I just fucking hate all of this. Donny Fuckface and the MAGA GOP have completely screwed over everyone in this country. If the giant orange POS dropped dead, it would no longer be enough. I’d still pop open a bottle of champagne and cheer what I hope was a painful death, but it won’t be enough. What really is needed is for all the GOP and their minions to be in the same place at the same time and a rogue nation with a nuclear weapon finds out where they are. I would cry tears of joy. I never in my life thought I could hate a group of people so much that I’d celebrate their death, but here we are. Fuck Donny Fuckface! Fuck Rudy! Fuck all the Drumpf spawn! Fuck MTG, LB, MJ, FUCK THEM ALL TO HELL! They have turned the US into a shit show that seemingly cannot be saved. And FUCK RFKJr! Who the fuck does he think he is!? Wish he’d been flying with his cousin in 1999. Just what we need. A fucking rogue Kennedy, whose entire family has disavowed him! And to all you liberal or progressives who want to throw your vote to him to protest Biden’s handling of Israelis — FUCK YOU TOO. And if you cost Biden the election the ONLY joy I will get is knowing that you all fucked yourselves but good.

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You said it.

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We all know polls are total bullshit.

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The WSJ used to be a decent read during the raygun years until corporations started snapping up publications to insert the corporate viewpoint. Now that the citizenry is fed misinformation and/or outright lies on the daily, polling this far out should be taken with a grain of salt. Cretinous maggots lack any credibility considering the snakehead never met truth he can't murder on the spot...

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Way too early. A conviction in NY will change everything. Talking heads gotta talk.

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WSJ polls are BS. That's all you have to know-- conviction or no.

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Everytime they talk polls I move on. Ridiculous. Gives Fox talking points

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Apr 9·edited Apr 9

Yes, playing into their game. We just need to keep Drumpf’s hateful rallies, teleprompter goofs and speech flubs in the public eye. No sane person would want him representing our country.

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It’s quite remarkable.

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The bottom line is, the election is very close, and it shouldn't be. Yes, Trump is appealing to the worst instincts in voters, and for too many these ugly messages are resonating. But there is so much from Trump's rhetoric and record that should scare the hell out of non-MAGAS, but the danger Trump represents is not being messaged well by Democrats.

Voters like Trump's tough guy act. Biden and surrogates are going to have to get smarter and tougher exposing the meanness, and madness that is Trump.

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Fabrizio McLaughlin and Associates also employ Michael Cohen, a pollster that may or may not have been in Prague (no one asked THAT Cohen working for Trump).

Seems important considering that is the main Steele Dossier item used to discredit the entire raw material, most proven true.

The polls Trump has made for him are not reliable, more or less made to please him. Still, VOTE. Only way to stop him from regaining control.

Steven Jarvis

(Author of Donald Trump Explained, a Special Education Perspective of the Forty-fifth President of the United States)

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Michael! Great job calling out the BS! This polling in the WSJ is to prime the pump for votes to try to go to trump instead of Biden.. in other words 'fake news' tracking

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The Wall Street Journal is one of the MOST BIASED news outlets, and a mouthpiece for oligarchs. Why do so many journalists put their faith in polls anyway? Most journalism is corrupt these days. I'm canceling most of my dozen subscriptions because of this.

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All of the polls can't be believed. Polls are small sample groups of people who answer their phones. Lol. Just wait. Keep breathing. Keep working to elect blue up and down the ballot. Draw, paint, do genealogy research, write your own life story, have coffee with your besties, watch Bette midler movies. Then vote. Oh. And what Kate said!!

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I truly despise the corporate media beyond comprehension. How anyone pays even a penny to subscribe to NYT, WaPo and the rest of them is something I'll never understand. You're just paying to be fed the lies and distortions of the ruling class, who hate Joe Biden by the way. You see to them, a deranged demagogue that will give them everything they want is far better than a President who threatens to do things that will benefit the working class.

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It's with sadness and regret that I must report that the Media is working for MAGA. My "belief" is based on a thoughtful review and subsequent understanding that fear has taken hold of the publishers and editors of what may have once been respected and honest brokers of the truth, the facts.

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Apr 9·edited Apr 9

All the corporate media cares about are eyes on the tube; they want it close.

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I’m done with Nate Cohn. Dude is a terrible reporter. His takes have all been complete garbage going back several years now. He can’t wait to get a chance to do the “here’s why this is bad for Biden” stories. He’s the ringleader at the NYT for this crap.

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The WSJ polling has issues.

Others use very small samples.

Too early as noted.

Have to look at who backs a poll as here.

Since WSJ run by TFG’s pollster, of course TFG leads.

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Makes me not trust WSJ (not that I ever did) or any sucker news outlet that covered this incredibly biased "story."

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Another untrustworthy US publication…SO MANY

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They need to just give it a break. CNN come on.

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I’m thinking this is bullshit. You?

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