The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

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Really, with a lot of these right wing white men who are so worried about losing masculinity, it probably isn’t worth much in the first place.

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Fucker Carlson looks like he hasn't been to the gym in years. On a side note, dropping testosterone is also related to all the toxic garbage that GOPer lead EPA have been allowing corporations to release for decades. Plus this toxic masculinity he is promoting looks similar to those Russian army recruitment ads.

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The extreme right fringe has shown their true loyalty is to Putin and his vision for Russia.

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Crazy stuff. Old Tuck seems to feel inadequate in some way.

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This also looks like a pitch for non-fda approved quackery BS products. Tucker is taking the Alex Jonestown route.

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It’s possible, considering Infowars just filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy in Texas. Who knows what happens to Alex Jones from here, but his media empire may be on borrowed time.

So, here comes TucKKKer Carlson to pick up the slack!

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Matthew, that would be a grand-good riddance to fat faced red faced screaming head sicko.

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tucker had to go get a friend to fight the dude that gave him funny feelings. sad.

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Michelle. Thanks for drawing attention to those details. Tuckkk’s a rich daddy’s weak as water kid. Look at the no hint of stubble face, used to be always a bow tie, high pitched Mickey Mouse giggling laugh, all projection of his own lack of testosterone. Tuck’s laugh, see: YouTube https://youtu.be/f91g1SNy2I8

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DJT “Where’s my Roy Cohn?”, Roy was also obsessed with masculine power, “machismo”, a lawyer, a Jew who was anti-Semitic and a closeted gay who prosecuted gays, then died 1986 of the scourge called HIV/AIDS, forever strongly denying it. He was Senator Joe McCarthy’s chief counsel “seeing communists everywhere”. Cohn also introduced DJT to Aussie-American Rupert Murdoch for a lifelong association. (For some reason the rather forgotten AC/DC song “Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap” is now playing on a tape in the mind). We can barely imagine the tortured twists, turns and pretzeling inside of Cohn’s mind over his decades.…. Internal love/hate relationship with self. Made him known for being mean ugly and nasty. In other words, DT’s most favorite guy. Sorry Jarad.

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I have a germ of an idea I've been "dickering" with: F*cker Carlson, much like his family's canned chicken, has to be seasoned to be even remotely palatable. I have enough access to porn to find this drivel from carlson worthwhile. The underlying danger here is the unintended audience sharing this at breakneck speed. Seems to me that a crash course from HBO Max's Equal series is a wonderful counterpoint to the hate and haters...

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Carlson is deranged. Is he an endocrinologist now that he's commenting on testosterone levels in men?

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He’s an endoctrinologist

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Climax Change?

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He was clearly bullied in high school and is making up for it now. Maybe it's his Veronica Lake bangs. I don't normally bash anyone for anything but this pos is fair game and it is officially open season.

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The Tucker refrain…” come out come out…wherever you are?”

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Good for Tucker, on all counts. Over-educated queens who "publish" everyday on obscure blogs aren't the only gays around, there are lots of other MSMs (men who do it with men, not mainstream media in case you're confused) around. Matter of fact, "MSM" probably doesn't apply to intelligentsia queens, sincee they don't do much MSMing. Writing, yes; having actual sex, no.

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Also in thie promo, did anyone notice that there was no bucket underneath the cow that was being milked by the so-called manly-man?

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...and of course, he had to get that despicable Andrew Sullivan to narrate this piece of garbage. Did anyone else notice that? Gross. I feel like I need a shower (and not for the good reasons. lol)

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That promo is the ultimate unintentional comedy!

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I had a drop in T. I switched from briefs to boxers, lost 30 lbs, stopped all alcohol (and black licorice) and switched to fish, chicken, olive oil, leafy greens, and began working out. T is higher than for the average man my age, now.

The fear of T drop is true, however; and should not be mocked. The video does spin off thoughts from the MRA: "hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men and weak men create hard times" (yadda, yadda, yadda, which I think is a little ridiculous and over the top--most in the MRA fit the bill for weak men).

However, this is not the time to mock such issues. We find it easier to mock these men, pushing them further to the right. The wiser thing would be for the Democratic party to take back this issue from the Republicans and treat it with the respect it deserves and spend as much on the health of men, as we do for women. This is not the time to laugh at these men--they will vote, and the margin is tight.

Carlson deranged? Yes. Like a madman who figured out the issue. I am sure they KNOW it is homoerotic and do not care: it will bring him viewers. Do we mock the Vagina Monologues and its rape monologue as often as we mock all attempts by these men to forge a community? These are men trying to forge a language that they are not toxic, and the Democrats are stepping aside, and letting Carlson write the dictionary.

Again, I think Carlson is toxic and opportunistic, but is this the time to mock, or take the fuel from their tanks by taking back the issue?

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"Spend as much on the health of men, as we do for women". Surely you jest? Until very recently, women weren't even included in the vast majority of medical research. "For much of documented history, women have been excluded from medical and science knowledge production, so essentially we’ve ended up with a healthcare system, among other things in society, that has been made BY men FOR men." "In the early 20th century, the endocrine system, which produces hormones, was discovered. To medical minds, this represented another difference between men and women, overtaking the uterus as the primary perpetrator of all women’s ills. Still, medicine persisted with the belief that all other organs and functions would operate the same in men and women, so there was no need to study women. Conversely, researchers said that the menstrual cycle, and varied release of hormones throughout the cycle in rodents, introduced too many variables into a study, therefore females could not be studied."

Throughout the history of medicine, women have always been considered an inferior version of men. "Because women had reproductive organs, they should reproduce, and all else about them was deemed uninteresting." In the early 60s, "A National Institutes of Health-supported pilot study from Rockefeller University that looked at how obesity affected breast and uterine cancer didn’t enroll a single woman." "The Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging, which began in 1958 and purported to explore ‘normal human ageing’, didn’t enroll any women for the first 20 years it ran." These are but two examples out of thousands of medical research studies done which included no women. "In nearly three-quarters of cases where a disease primarily effects one gender, the so-called “men’s diseases” are overfunded, while the “women’s diseases” are dramatically underfunded." Autoimmune diseases are a good example, with about 80% being women. The autoimmune condition I've been diagnosed with (Sjogren's) is even higher with 90-95% being women. And I can guarantee you, women with autoimmune diseases are not being treated like they have serious conditions and even rheumatologists, who are supposed to be specialists and authorities on this subject, give less attention to

their female patients' complaints than their male patients. But this is well known across-the-board, in all types of medical practices, with both doctors and other health care professionals, given a male and female patient with exactly the same complaints, the doctor, whether male or female, will almost always give more weight and credence to the male's issues and prescribe appropriate treatment, while being more judgemental of the female patient and relegate her issues as just being psychosomatic.





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I’d say you’re wasting your time responding to a moron who is obviously trolling, except that you wrote a very cool piece with links that we all can use -- so good job!

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We’re not the only ones to mock him. Even kid rock, hardly someone encumbered by excessive brain power, wouldn’t buy his bullshit.

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Carlson has angered me by the way he spins men's issues to his own advantage. But it does not change the fact that more could be gained by taking some of these issues back. Men--white, black, young, old, gay and straight--are now growing up in a world being told their masculinity is toxic, and boys, while failing in schools, should be supporting girls (it is ludicrous).

Many men have had enough of this and are rebelling. THIS is the time to take the rebellious energy and get them back in the blue.

But it is so much easier to mock, isn't it?

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Or to troll.

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