
I hope you're all ready, because it's going to come at any time now. And just in time for my SiriusXM show today at 3 ET!

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Well I guess this was very wrong, they’re taking long to count and it won’t be until the weekend.

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Nov 6, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Other than Howard stern you have the best best radio show

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Michelangelo and Howard Stern are in no way in the same category. It’s like comparing Fox News to MSNBC.

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Can’t wait for your program today!

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Michael Howard and Robin are happy that shit bag is going bye bye

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Nov 6, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Thank you again, Michelangelo.

I have a different take. First, I think this is actually not excruciating, it’s a welcome lesson and relief from the need to have a winner declared within hours of the polls closing. That’s only really possible in a blowout, which it was clear early on that this wasn’t going to be (that was disappointing to me, as I thought it would be a landslide). It takes time to be thorough, precise, accurate, legal, and bulletproof. So, by all means, take your time, and get it right. It certainly helps that it’s going in our direction.

Second: the Senate. If Tramp goes on to lose, the Right will come out with a vengeance in Georgia, to block Biden and the “socialists” and “radicals” from having free reign over policy. Their revenge for Tramp’s downfall will be keeping the Senate in the Grim Reaper’s death grip and blocking Biden as they did Obama. The argument on the Left will be to give Biden a cooperative rather than obstructionist Senate. So, the minute Biden should be announced, the next thing after the celebrations must be to mount the biggest Senate campaign in history — eclipsing Jaime Harrison’s efforts to unseat Graham. Truly, the future will be at stake, and both sides will be fighting to the death for those two seats and all that will come with it.

It will be within reach, the opposition will be perhaps like nothing we’ve seen before, and that’s saying a lot.

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Well that is true too. it's nice when it's hopeful and you expect something good at the end.

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Amen, well said. And McConnell looks like he has one foot in the grave

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Nice to live on West Coast. Soon we’ll welcome Arizona into the family of Western Blue states. A shout out to Rueben Gallego who began as a grass roots organizer in Arizona, going door to door, and ended up in Congress as an Arizona Democrat. Poor Steve Kornacki. Up all night. Gotta love the guy.

Do all the Republican senators who won want a do over like Faux News is suggesting?

Fake Bone Spurs needs to give it up. I want a sticker for never ONCE calling him President in the past four years. Looking forward to show today. Thanks for all you do Mike

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Great points Rick.

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Three cheers for the return to civility, science, and sanity. And cheers to Michelangelo! Really enjoy the daily report!

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If the Democrats manage to get a majority in the Senate, then they damn sure better end the god damn filibuster. Otherwise, it will be the same stagnant BS all over again.

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I was offline for 48 hrs trying to disconnect for a bit glam camping in Monroe county in north eastern PA. But I spent the first night commiserating over beer and a campfire w a local carpenter & wood artist About the state of our nation that so many could still vote for this horror show after all we have seen. Same w the senate - if not more so. We were surrounded by woodland & trump pence signs everywhere defacing Mother Nature. I swear they are paying little hateful out of work gobbling & trolls to litter even dirt roads and fields with that crap. It felt futile. Even my friends sensible wife is caught up in this Q anon crap. He doesn’t know what to do. It’s everywhere-permeated workspaces churches you name it. At that point I felt like jumping into the campfire or drinking myself dead. But this morning on my way back into the city looking at the results From pa and hearing that the very county in which I was camping actually gave Biden a huge win & push and possibly help overtake Trump and win the state. This made me feel hopeful. The only upsetting thing I heard was that Mitch McConnell was already strong arming our future President Biden with the same bullshit about not confirming anyone of his appointees?!. President Biden better not play any of this bullshit after what we’ve had to endure. Too much needs to get done too much damage needs to be repaired. McConnell is not going to stab in the way again. I’m feeling cautiously hopeful again. But the fight only begins now.

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Daily Kos has reports that Biden took the lead in Georgia!

Thank you Stacey Abrams and a fitting send-off for John Lewis...

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Biden sounds so Presidential. He is a unifier. When I hear him speak I cry because he is what we are missing and need soooo badly! I’m on pins and needles. I am trying to breathe , take walks with like minded friends and our dogs and clinging to my son who is part of the LGBTQ community knowing life depends on this election. Want To celebrate a Biden victory and then start making calls and supporting efforts for Georgia. Let’s get the senate too!

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Now the orange super spreader-in-chief is yelling in all caps "STOP THE COUNT" on twitter. To which me and many others proceeded to respond with gifs of The Count from Sesame Street. 😁

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Ivanka is still posting like he's still running for office. She often refers to him as the "People's President" which is disgusting.

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I just want to emphasize as others have done below that the Senate runoff races in Georgia in January will be immensely important. Those who can afford to must be prepared to haul out the check books and write big checks to help the two Democratic senatorial candidates win. Some of us are not happy about it but right now our system is driven by oceans of cash. Keep the faith!

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The Lincoln Project released an incredible video today in support!

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I can’t wait to put on my T-shirt that says, “Your Fired! “

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Re: my idea below for a USPS national holiday, he suggests everyone give their carrier $5 today. Everyone. I’m writing on mine: “Thank you USPS, you DELIVERED” with a...Sharpie!

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Speaking of which, De Joy should definitely be prosecuted next year.

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(My neighbor’s suggestion for the $5)

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I am over the top excited to see that it is official! Biden! Harris!!

Have to admit I’m crying, but this time a happy cry! Big hugs to you Michaelangelo for keeping us sane! Tuesday night I said a few rosaries worth of Our Fathers and Hail Marys, and I am probably the lapsest of lapsed Catholics.

Xoxoxo yay yay!!

Huge congratulations to our new President and VP!!!

Liz in CA

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Not sure if you can see this, but a guy on Twitter put this together. How we feel in California

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Ben Rhodes tweet:

"Looking at Black voters in Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia and Atlanta, it's striking that people who have been treated the worst by our democracy consistently do the most to save it."

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Waiting Sir.......

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