we have to stay on Pelosi, she has been great at times, but she thinks she has all the answers and doesn't see the party changing like we do. I have had enough of them all, time to shake shit up.

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Love your work for many years, Michaelangelo. Check this Twitter account. Got it from a friend. It expresses worrying stuff and some damaging issues about Trump. Nothing new, except they claim that there is a video about it. @JustBobW

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Trump is frightening!

I noticed today that he was mad at Twitter for not making his faux Hunter and Joe Biden story trending news. I was happy to hear James Carville say the election looks great in Biden's favor last night. So glad his lies are not making a dent this time in the election as he's cried wolf too many times to be credible.

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Well article I read today says here in California Biden likely to win by largest margin ever for a Democratic Presidential candidate. I suppose we will just keep forging our own path if Fake Bone Spurs somehow Supreme Courted his way to a second term. But I feel good, though I go up and down. It feels like a month until next week. Was very happy about the new Wisconsin poll which FiveThirtyEight said is a gold standard poll. And I am also hopeful Arizona May just actually turn Blue. Getting so sick of us in the West not mattering and the whole country being held hostage by the few in the rust belt. Honestly not fair. My other work done but I did today make some last donations to Steve Bullock in Montana and one final donation to Sara Gideon in Maine.

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Well, if the stranded MAGA followers fall to the flu virus after their exposure to the cold, tRump will claim that he was right all along that COVID-19 is not as deadly as the flu!!

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I wish that I could share your sentiments about the state of the race, but the reality is that 99% of the stranded folks will vote for Trump...they will blame anyone but Trump for the fiasco. Yes, he continues to solicit (via Craigslist) paid actors to appear at his rallies ($14/hour if they wear a red hat), but the vast majority are true believers. As of last night, only 50% of Democratic voters had returned their ballots. If they're not already in the mail, their only option is to stand in long lines in the cold to (or to drive to a dropbox). It takes 15 minutes to complete a ballot and double-check responses, it takes 10 days in some states to receive a letter via USPS, and yet 50% of Democrats have thus far failed to complete and mail their ballots. Another terrifying statistic is the relatively low rate of young Black turnout. Far lower than for Clinton in a number of Battleground states. Meanwhile, Trump has been microtargeting this demographic on FB. I'm not concerned about the Hunter Biden story, it's just white noise, but I am very concerned that a significant portion of the country is wholly unconcerned about their futures under a pure autocracy. It's somewhat understandable--the media never uses the word, Democratic leadership hints but never clearly warns what daily life would look like, and too many pundits repeat nonsense statements (ala Peter Baker): "A second Trump term would look like the last 2 years of his first term". No, a second term of Trump will be a spree of vindication by an unhinged autocrat and his enablers. He will fire anyone and everyone who hasn't shown 1,000% loyalty, he will demand actions that break laws, he will punish anyone outside the government who spoke against him, he will extort unimaginable capitulation from the House in exchange for a pittance of stimulus relief, and he will find ways to gut entitlement funding. The Court will begin peeling away civil rights and civil liberties. None of this is conjecture...Trump has stated his intention as have the conservative justices. The virus will continue to run rampant as Trump continues to spread disinformation, and people continue to deny what they see and hear in favor of propaganda. The stock market will eventually crater--Trump only needs it to stay relatively stable for another week. Trump was asked years ago what would happen if the market crashed and the country fell into a recession/depression. He said he would walk away from the presidency. Of course, he would, once he secures a non-prosecution deal. Anyone who doesn't realize the stakes are far more dangerous than the current nightmarish status quo is deluding themselves. I'm hoping against hope that some of the ballots in the 'unreturned category' will arrive before election day, but I'm fearful that apathy and inertia are more powerful than fear.

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Thanks -- please document stuff if you can because Iv'e seen the opposite and don't know where you're getting info from. Catalist, Edison, other research companies showing young voter turnout surging in early voting. The only place Democrats aren't returning ballots that I've seen, reported by Steve Shale, Florida analyst, and NBC, is Florida, in Miami-Dade, a concern that has to be addressed. Latino early vote, according to CNN and and Catalist, is up 148% in GA, 51% in FL and AZ. Cook Political has put TX into toss-up from Lean R. I still think it's a tough one, but shows the momentum and will help down ballot.

A great concern is the Supreme Court and how it might handle election disputes, as I noted, and hand Trump the election. And Barrett, a I've discussed over and over is a disaster. And as I've written here, Trump is a danger if he loses, and there will be no vacation. But the enthusiasm right now is high, turnout is high. We have good reason to be hopeful but obviously can't rest.

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Thanks, Michelangelo. You're right...there are many encouraging signs, and the youth vote is significantly higher in certain areas of the country. Perhaps the return rate will shift as more ballots arrive via mail this week and more people take their ballots to drop boxes. As of yesterday evening, the GOP in Miami-Dade, Florida has a 4.4% turnout advantage in Florida per Dave Wasserman. I trust turnout more than polls, but perhaps more people on both sides have chosen to demonstrate their allegiance on election day itself. I had hoped that more people would have recognized the grave danger of our times, but hopefully enough will.

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I see more of what we were discussing reported here in this Politico story. Some people think it's overblown, but can never be too safe. Also, this isn't the case in other states -- this is a Florida thing. Trump needs Florida, Biden doesn't, and has many paths. it would sure be nice to end it there. The polls are showing that he's shifted voters out --- he's not getting as high of turning among young Black men in Miami Dade (and people not returning ballots) but getting seniors a Dem never got before, up north, shifting from Trump. This is why Biden has slight lead in FL in polls. But you never know with Florida. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/10/29/miami-voter-turnout-democrats-433643

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Yes, there are a good number of ballots that haven't been returned across the country, but it's unclear whether they are delayed by the PO, or people chose to vote in person fearing such delays. That is one unknown. At this point, Biden has formed an unprecedented coalition, which means decisions by the campaign that might not always make sense to onlookers at the moment. The never-ending drumbeat of socialism still resonates with Cuban Americans in Florida, who are likely to remain with Trump, but it's still not clear why young Black men are unreachable. Perhaps they resonate with Trump's faux machismo. Still, the shift in public sentiment to recognizing and supporting a change to systemic racism is undeniable, and they would be the direct beneficiaries of such changes. That said, Trump is microtargeting this demographic with his usual brand of grandiose lies about his narrow criminal justice reform bill, and they are not receiving a targeted rebuttal from the Biden campaign. I agree that there are different paths for a potential Biden victory, but as others have said, the fact that we likely won't have a national repudiation of fascism is devastating. I hope that I am wrong. Thank you for the link.

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Thanks for your insight. It will be interesting to see what the court will do now. The court must know they will cause a huge backlash if they order the counting of legitimate ballots to be stopped after November 3rd.

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Should we be concerned about Tony Bobulinsky? Was perusing twitter last night and there was lots of attention given to his interview with Tucker Carlson. To me even if a bit of it is true it doesn’t matter, we’d still be in a lot better shape with a Coronavirus response from Biden. It does concern me how Barr could possibly investigate this after the results of a Biden election win and how that might turn out.

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Everything is something to be concerned about -- including what Barr is up to. I don't think anything re: hunter Biden is breaking through. Even the Trump campaign is complaining the Tucker Carlson thing didn't get attention on Twitter. No media is covering it.

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You’re probably right, it was in the moment and seemed to make an impact trending on Twitter last night. This morning it’s like it never happened. People just want to get rid of Trump, so that’s fine with me. I don’t put anything past Trump, Barr, McConnell in regards to this if Biden wins though. Thanks Michelangelo.

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I knew a few Marines from my squadron who lived in the Bronx, and they did not have a high opinion of Giuliani. Let's just say they're opinion of him consisted of copious amounts of swear words.

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Good for you Rick. Thanks for doing that.

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Oct 29, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I live in a very rural area in the thumb of Michigan and its trumpland, as soon as I walk inside my grocery store its so easy to pick the trumpers out in a crowd, they don't need to be wearing anything w/a trump logo either. I saw an old man with a ponytail (ponytails and beards are popular with the cult) in a wheelchair coughing and hacking and he had no mask on in the grocery store! I offered him a mask and said if you were my dad, I would want you to wear this. His response to me was "you must watch fake news, the virus is fake"!!!!! These people will have to die or know someone who dies of covid before they will ever believe it, they are sick in the head.

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If I watch any tv news, its BBC, Don Lemon and Brian Williams. Can't find any "world" news on American news, have to count on BBC for that, how sad. I do a LOT of reading and fact checking.

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