This is the day his Mojo Died. The picture of Trump coming off the helicopter says it all. This is the tipping shot, the picture that becomes iconic because it perfectly captures the moment. Trump defeated, knowing it, and not happy about it. The opening of his triumphal re-election tour just crashed and burned. He couldn't fill a city stadium more than a third full.
This is what it looks like when reality smacks you upside the head and you know you're really, really screwed. Trump lives by ratings. His just bottomed out. Next week's polls are going to be brutal for him.
And this is when he becomes really, REALLY dangerous.
However, (heh, heh) there is another option. If he resigns for 'health reasons', he can walk with the entire Trump re-election fund. It belongs to him. All he has to do is pay taxes on it, and I'm sure he would weasel even that. But . . .
Given the choice between a humiliating defeat and walking away with a few hundred million, hmmmm . . . What do YOU think? Especially if he gets Pence to agree to blanket amnesties and pardons that might be needed. His base? Screw the rubes. That's been Trump's philosophy (if you can cal it that) all his life. The yokels are sbout to join the ranks of Trump U Alumni . . .
Prob is all he has ever “really” had was his big over blown ego. So if that goes he is literally left w nothing. Plus w out second term he is a sitting duck for immediate prosecutions Pence can’t pardon him for. Which is why Barr has been meddling in justice Dept lately. It’s a nail biter
tRump biggest fear is incarceration....he wants to avoid that at all cost....if that means via corrupt and criminal means he will/has/is take(n) that path. He has already corrupted the administration, the US, the DOJ, and every one of his followers . As you mentioned, these next months will be dangerous for us, as each tRump failure brings him closer to the self-realization that he is indeed a total failure, and that is where extreme actions by him will be evident.
This is hopeful but until he is out of the White House and SDNY and others are in full prosecutorial trial mode and the whole GOP criminal enterprise is being held accountable we cannot rest. Equally vital are all the areas of gov and constitutional weakness exposed by this undeserving abuser of the highest office must be reversed and repaired. This can NEVER happen again to our democracy and we must learn from our dangerous MISTAKE called Trump.
Drumpf's staff on the media has been trying to downplay this whole debacle by saying the 2-5 million people were watching this on TV and/or streaming online. As if that's gonna compensate it! That's only less than 2% of the population, more than half were probably hate-watching or shutting it off less than halfway through the speech.
What is really really sad with the whole Trump Travesty is that the very admiration, loyalty and support that Trump desperately wants can be obtained by being a respectable and caring human and leader. Instead he chooses to be the opposite and has to pay grifters and others for it. He has spent his entire life self-sabotaging and being vindictive.
I’m probably the only person who thinks he will start looking excuses to end his re-election campaign. And blame it on something because that’s what he does. He can’t control the 2 largest elements that will increase his chances: Covid and the devastation of the economy. Too many of the people who posed as his GOP allies are jumping ship. And the leaders he looks up to in other countries are too busy dealing with the very same issues.
He knows he’s losing in the polls and his ego won’t allow him to be humiliated in front of the world on Election Day.
Bolton told us tRUMP likes to seem in control. Bolton resigned the night before but tRUMP said the following morning that he was fired. He will try to come out of this debacle saying it was on his terms. I can’t believe we had to endure four years of this buffoons traitorous behavior.
This is the day his Mojo Died. The picture of Trump coming off the helicopter says it all. This is the tipping shot, the picture that becomes iconic because it perfectly captures the moment. Trump defeated, knowing it, and not happy about it. The opening of his triumphal re-election tour just crashed and burned. He couldn't fill a city stadium more than a third full.
This is what it looks like when reality smacks you upside the head and you know you're really, really screwed. Trump lives by ratings. His just bottomed out. Next week's polls are going to be brutal for him.
And this is when he becomes really, REALLY dangerous.
However, (heh, heh) there is another option. If he resigns for 'health reasons', he can walk with the entire Trump re-election fund. It belongs to him. All he has to do is pay taxes on it, and I'm sure he would weasel even that. But . . .
Given the choice between a humiliating defeat and walking away with a few hundred million, hmmmm . . . What do YOU think? Especially if he gets Pence to agree to blanket amnesties and pardons that might be needed. His base? Screw the rubes. That's been Trump's philosophy (if you can cal it that) all his life. The yokels are sbout to join the ranks of Trump U Alumni . . .
You are so right that this is whn it becomes really dangerous -- we have to double down!
Speaking of doubling down, it look like Sen. Doug Jones' chances for re-election just got better. A new poll has him tied!
Prob is all he has ever “really” had was his big over blown ego. So if that goes he is literally left w nothing. Plus w out second term he is a sitting duck for immediate prosecutions Pence can’t pardon him for. Which is why Barr has been meddling in justice Dept lately. It’s a nail biter
Ten dollars says that he flees to Russia by November.
And Vlad the impaler offers him one of his special “elixirs” when he’s had enough of the blow hard
That will happen when they find out that Trumpy-dumpy doesn't have the money to pay off that huge loan they gave him.
tRump biggest fear is incarceration....he wants to avoid that at all cost....if that means via corrupt and criminal means he will/has/is take(n) that path. He has already corrupted the administration, the US, the DOJ, and every one of his followers . As you mentioned, these next months will be dangerous for us, as each tRump failure brings him closer to the self-realization that he is indeed a total failure, and that is where extreme actions by him will be evident.
This is hopeful but until he is out of the White House and SDNY and others are in full prosecutorial trial mode and the whole GOP criminal enterprise is being held accountable we cannot rest. Equally vital are all the areas of gov and constitutional weakness exposed by this undeserving abuser of the highest office must be reversed and repaired. This can NEVER happen again to our democracy and we must learn from our dangerous MISTAKE called Trump.
Progress 2020!
Drumpf's staff on the media has been trying to downplay this whole debacle by saying the 2-5 million people were watching this on TV and/or streaming online. As if that's gonna compensate it! That's only less than 2% of the population, more than half were probably hate-watching or shutting it off less than halfway through the speech.
Speaking of train wrecks, I learned from Right Wing Watch that Jeff Sessions has hired Michelle Malkin to author his fundraising e-mails.
What is really really sad with the whole Trump Travesty is that the very admiration, loyalty and support that Trump desperately wants can be obtained by being a respectable and caring human and leader. Instead he chooses to be the opposite and has to pay grifters and others for it. He has spent his entire life self-sabotaging and being vindictive.
I’m probably the only person who thinks he will start looking excuses to end his re-election campaign. And blame it on something because that’s what he does. He can’t control the 2 largest elements that will increase his chances: Covid and the devastation of the economy. Too many of the people who posed as his GOP allies are jumping ship. And the leaders he looks up to in other countries are too busy dealing with the very same issues.
He knows he’s losing in the polls and his ego won’t allow him to be humiliated in front of the world on Election Day.
He’ll say he already accomplished the greatest economy ever and he doesn’t need a second term.
Bolton told us tRUMP likes to seem in control. Bolton resigned the night before but tRUMP said the following morning that he was fired. He will try to come out of this debacle saying it was on his terms. I can’t believe we had to endure four years of this buffoons traitorous behavior.