This issue hits close to home for me. A little history in the fight for abortion rights for me personally. My Mother worked for PP as a Nurse Practitioner in the 70’s and helped open the first clinic across from ASU in Tempe, AZ. The uproar and media coverage was outrageous, but PP prevailed. My Father was on the board of PP and hired my future stepmom who became director of Northern/Central AZ PP in the late 70’s., who then became the CEO of PP in the mid 90’s.

Death threats where a “normal” occurrence during these years. The anti-choice people were extremely violent and they would picket out front of my Father’s home. Law enforcement did little to keep them away. Once my stepmom became CEO of PP International they moved to NYC where the home offices of PP International is located. They moved into an apartment with high security, sold their home in AZ and bought an apartment here with high security. The fear was real and we always took precautions for safety.

Those in the anti-choice movement are vile, nasty and extreme. There is no such thing as abortion right before or after birth. Anyone with any amount of smarts would know that is a complete lie.

There is no such thing of a women walking into a clinic in the 3rd trimester of her healthy pregnancy and asking for an abortion just because she decided she didn’t want to be pregnant anymore. “Abortions” in the second/third trimester are very rare and only because the fetus has died, or has such severe anomalies that it won’t survive outside the womb. When this happens, the women is induced and goes through the pain of labor to deliver. The fetus( now a birthed baby) is cared for if it survives the birth until it passes, it is not murdered. It is severely detrimental to the women’s health if the fetus dies in utero, therefore, “abortion” is necessary for the life of the mother.

So, there you go. Those are the facts.

I’m so sick of the lies and distortions about this issue. Personal privacy is at stake regarding many issues involving sexuality. We must vote these people out of office and make sure ALL people can live their lives without government interference.

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The TV show Maude did a two part show in 1972 about her becoming pregnant at 47.


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Apr 9·edited Apr 9

Cut to the chase: ‘All about winning elections.’ Women are not stupid; he will sign a national abortion ban if elected!

So: a vote for Biden is women’s suffrage, a vote for TFG,RFK Jr, staying home would be a vote for women’s suffer-age! VOTE BIDEN!

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There's only one thing for sane, freedom loving Americans to do in November:

Abort RepubliKKKans.

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Apr 11Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

What do you think the Vegas Over/Under line is on how many abortions Trump's paid for in order to keep the kidlings limited to only five? The corollary bet is how many of those did he skip out of paying for?

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Apr 10·edited Apr 10Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Trump is certainly, desperate , dangerous & deranged. The next thing we may see with regard to his money making schemes , as he compares himself to Mandela and JC , could easily be his company selling an effigy of himself crucified to the cross at $49.99 each , that should go down well with his cult followers who see him as the returned Messiah being "persecuted "by a modern day Pontius Pilate judicial system.

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Every jounralist should be asking every republican candidate about the Comstock Act and their position on it. Make it an issue.

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Politicians will do, say, and promise many things today, and conveniently develop amnesia the moment after they're sworn into office.

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And the US Senate should be voting on a repeal motion: put the GOPs on the spot.

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Here's my comment on the Times article this morning: "Seems to me the logical question would be, how many abortions have you paid for in your lifetime."

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When is Congress going to start regulating sperm emissions?

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Leaving up to the states something so essential to human rights as abortion rights, is maddening. Why should women living in red states have less rights than women living in blue states? Remember when gay couples could marry in Massachusetts, but not in Florida? Remember when the federal government disallowed married gay couples from receiving any federal benefits of marriage? In reality, though, when the conservatives on SCOTUS dissolved Roe, they didn't really ban abortion rights for all women in red Republican states - they banned abortion for POOR women in red states. Women from Republican states with the resources to travel to a Democratic-run state will always be able to access their reproductive needs. Republican legislation curtailing abortion rights are practically speaking only bans on abortion for poor women in Republican states.

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“Oh, he’s pivoting. He’s definitely pivoting”. One small thing many wingers are forgetting, women never forget ! November BLOW OUT !!

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This appears to be an exercise in gaslighting your own tribe who will have to prove their loyalty by letting you get away with utter bullshite. Those of us who know trrumpanzee better are quite aware that he is a lousy prevaricator. Note the only accomplishments in 4 years was the tax cuts and court packing (in which Mitch The Turtle was a willing accomplice). I also know that women will be the reason he's not returned to the WH. Is it me or was this a terrible hostage video?

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Apr 10·edited Apr 10

Drumpf is the REASON Roe V. Wade was overturned. He's a chronic liar; all we need to see are his flubs, his inability to put a coherent sentence together and the hateful rallies he speaks at. Showcase his hypocrisy and convictions and autocratic behavior so any rational person would never consider voting for him.

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I still don't understand how Republicans can be both malevolent and STUPID!

I'm completely lost here, but Republicans should be too STUPID! to keep racking up victories like this.

Also, in case you're not aware of my point, it's that Republicans are STUPID! STUPID! STUPID!

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Drumpf has enabled all the groups with extreme prejudice against black, brown, LGBTQt, women, Jews, etc. to make their hatred visible, with his rallies that embolden them. They’re all part of his cult club.

Saddest and most devastating part is that some of these cult members are among our friends and family.

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I don't associate with Republicans. I keep to myself and socialize with Democratic friends. I just cannot support the demented values that Republican voters support.

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I feel the same and get much support from my rational minded friends. I ask my republicon leaning friends to read “Enough” and “Oath of Honor” but that's the extent of my conversations with them.

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Apr 14·edited Apr 14

A lot of them just don't get it, Larry. They won't read it as it's left-wing propaganda in their minds. They believe the orange fascist truly loves America. Barf!

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“Left wing propaganda” from Liz Cheney and Cassidy Hutchinson, two conservative republicons. And they don’t see that all Drumpf wants to do is avoid jail. Those two women saw Drumpf in action, up close, and know what he’s about.

He loves HIMSELF.

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Yes, he is in it so he can make more money by making deals with fireign leaders. He's the biggest conman on earth.

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Oh, don't I know it!

At least my closest relative is a Libertarian Conservative, and hates Trump more than any "libburul" because of what he's done to the Republican Party. Sadly, he (my kid brother) can't see that Donald Trump is just the logical conclusion of a long, LONG plot to make voters stupid played by his beloved Republican Party, beginning with his hero Ronald Reagan.

He's not stupid—he's usually "the smart one" in his group of Right Wing friends. It's just he wants to go back to an America that never really existed except for White people, and not even for a lot of us (he forgot, or maybe never really knew Dad enlisted because he failed outside of the military, and had a family to take care of). He gets really upset when young'uns (like my ex-wife's college-educated niece) didn't show what he considered proper deference to his superior age and experience—he went straight into the Navy from High School, and scored so high on his Aptitude Tests they offered him either Submarines or SEALs! (SEALs would have been hilarious given he's built like a fireplug, and his weight fluctuates between 250-350 lbs.)

So he's a smart guy, he just...really doesn't like change. 🤷‍♂️

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The change these Drumpf supporters don’t want to see happen is deeply rooted in America’s racist history.

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Racism and greed -- the crux of the GOP.

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Bottom Line: What used to be latent racism and homophobia is all out in front because their audience are the people who are not exactly curious about anything beyond the Hollow they live in...

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Apr 10·edited Apr 10

You have to understand "religious" bigotry and their obsession with a political power grab to ensure that this country is governed by the bible(their interpretation) and the Ten Commandments. They are obsessed, excessively so , and can not rationalise outside their distorted one track minds. The adage that religion is "the opium of the masses" comes to mind. These faux "christians" hide behind a religious cover to fight for sole political power in an effort to enact their own "shariah" law on the USA.

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Wow, that Biden ad is brutal. Let's be sure every American voter sees it.

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what makes me sick, is who the hell is he to talk about women's health, or any man for that matter? I never understood how these laws are made by mostly men, who do not have uteruses. And he is the worst example of someone with morals. And I still to this day would like to know what women would let him put his grubby hands on them, without getting decked?? I don't know any woman that would allow this?? so, once again he is all talk and no action!! #roevember!!!

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Melania should be interviewed to get a true perspective. Her face in photos says it all...

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She's all about spending money on designer clothes.

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I would sooner buy swampland in Florida or one of the bridges in NYC from a swindler before I would put faith in any comment or "promise" that Trump utters. Once again, doing or saying anything that will help him get elected.

I guess we've also reached the point in which Trump has to release taped messages, which probably took multiple takes to get right. No more stump speeches and rallies where random disconnected thoughts are spewed. He's already said that windmills result in dead birds and injured whales. Can anyone direct me to a bookie that will take my bet on when Trump starts saying that banning windmills would result in no woman ever needing to have an abortion ever again?

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