Feb 1, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Trump is showing panic and utter desperation, asking his supporters to fight to restore him to office. He is fixated on his loss and completely delusional about it. Trump is dangerous and will end democracy if he takes power again. He has to be stopped by legal means of ever being eligible for public office in the United States again.

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Ditto! He is frightening!

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Once again where in the fuck is the DOJ? The AG. This shit show they are allowing to perpetuate will discourage democratic voters from turning out. These wheels are turning so slowly it’s like watching grass grow. Until all these on going prosecution’s are brought to fruition we could possibly have lost the house. All for not.

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Merrick Garland is not the right man for AG in this era.

We need someone like Sally Yates, WA AG Bob Ferguson or Glenn Kirschner who would be more expeditious. Hell, even Lawrence Tribe is concerned! This slow-walking on filing an indictment is making things more dangerous.

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Agreed, SS! Poor AG Garland is married to the deliberative process that served so well in judicial positions, and was not at the point in his career where he could have quickly pivoted into the position of top prosecutor. Biden appeared much too hasty in choosing him, and it felt like a quick revenge instead of choosing someone the country needed at this critical moment in that crucial position.

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Absolutely true

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You are absolutely right

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Good grief….if this was any of us “lesser mortals” we’d be behind bars.

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Agreed. African Americans are comparing the 'justice' of the death of Eric Garner for selling some cigarettes out of a pack in NYC to the Former Guy fomenting insurrection, sedition, and ultimately the violent overthrow of the government. Yeah, the optics on that one are terrible.

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

There is one contradiction that baffles me.

The Trumpers (and my cousin is one) insist that those who stormed the Capitol were not Republicans or Trump supporters--they were members of ANTIFA.


So then why would they applaud at Trump's mention of pardons?

Why would Trump pardon the alleged "ANTIFA" radicals who stormed the Capitol?

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Most Trumpers have no idea what Antifa is all about, they just parrot whatever drivel comes out of the mouths of Faux News hosts. Antifa is a concept, hardly "an organized militia" (like Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, etc.) as the Trumpers would have us believe.

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So true.

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They like to constantly change the story in order to confuse the mass media to the point where they just try to see both sides on domestic terrorism. Sort of like how the daughters of the confederacy were able to whitewash the mass systematic torture and abuse of African-Americans into states rights or whatever "poor pitiful us" routine they can come up with.

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Trump has ALWAYS been an OPEN Fascist. It's just the GOP either ignored this or embraced it. It *IS* time for the prosecutors to drop the bomb, given his CONFESSION of seditious conspiracy. NO Democracy tolerates an ARMED conspiracy to overthrow the government, which is exactly what we saw on January 6, 2021. It's more than time to toss the Fascist in jail. In fact his OWN WH Counsel, Pat Cippilone (s?) thought Trump would be arrested at the end of that horrible day. The longer he stays free, the getter the danger. And the DOJ and state prosecutors had best put him away for good.

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Okay so now Mr. Garland has the goods, what more are we all waiting for? It seems that it is time to charge the former maniac in chief with the crime of sedition. I doubt we'll get the beheading he deserves, but life in prison without parole would be a good second choice. Putin is having a field day thinking he can put the criminal that owes him a LOT of money back in the oval office!

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Oh, well, let's not get all hot and bothered; the NYTimes headline writers certainly aren't.

"Trump Had Role in Weighing Proposals to Seize Voting Machines"

See, Mike, he "had a role." They were "weighing proposals." Nothing to get upset about.

(Today's Relaxing Moment With Merrick Garland is sponsored by Mitch McConnell....)

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Also: He's doing it all in broad daylight, in public view! says everyone who hasn't noticed him do that his entire career.

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Exactly. He does so public so that he can say, "well I didn't out in the open, of course it's not a crime."

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Is there anything left to say other than “lock him up”?

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The Orange Hitler is guilty of multiple crimes. When are they going to arrest the scumbag?

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