Weekend open thread: Biden hitting Trump hard for attacking war dead as "losers"
And another holiday weekend as coronavirus epicenters emerge in other states. What's happening where you are?
A holiday weekend open thread for this last big weekend of summer — and one that is honoring labor, unions and workers, let’s not forget — for all of you to jump in with your thoughts, comments, feelings, and just report in on what’s going on. So please, comment away!
Donald Trump is on a rampage trying to stem the damage from multiple confirmed reports that he called military members who died in wars “losers” and “suckers,” attacked John McCain further, and well, a bunch of other stuff denigrating troops. He’s furious at his former chief of staff, John Kelly, a likely source of many many of the reports — railing against him.
Joe Biden slammed Trump not just in a powerful speech and remarks in a press conference on Friday but in an ad. Trump has once again failed to steer the campaign back to “law and order” and “violence” — which wasn’t working anyway. And it’s now, once again, all about Trump and his not being fit.
And now Nikki Haley, who went all in for Trump at the Republican National Convention, is telling Biden to take down the ad. Isn’t that rich?

Multiple boats sunk in a Trump Boat parade in Texas.
And coronavirus surges in Iowa, Missouri and elsewhere as Republican governors refuse to implement mask mandates and we’re seeing another holiday weekend where cases will likely spike, just as they did during Memorial Day weekend and July 4th weekend. Experts are expecting a fall second wave that could be catastrophic, possibly before Election Day.
All of that said, I’m taking it easy this weekend — having a long, long weekend, off from my show on Tuesday and Wednesday too — but not going anywhere. Am staying here in New York, which is wonderful right now contrary to all the hellscape claims by the right-wing. And weather is perfect.
What are you up to? What’s happening where you are? What do you think of all that’s going on?
This is a thread for you to weigh in with your thoughts on the news or just tells us what you’re up to. I’ll jump in over the weekend, too. Have a good one and be safe!
This is an especially important Labor Day with so many essential workers risking their lives to serve the rest of us. Some have given the ultimate sacrifice and should be treated with the same respect as our fallen soldiers. We all need to be pressuring Mitch McConnell and the other do-nothing Republican senators to at least pass legislation to acknowledge, protect and honor them by providing hazard pay, paying childcare and anything else to make their lives at least somewhat less stressful. Every time I encounter my mailman, the UPS and Fed Ex delivery people, grocery workers, medical clinic workers, etc I pause to thank them, but that’s not good enough. They need and deserve assistance from our government!
My father was shot down from his B-17 over Belgium and bailed out. Picked up by the Resistance and made it to Paris before they were turned over to the Gestapo. Spent 2 1/2 years in a Nazi POW camp, then the death march to Moosburg when the Russians were closing in. My spouse was drafted and sent to Vietnam in 1970 while Fake Bone Spurs was sitting on his ass with Daddy’s money. The absolute EVIL of Trump has gotten beyond words. “I like people who weren’t captured”— ON TAPE. “losers” . I have never truly hated anyone in my life but I hate Trump. November cannot come fast enough. He inflicts pain on us every day.
Anyway have a good time off, will we be getting a Best Of show or do you have a sub? Enjoy your well deserved time off.
In California we are suffering through massive heat AGAIN. But we’ll get through...