Tucker is about as straight as Lombard street

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You know I'm quite certain that Carlson's seeming paranoia of people who have a homosexual orientation seems somewhat pathological to me, an expression perhaps of some dreadful fear that legal tolerance of it will somehow negatively impact him. Maybe expose him with some revelation about his own status in that respect. Who knows really? From the time I became aware of this wretched little snit in his once ubiquitous bowties and his pretense of being some kind new age patrician editorial overlord I've entertained a question about Tucker's orientation. I dare say he thinks he's engaging in some Socratic method when he poses a question which he will immediately respond to with some right wing dogma worthy of Josef Goebbels? Whenever I see this kind of vehement conviction against this persecuted minority exercising the right of every citizen, to not be discriminated against because of the way they were born, it reminds of how so many anti-gay demagogues in the past inevitably turn out to be closeted homosexuals, evidently self loathing homosexuals, who likely grew up in an environment full of self absorbed rich psychopaths who often as not engaged in every kind of decadent sexual act behind closed doors including homosexuality, but because of the image they are expected to present within their social circle and the public as well, especially if a celebrity, their first reaction is usually to denounce it.

And you can be sure the image the everyday consumer has of them is ultimately the most important thing because no one could be rich and successful without the approval of the consumers the perception of their fellow oligarchs notwithstanding. Dan White survived his time in Vietnam only to let his revulsion of homosexuality lead him to resigning his position as a Supervisor in the city of San Francisco and becoming a pariah and a defendant with two murder charges. He was not convicted of those murders based on the most specious defense no reasonable person would ever take it seriously. That guilt of knowing he got away with it no doubt was the impetus of him committing suicide five years after his crime. So we should not be surprised in the least as to the attitude of Carlson and someone of his scurrilous ilk. Who doesn't know it has long been an open secret about such Republicans as Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, etc. It is the worse kind of cynicism of people who would disrespect themselves their entire lives for political expediency forever never revealing their true self.

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You know I might add that Jesse Helms who regretfully enough was from my home state of North Carolina was someone I'm convinced had his own issues about his masculinity when you understand his father was a notorious racist Sheriff in the county Jesse Jr. came from and was addressed a "Big Jesse" and essentially was the most powerful man in the county. Jesse growing up was the contrary of such a toxically masculinity. He was a bespectacled studious youngster who nevertheless craved his father admiration. If he couldn't achieve it by being a tough guy law man he'd do it as racist demagogue. Ever since he and another noted racist man of influence "Chub" Sewell appeared together on WRAL TV in Raleigh giving editorials on a regular basis with an intensely racist, libertarian bent. By then Helms had built a right wing reputation in the racist campaign to defeat UNC-Chapel Hill president Frank Porter Graham who was briefly the very liberal Senator from the state of North Carolina.

Helms by then was seen as some kind of John Bircher Libertarian who you were certain had a robe and a hood in his closet. Every manifestation of Helms during his lifetime was an effort to assert his masculinity to the long dead obnoxious man that was his father Sheriff "Big Jesse" Helms. In my youth I saw many of those editorials Helms gave using word play while doing it endeavoring, I suspect, to come across as if he was H. L. Mencken, but in fact sounding like some ridiculous Grand Dragon. I was offended by him then as a kid and a teenager, and the thought of Helms now offends me because he was an embarrassment to this great state.

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Tucker..... come out.... come out.... where ever you are!!

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Who would fuck this pathetic douche

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Especially with those gawd-awful tiny bowties he wears.

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Boy, talk about needing some of Dave Chappelle's N lessons. White men control the levers of society yet you conflate Carlson's toxic masculinity to men's rights? What boat are you all on? You merely need only look at his fear to know how to combat him. Call him out on his sheer stupidity for masking his inate desire to conceal his obvious lust for another man's touch.

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Certainly seems that way -- fighting something he's so afraid of.

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Methinks the lad protests too much. He is never going to "evolve" from a place of utter hate, which sounds a lot like self-loathing to me. Ironic, but typical his hs profile mentions a Christian club. He's not Paul, he's not getting knocked off his horse by a sudden revelation of the offenses he's committed. He's a tawdry purveyor of hatred and should be dealt with as such, starting with his advertisers.

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Michael, Great article, but have you considered that Tucker's father was fairly obsessed with the pursuit of transgender fraudster Elizabeth Carmichael? Have you watched THE LADY AND THE DALE? https://www.hbo.com/the-lady-and-the-dale Tucker's father was KABC reporter Dick Carlson. Dick Carlson did 27 reports about Elizabeth Carmichael and the detail of his pursuit of her in these stories is not only well documented in the HBO special, but get a load of this article about Dick Carlson. https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-lady-and-the-dale-reveals-tucker-carlsons-dads-anti-trans-crusade-against-grifter-elizabeth-carmichael You can't tell me that Dick Carlson's pursuit of this story didn't have an impact on Tucker. It could be Tucker is so deeply closeted and curious, the only way he can deal this his father's programming about transgendered people is that he became the notoriously hateful individual we see on Fox "News" every evening.

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Excuse for the incorrect address, Michaelangelo.

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The people who scream the loudest against LGBTQIA+ may be using anger to avoid dealing with their own homosexuality, bisexuality, or lesbian feelings. An article written by Andrew Stillman at Yahoo! Sports on January 3, 2023, revealed a ninety-six (96) percent search increase in 'pegging,' and two hundred two (202) percent increase for trans women. Stillman also said a lawsuit.org study showed Texas was the most obsessed state with Transgender porn. Just come out of the closet and I guarantee your anger will subside and you maybe, just maybe, become a human being again.

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Someone should have a private detective follow him. I think very few of us would be surprised at what they find.

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I guess Carlson thinks if he can hate gays enough it will make him straight

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In an article about homophobic hate you call LGBT people "qu**rs"! How disgusting and counterproductive.

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The resurgence of Fucker (intentional misspelling) Carlson on TV job no. 3 or 4 with FAUX news has a lot to do with regurgitating the alt-right garbage that has been displayed on Social Media and YouTube for 5+ years now.

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That's exactly it, Jeff. He's riding the wave and doing so much more damage.

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It may seem like a small point, but the murdered mayor's name is Moscone (not Mascone).

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Thank you Robert, corrected!

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While I dislike Carlson and find him more boring than hateful (though certainly the latter), it might be wise to look into the reasons for his more recent rise to notoriety.

He has embraced the Men's Rights Movement.

While some aspects of the movement can be hateful, they do make some valid points.

Men are 90% of all on the job-deaths.

It is still legal to genitally mutilate baby boys.

Men are dropping out of college.

Men get 63% more jail time for the same first time offense.

There are seven national agencies for the health of women and none for men.

Carlson has embraced this. However, Michael, you have not. Most men on the left, fail to see this issue and will disparage the movement outright. Carlson has, more recently, strongly embraced it (in a way I don't like).

In my opinion, the final divide that must be healed is that between straight and gay men in an embrace of the beauty of masculinity; yet we are not there yet. Boys continue to hear the phrase "toxic masculinity" -- which Carlson has correctly repudiated. (As Obama suggested, Islam is not radical, but individual Muslims could be; and he eschewed the phrase "Radical Islam." Yet, boys continue to hear "Toxic masculinity"). Carlson rides that to notoriety, more than his homophobia or racism.

You, yourself, Michael, wondered why some are not getting the vaccine; and this week, the LA times wondered openly if "Toxic masculinity" was to blame, overlooking, in the process, which TWO of the following four do not exist:





(And let's not get into a discussion on past health care imbalances -- the Atlantic Magazine repudiated that gender argument in 1995.)

So, yes, take on Carlson for his hate. But take a light to why some men are turning to him. He listens to men; not with an ear I like, mind you, but he listens. You don't.

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Men's rights is bullshit anti-feminism. Please don't make him and others into the victims because their privilege is threatened.

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Also a lot of so-called Men's rights activists (at least the ones I've seen on YouTube) are also rape apologists. I've seen a lot of these parasites pop out of the woodwork when Gamergate occured.

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The don't call it Men's Rights. Call it Men's issues.

Because vilifying Carlson is only the first step. Offering an alternative is the difficult part. And it appears too difficult for most people who would rather toss insults.

Most men I know, are good -- lost, but good.

And Carlson is shining a light. A light I would prefer go out, but a light for some. He is listening.

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Oh please. That is so fucking ridiculous. We all know why people are turning to this moron: they are racists and homophobes. And so are you, with your mealy mouthed bothsidism bullshit.

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I am just waiting for the day when gay male leaders start to approach the bridge between straight and gay men and acknowledge that some Men's Rights issues are valid; and that masculinity is no more toxic that femininity (despite both genders have INDIVIDUALS who are).

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Men are not barred from establishing National Agencies for men’s health. Rights don’t mean a person doesn’t have the same things.

Please cite a source for the jail time discrepancy.

Circumcision, though I’m not supporting it, is a sticky situation but is not a man’s rights issue because men choose to allow their children to be circumcised.

Toxic masculinity does not mean that all men are toxic. It has been a term used for decades and refers to men being taught to suppress emotions, disregard emotions of others, and men who have traits of aggression and misogyny, etc. it’s a valid topic and has negative effects for both sexes.

Rights are not being violated and prison sentences are discretionary and I am sure that they can be unfair but not a violation of a right.

What does embracing these ideas have to do with homophobia? Nothing.

What do these men’s issues have to do with rights? Nothing.

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And if a Muslim family desires to engage in FGM, shouldn't that be as legal as it is for Orthodox Jewish families to support MGM?

In both cases, you violate the rights of the body owner.

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Men are not barred from establishing National Agencies for men’s health.

Again: the government should be funding men's health on an equal footing. It does not. Carlson has tapped into this.

Jail time:


"Toxic Masculinity." So you approve of the phrase "Radical Islam? in some cases."

I don't. I don't like stereotypes at all. Some men are toxic. Some women are toxic. Masculinity and femininity are not.

>>What does embracing these ideas have to do with homophobia?

Because Carlson is leveraging this to gain a following; and it has consequences.

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His father, who is featured heavily in the HBO show The Lady and Dale, was the exact same way. I am sure he heard all that crap while he was growing up and just decided to keep the vibes going. Plus he has his "audience."

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I've got to see that documentary.

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It's so good and even though you think it's going to be mostly about her failed car company it really turns out to be more about how she was condemned for transitioning into a woman. And his father was culprit.

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I saw Clucker on DWTS-doughy, flaccid and physically uninteresting. SWIPE LEFT!

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So-called Christians who judge everyone else are completely unChristian in their judgements and prejudices. Christ said we shouldn't judge unless we want to be judged. I'm sure Tucker Carlson has plenty of skeltons in his closet, in addition to his ignorance and bigotry.

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