You can always tell when supremacy runs into a brick wall, no other country would allow a clearly demented mob boss to run around free especially being a domestic terrorist while he's at it. I trust everyone is paying attention to the guard rail called the judiciary doing it's duty to safeguard democracy. Rosie O'Donnell tried to inform us of the charlatan behind the false bravado. My only fear is that a cornered rat is pesticide resistant and lives to see another day...

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Any other country would have arrested the orange nazi on the day of the insurrection.

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Agreed. This process is taking waaaay too long, and frankly I am slipping back into a "sound and fury, signifying nothing," post-Mueller mindset. Sick, totally sick, of this. The sound of chin music and paper shuffling, and no action, is deafening, demoralizing and dispiriting. My fear is that the Orange Messiah and prime movers of the Insurrection are, once again, ad infinitum, going to wiggle out of any real accountability. Which is why one of my most frequent dreams lately is of emigrating to Canada .... then I wake up and realize I am still here instead.

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Interesting that a democracy is so dependent on individuals with a lot of power in the form of judges. I guess it's partially because the GOP has stymied majority rule whenever they can and stacked the courts shifting everything to the judicial branch because it's easier than actually debating legislation which exposes them for what they are. The filibuster is a big part of this because it effectively disables legislative action throwing even more power to judges and maintaining the status quo. What GOP and the radical 6 don't seem to realize is even authoritarian states have dissent and ways to express it that are almost always unpleasant. The idea that they will always be protected makes people do outrageous things to others. The wealthy act with impunity just as much as politicians do and people get sick of no accountability for the people that disrupt our lives for power and profit. Too bad so much anger is directed at the powerless but that's America for you.

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The whittling down of education to the public since the beginning of the 80's is also a factor. The lack of Civics before college is by design. The system decried by most could have been dismantled by now if post boomer kids had the basic knowledge to make politicians work for them instead of themselves. Citizens United effectively enshrined minority rule...

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Yes indeed this is beyond wonderful, Judge Dearie is not standing for any of Trump's BS. I watched the clips of Trump being interviewed by Hannity and Trump is clearly on drugs, his mind speeding and dancing around as he declared as an ex-President he has the power to declassify with the power of his thoughts alone, and that not only did the FBI plant a lot of documents, but they also were probably looking for HILLARY CLINTON'S MISSING EMAILS... OMFG he is mentally ill, probably from lack of sleep and constant worry about the 6 major investigations, impending judgements and likely indictments down the road. I am sure he is thinking about fleeing to a country without extradition, I think most likely Saudi Arabia, UAE, or Maldives.

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Agreed Craig. Watching that clip with Hannity, we can readily see DT in a flop sweat, his brain is jacked up, speeding, trying to spin things in his favor any way possible and as fast as possible, adrenaline surging, fight or flight. Feeling cornered. Not his usual confident swagger and at ease with his usual flow of constant lies. Now it’s panicking lies. Of course it’s a history of almost all lies all the time, but even more evident in that clip, a “tell” when he is extraordinarily lying, is when he speaks in hyperbolic terms. “The best, the greatest, nobody ever knew, the biggest”, his hyperbole is guaranteed lies. What does that say about America that tens of millions can still cling to him and support him?? SMH. All I can figure out is there are too many vertical silos of “news” outlets available on-line (and BS passed around and around on social media and believed sans any critical thinking) where folk with preconceived notions seek out the flavor of “news” that offers positive feedback to what they desire to be (their) truth, not actual truth. IOW, “Alternative facts”. Getting additional news from outside the USA I’ve encouraged for many years. Like BBC, CBC from Canada. I also risk getting stuck in a vertical information silo that offers confirmation bias for my own preconceived leanings. As the walls close in on DT and he becomes increasingly desperate, he is only going to get worse, be more mad, more wild. Thank goodness for chunks of the judicial system holding up and doing what is right. Hopefully all this negative attention on him into October only further derails GOP hopes and dreams come November. They had their chance to be on the right side of history after a historic 2nd impeachment. Mitch McC could’ve and should’ve offered a deal with D’s to tar and feather DT with a scarlet letter tattooed on his back, “DJT can NEVER run for nor hold public office again”. Wicked Mitch really blew that opportunity to relegate DT to the history books, along with K. McCarthy when he flew down to More-Lardo, performed CPR and resurrected DT after the 2nd impeachment. Weak spineless idiots. Either take a political hit then and get it over with or a hit later, possibly a harder political hit. It will be one or the other. At least DeSantis does not have the con-man charisma and flare, he is DULL and just a major whiner. Whine whine whine is all I hear when he speaks (how is that different than DT?? I guess DT isn’t dull for his followers). Too many words, sorry. Getting off here right now.

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Rick thanks for such an interesting reply. We are of the same mind here, on people stuck in their personal bubble of beliefs especially true and a huge obstacle especially when we see states with GOP election deniers being elected this year to be in charge of elections and certification. I do find it an endless nightmare that the GOP still clings to Trump. But things are indeed coming to a boil and he is visibly not handling it well. His lawyers must be going nuts having to watch Trump on shows like Hannity stupidly making statements that can be used in court. I do see a glimmer of hope that the judicial system in the US will take some action and make it clear that Trump is not above the law.

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Hey Rick, like the "flop sweat" comment! I miss the days of Walter Cronkite, David Brinkley, and their ilk.

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Lies beget lies which beget excuses which beget insane explanations. A thinking public is done with this & wants him indicted. His cult is lost & can be disregarded as maddened devotees who follow him over the cliff. If thinking something makes it so in Trump’s mind, we can all now recognize why this narcissist will never ever acknowledge the truth.

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Sep 23, 2022·edited Sep 23, 2022

I must say, it's been an absolute joy watching trump not have anywhere to turn. The problem with narcissistic liars is that eventually, they simply just cannot keep up with their trail of lies. This is exactly what's happening with him and it was displayed in all its glory when he appeared on Hannity's show. In one interview he bounced around between the FBI planting the docs to him magically declassifying ALL of the documents to the Feds somehow knowing that all of Hillary's emails were in the trove of docs to his will being in the trove of documents to him being able to declassify the docs by just "thinking about them". I couldn't help but get an image of Bewitched twitching her nose on that last one. GOOD GRIEF!

It's fair to say that the orange thug is not going to have a good time over the next few months. I think after the mid-term election, it's all going to blow up for him and others like Matt Gaetz and those in trump's inner circle like Guiliani, Stone, Flynn, Powell, Eastman, etc. Justice does sure move slow but I finally feel like it's going to be served soon.

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Sep 23, 2022·edited Sep 23, 2022

The “Orange Thug” is now facing total failure full on. As an extreme narcissist , his actions will be now be even more unpredictable . We can probably expect tRump to attempt to create public sympathy( eg: arriving in court in a wheelchair!) or even a fake self-harm attempt. Narcissists are liable to physically harm others, as it often happens in extreme domestic violence, when narcisstic spouses face divorce, job loss, financial crisis, losing custody of children and are confronted with the loser/failure label . The former President may also be thinking of fleeing the country as he faces criminal charges, financial ruin, a family in disarray and the public perception of him as a total loser.

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1000% - spot on!!

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Wow! What a wonderful week! It was sweet karma for the narcissist, orange man child! Lol! He got slammed by Judge Dearie and told to “put up or shut up“ and provide an inventory list of what stuff was taken from his house, and deemed missing, as well as what he claims was “planted” by the FBI! Trump and his stooge federal district court judge “Loose Cannon” was also thoroughly schooled by the 11th circuit court of appeals on the law and the ridiculousness of their request for special master, and Cannon was completely humiliated for her “abuse of discretion” for intervening in the justice department’s investigation, and putting our national security at risk! District Court judges don’t usually like to be overruled, and this type of public excoriation by the court of appeal  points out how unqualified Judge Cannon is and will be remembered when she seeks to move up in the court system. She is now seen as a legal laughing stock! But seriously, this also highlights how vulnerable our judicial system is to bias and corruption.  I was pleased to see Tish James, the Attorney General of New York State, taking the Trump crime family to task by filing a civil case for fraud for $250 million! Hoping for justice to prevail and that a life long grifter will get to wear the orange jumpsuit!

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Among the nuggets in Trump's interview with Hannity--obscured by the hilarious revelation that Trump can declassify documents by thinking about it--was his statement about "sending documents to Mar-A-Lago or wherever...." I would sure like to see some investigative journalist ask him, or a prosecutor inquire of Trump under oath, what he means about sending documents to "wherever."

Notice how that video of the plane being loaded up in Florida with bankers' boxes to be sent to Bedminster has disappeared from the discourse? People aren't talking about documents in other places. But I bet there are.

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The “Stooge Cannon” should resign … to save some face for whatever dubious reputation she may have had. Hopefully,this is a reminder to other Justice “Trumpites” to uphold their of oath of office impartially when encountering prosecutors pursuing justice against the Orange Peril.

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In my mind I have thought really hard that the Maggot trump has died and yet he is still alive. I guess I have to think harder.

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I'm writing here on another hot-button issue that I hope you write about Michelangelo - Senator Tammy Baldwin (with Schumer and Collins) has decided to postpone the Senate vote for the protect marriage bill, passed already in the House. Sorry, but on this, Sen. Baldwin is a moron. If Republicans in the Senate killed the marriage bill now, they would greatly damage themselves for the November elections. To have a vote now would have been a win-win for Democrats - either marriage protection passes with all Democrats and at least 10 Republicans, OR, Democrats get another powerful campaign weapon to use against them. Instead, Baldwin is playing right into McConnell's ruthless hands, giving the GOP a gift - Republicans get rid of this issue now, and then they can vote against it after elections with no repercussions. When will Democrats learn?

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Marc -- thanks and check the archive. I wrote about that last week.

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Thanks - sorry I missed it. I hope there's a good reason for this, as you speculate. Otherwise, Baldwin/Schumer will have a lot of egg on their faces.

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