Sep 6, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

This is an especially important Labor Day with so many essential workers risking their lives to serve the rest of us. Some have given the ultimate sacrifice and should be treated with the same respect as our fallen soldiers. We all need to be pressuring Mitch McConnell and the other do-nothing Republican senators to at least pass legislation to acknowledge, protect and honor them by providing hazard pay, paying childcare and anything else to make their lives at least somewhat less stressful. Every time I encounter my mailman, the UPS and Fed Ex delivery people, grocery workers, medical clinic workers, etc I pause to thank them, but that’s not good enough. They need and deserve assistance from our government!

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deletedSep 6, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile
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That's horrible. And why we need more government aid and hazard pay for front line workers.

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Sep 6, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

My father was shot down from his B-17 over Belgium and bailed out. Picked up by the Resistance and made it to Paris before they were turned over to the Gestapo. Spent 2 1/2 years in a Nazi POW camp, then the death march to Moosburg when the Russians were closing in. My spouse was drafted and sent to Vietnam in 1970 while Fake Bone Spurs was sitting on his ass with Daddy’s money. The absolute EVIL of Trump has gotten beyond words. “I like people who weren’t captured”— ON TAPE. “losers” . I have never truly hated anyone in my life but I hate Trump. November cannot come fast enough. He inflicts pain on us every day.

Anyway have a good time off, will we be getting a Best Of show or do you have a sub? Enjoy your well deserved time off.

In California we are suffering through massive heat AGAIN. But we’ll get through...

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Wow, Chris, his comments cut so close to home for so many people like yourself. We can only hope those who support him re-think it -- rather than just disbelieve it. But I'm not confident.

Labor Day will be a best-of show as with most holiday. Joe Sudbay will be guest hosting on Tuesday and Wednesday. Sorry about that heatwave, sounds intense!

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Thanks. We love Joe! Enjoy your time off.

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Completely off-topic: Has anyone else noticed that, in those pix of Melania in Playboy or with Epstein, she looks like Patsy from AbFab in flashbacks to her modeling career in the 60’s?

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She also sort of like Eva Gabor's character from the TV show "Green Acres".

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I’m in Birmingham, AL now seeing a ridiculous preponderance of “Jesus2020” signs in yards. I’m trying to see it as our first Black Jewish candidate🤩

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that's nuts. I hope it means they're just sitting out the vote, not voting for anyone (if they'd actually be voting for Trump).

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It’s ALABAMA!! Trump IS Jesus

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Speaking of signs, even though I didn't donate enough, someone gave me a spare Doug Jones yard sign.

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The news breaking regarding tRump’s disgusting callous comments about dead,injured and captured armed forces members, together with the sudden cynical about turn on ending the publishing of the 150 year Stars & Stripes newspaper will hopefully,bury this “president” for good. We can only hope that the Stars & Stripes retains it’s independence and is allowed to fully report this confirmed sad & sorry tRump’s “ losers & suckers” statements. This is another example of his narcissistic psychological “ transference”, and tRump knows, as we all do, who the “sucker & loser” really is.

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Even after this revelation about Drumpfs insult to the military, there are still veterans and service members would jump off a bridge and land head first into the concrete if he ordered them to. It reminds of when after the whole Waco raid when the militia nuts in the military were stealing weapons and ammo from storage magazines at various military bases, not to mention Timothy McVeigh's terrorist actions in Oklahoma. The Orange bastard is their new David Koresh, and frankly some of the racist veterans and service members who still worship this asshole are going to be future domestic terrorists. So Biden should have the FBI keep an eye on them starting January.

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There will always be members of the cult who won't break, always.

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Trump looks desperate

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It's Night 100 of Portland Protests, and according to our Local Media, both sides are descending upon the Rose City to commemorate. Asked if the evening would be calm, our ever-de-escalatory Portland police "union" chief replied, "I don't know, I wouldn't bet on it, would you?!"

Which means, I suppose, that the PPB will take advantage of mutual combat to beat up on protestors while coordinating their movements with their brothers in Patriot Prayer and the Proud Boys.

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They were all on the east side of Portland tonight.... we saw and heard nothing.

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Glad the weather is great Rick. 57 days until election day!

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Absolutely that super-spreader event at Sturgis caused this outbreak in the Midwest.

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