Nov 6, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

What is terrifying to me is that most Americans really don’t know squat about anything that has to do with their rights, knowledge of civics and how the system works, the three branches of government, taxation, the Bill of Rights... I teach at a state university. It used to be free. most kids are stunned into living in a world of debt, and then you have the media diet that’s Faux News. LISTEN I’m not saying anything new here...

HOPE appeared to me on a Democracy Now video, which has prolly gone viral, of recent war veterans throwing away their military award medals at NATO’s front gates to show solidarity with the people of the Middle East... reconciling their guilt shame, and grief at their action.

My friend, who sent it, said people are waking up! Woke is awake... and I hope, deeply, that these villainous white supremacists asshats get walloped by truth and their Zombie Base get clobbered by us Woke AF Troopers of the Anti-Coma Life Force.

Thank you Michaelangelo! You provided a topic for a class this week in my course COMMUNICATING REALNESS, because you do it so well!

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

If you have more than two brain cells but decide to vote for Trump anyway, then you are nothing but an accessory to treason. The United States will not be able to withstand the intentionally anti-democratic attacks of a (God forbid!) second Trump administration. We can simply kiss democracy goodbye if he somehow manages to cheat his way into the White House (again). Democrats are far from perfect, but they are light years better than Trump or any other republican. Vote Blue if you love the United States. And if you don't, then to hell with you--because you certainly don't belong here.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I truly hope that it is not too late. The anti-democratic faction has burrowed into so many elements of society: media, government, military, judiciary, education, science, etc., in addition to the erosion of the separation of church and state. Vote Blue because our lives depend on it.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

During your zoom yesterday, I asked about “Us”. The millions of people who do not subscribe to his wicked, anti democratic, unconstitutional plans to take over the government.

I needed to be more specific in my fear of the violence that has already started and will only continue in the worst way if he gets his way. His vindictive motives are clearly mapped out. I am in fear of, as I know you are, my way of life and the fact that I am a Jewish Democrat being in serious danger.

These Christian Nationalist do not care about Jews and their support is fake. They care about Israel because of their belief of the End Times and Jesus coming back to save them. That’s it.

The fact that we have young people protesting on College campuses is crazy to me. I get the “No War” mentality, but they are being brainwashed.

I will work hard here in AZ to keep us blue. We must fight during this election year like this is the last election we will have if we lose.

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God help us, I have never seen such an open-faced threat to our Democracy in 70 years. The style looks Ivy League, but the core is treason, pure and simple. This Project has to be put on the wide screen for the voters to see the level of treason manifest in the Trump Party. We, all of us, must do everything possible to break this group and rip it out root and branch.

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One important point American’s need to know is DonJohnCon isn't the only threat. He is the 🤡 show that the White Christian Nationalist have used to get control via their MAGA agenda.

It is the nextGen MAGA like Speaker Johnson that should scare American’s more then DonJohnCon. He will soon pass into history but he completed what Reaganism started and that is Removing Separation of Church and State and Federally indorsement of a very narrow funangelic rule of law.

DonJohnCon isn't the end to the crisis he is just the warm up act.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Well Well, Bill Maher's slow moving coup has hit the gas pedal. Galloping, Leaping gall to release Project 2025 contents to give us heads up on their wishlist. We should have a field day on ads to inform the nation of the contrast of keeping the country democratic or a dictatorship. Mike Johnson's elevation is just the start of bodies in place to pull off the coup. The tanking of the Continuing Resolution will be the opening salvo. Tuberheaded tuberville is another piece of the puzzle to weaken institutions from within. Post government shutdown for no apparent reason is the faith killing of the people who believe in this constitutional experiment we live in. Bear in mind I still believe in the upcoming bloodbath next election, but don't have the requisite faith in the messaging next year that would get us fired up to save Democracy.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

My own interpretation is that we need to ready ourselves for literal war. There is a major reckoning coming, and we have to ensure that the forces of democracy come out on top. These people are monsters, and you don't deal with monsters with signs, calls and emails to your representative, and letters to the editor. You gird for a real resistance, if that is what it takes. My own view is that it's coming, so we can be ready or we can be run over.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Dumpster already has his Project 2025 all ready to implement when he thinks he will win and even if he doesn't maga Mike is in place to give him the presidency ! And all this funded by old white men who want to relive their glory days when they mattered ! Now all they have is their money and their memories! They probably lie awake at night reliving their days where they could beat/murder /lynch POC just like when they went to clan meetings in the good ole days or they could beat/ rape their wives or mistresses! And isn't it funny how the majority of pedophiles that like to sexually assault little children and then make videos to show all their pervert friends are repugnants!! Every thing that is said about democrats being groomers and such is projection by the real groomers , the repugnants!! And saying the democrats are the radicals when bringing abortion bans is just more projection !! The repugnants have nothing to offer for the well-being of law abiding citizens and will not be making any plans to help the American people !! It will be a Christofascist country and the presidency will be a revenge fest! Even now the repugnant states are continuing the disenfranchisement of voters ,gerrymandering, decreased areas to vote and times to vote and , last but not least , remove people from voting lists altogether !! So people pick the future you would like and vote wisely !!

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

This makes me nauseous. How is this even happening?

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Thanks for the write up Mike. As you know, I’ve launched a nascent initiative with NYC LGBTQ+ activists to sound the alarm Project 2025 and centralize strategic ideas and movement resources to fight back with a focus on the criminalization of gender. We will go live soon. The initiative is called Stop The Coup. We will provide a breakdown of the blueprint with talking points, too.


- AC

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

This commentary along with yesterday’s Zoom gathering scares the living shit out of me. 900 pages of how to create a Christian Nationalist authoritarian society must cover every detail so BEWARE fellow Americans! Just a thought: How many elected Republicans do we think consume porn of some variety? A LOT!

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Trump and his cabal want to institute Gillead as described in “The Handmaid's Tale is a futuristic dystopian novel by Canadian author Margaret Atwood published in 1985. It is set in a near-future New England in a patriarchal, white supremacist, totalitarian theonomic state known as the Republic of Gilead, which has overthrown the United States government.”


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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Ken, that’s interesting Gilead is set in New England of all places. My ancestors were Puritans, 2 Mayflower passengers of the 102, arrived at Plymouth Rock (now Massachusetts “New England”) in Dec 1620 after a 3 month voyage. Very harsh winter, half the passengers died. Wampanoag native Americans saved their bacon and helped the remainder survive. Thanksgiving is upcoming, a mention that my great times about level 10 grandparents were in charge of getting the very first Thanksgiving going and invited the Wampanoag tribe members to give thanks for a successful 1621 harvest and for their help during the prior winter and spring. The Puritans, however !!, tip their hats with “Pure” in their self declared title. They were highly judgmental, holier than thou, sanctimonious people obsessed over a very angry vengeful Old Testament God. Today’s Mike Johnson and wife would fit right in with them. Puritans might string up a person who they became convinced did a solid immoral act like fool around before marriage, or adultery, theft, and leave them hanging in town center to rot as prime example, motivation to not do similar. Later in 1692/93 Puritans became worked up to a fevered frothing mouth state of mind that witches were in their midst and witch trials were done. 25 accused ended up dying, hung, died in jail. Mostly young women. Tortured and beat one man to death who refused to confess to a lie. That is where modern theocratic authoritarian Puritan wannabe’s desire to dive backwards into !!?? Gawd help us. But they have to be quite the minority. Maybe, hopefully, 2024 starts turning things around as we the majority “just say NO !!”.

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I find it consistently stunning how easily Trump manipulated the legitimate fears of white working and lower middle class voters, (using only well worn authoritarian fear mongering and a media cowed by its reliance on rubbernecking and largely devoid of mainstream dissenting /challenging voices) and how blind his base STILL are to what a second term means for them. There is no positive vision for people to buy into! To say nothing of the bitter, bitter irony of such groups as the “Freedom” Caucus backing him - a second term would be the very opposite of freedom- not to mention the implications for global security on issues like Ukraine. I hope the media wises up

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Thanks Michelangelo. This is vile and goes against he spirit and letter of our constitution. If this isn’t a wake up call, I don’t know what is. It’s unfortunate that our society has been completely transfixed by social media manipulations and lies. Our educational system has failed and many of our fellow citizens have little or no knowledge of the constitution or its content. Nearly 100 million people died 80 years ago due to the authoritarian regimes and their madness. Our institutions have failed us on so many levels and we are on a path to self destruction. It’s always about controlling others, the hoarding of resources and raw power. We have to educate people. Taking away freedom and the rights for which millions have died and sacrificed is antithetical to freedom and democracy. The book, “Democracy in Chains”, does a good job of explaining the goals and motivations of the Oligarchs to exert control through a minority. It took about 60 years but many of their objectives nave been realized.

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Thank you for bringing more attention to this, Mike.

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