Iā€™m watching the news and seeing white privileged people with guns exercise their right to protest. Why do they have to bring guns and confederate flags? Is that a threat? And then this fucking My Pillow commercial comes on. Fuck. šŸ™„

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šŸ˜‚ Paul, right!?! Ugh!!

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I went back to work Friday. Iā€™m a bartender in a restaurant in Texas. The only good thing I can say is that we were slow. People donā€™t seem that excited to go dine out. I think itā€™s too early to open and I expressed that to my bosses. It doesnā€™t feel safe to reopen. They scheduled me anyways so it became a choice between my health and my livelihood. This whole thing feels like a crap shoot on the part of governor abbott. And the protestors are ridiculous. No one is taking away their rights. So you canā€™t go to a beach, a movie or a bar but really what else canā€™t you do? I really hope they ramp up testing.

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Wow --- Im so glad you wrote, as this is an example of how they're forcing people to take risks. Thank you Charles.

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The armed men protesting or should I say "rallying" at the state capitols is very disturbing. Although I don't agree with them, they have every right to protest, this is America. Why do they need to bring the big guns? What are they trying to prove, that they are tough guys? How is that going to get government officials to listen to them? Did Martin Luther King, Jr. and people standing up for civil rights carry guns? No, they were peaceful, non-violent protests which Dr. King wanted. How about the LGTBQ activists in 2008 protesting Proposition 8, the gay marriage ban in CA? None of them had guns either. What about the huge climate protests last Sept. kicked off by Time Person of the Year Greta Thunberg? Nope, no guns. Secondly, them carrying guns creates a volatile situation. All you need is one, just one, counter-protester that says something that pisses one of them off, then bullets can start to fly and people get killed. If you want to protest, fine, just leave your gun at home. It's a shame we don't have a President that condemns this.

Now for the cool thing I am enjoying. My 16 yr old daughter got me hooked on this show on Netflix called Stranger Things. So now me, both my daughters and one our dogs (a Beagle named Daisy) all pile on my bed and binge watch the show starting at Season 1. We call it Quarantine bonding! The males of house will have to find their own thing! Stay safe everyone.

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I'm fine. I go shopping once or twice a week at grocery stores and always self-protect with a mask. I go on bike rides by myself and visit a friend at a local park and of course, we sit 6 feet apart. There was a protest in Ventura, California yesterday and I just think they're all idiots. No one stops me when I'm out so what's their problem, exactly? The only people I feel really bad for are those that have lost their jobs and the small businesses that have had to close. To be honest, the protesters should be protesting the sham of the "recovery" program and how that money was diverted to large corporations and didn't come their way. But that would require that they actually use their brains instead of picking up an American flag and making fools of themselves like they're the last, best hope for America.

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If you want to attend a basketball game at Michigan State University, which is located just a few miles east of the capitol building, you have to pass through a metal detector and undergo hand-wanding. You canā€™t even enter the arena with a purse! But here we have hundreds of trump morons storming the chambers of the capitol building with assault rifles! This is just crazy.

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We're now seeing Georgia spike in cases as they've re-opened and it's going to set back the whole country. Meanwhile, I'm doing more cooking -- and owe some recipes on Twitter. But this weekend I'll make something special.

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We are currently residing with our son in Michigan. He had just sold and bought a house. We are currently between addresses. We are waiting for our retirement home to be built in Phoenix area, AZ. It won't be ready until July, so we decided to come up from Cincinnati area to help with kitchen renovations. I am originally from Michigan. I can't belive these idiots you stormed the capitol the other day. All these people had to do was to order their hair coloring or their fertilizer online and pick it up. We made a run to the Lowe's store in Howell and I was suprise how many people were not wearing masks but the Home Depot store in Brighton was a different story. They only allow 100 people in the store and most everyone is wearing masks. The governor just opened up the golf courses without the use of golf carts and sure enough there are a number of courses that are allowing golf carts to be used. They say that handicapped people can use the cart (1) to a cart... Crazy.

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Very interesting Toni. So people were able to order the lawn stuff and pick it up. This whole thing has been manufactured.

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I think weā€™re invariably in the situation where the loudest crybabies get attention first. Weā€™ve been hunkered down here in the desert and between Zoom calls and job hunting, we make do. I have NO patience for people who donā€™t understand public health crisis management and think only if themselves. Why canā€™t people get into their heads that this is REAL? Itā€™s definitely a sign of developmental immaturity when people canā€™t see beyond their I-Me-Mine! With their continued behavior comes increased risk and untold stresses upon the health system. I honestly hate to say it, but perhaps that Covid Lockdown Protester card thatā€™s flying around the Internet that protesters self-deny medical care if they get sick isnā€™t such a bad thing, but then I think that continues to put the rest of us at risk! Sigh! Yeah! Iā€™m over this shit, too! But Iā€™d rather suck it up so itā€™s definitely moving towards eradication rather than have the immediate gratification of not having to wear a mask at the grocery store! Again...itā€™s a childish mindset weā€™re observing! Grrr!

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Barely coping with bike riding and online dance classes. Sort of enjoying watching a Qanon-supporting jerk losing his mind and spouting more and more batshit nuts stuff on FB. He got me fired from my court job by spoofing my FB page, and I'm not real sad he seems to be losing his marbles. Off to go bike riding now. Stay safe!

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Hey Mike --

I turn off the TV and step away from computer-provided COVID news when it gets to be too much. I also try to make an effort to check in regularly with friends I know who live alone. Every day I do at least one FB Messenger checkin. It makes people feel seen, they say, and reminds me of my wonderful situation of having a man here who loves and cares for me, my health, and (apparently!) my feeding schedule.

Anyway, looking out for others keeps me sane.

(Oh, fuck me, is THIS sane?)

Also enjoying my new subscriptions, like yours!

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Well, all great ideas, including the last one!

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Hi Teddy. I have also been making sure to check in on friends too. Especially the ones that I haven't been in contact for a while. Just make sure they are ok and know that I am thinking of them.

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I'm in red state Indiana and disgusted by the fact that Holcomb, who, up until a couple weeks ago, had actually been handling this crisis fairly well, completely caved to pressure from his puppet masters, Pence and Trump, and corporatists who'd rather watch people die than see their stock shares take a hit. His utterly ridiculous and convoluted "Back on Track" plan to reopen the state is a total joke. It's a free for all right now, with Trump supporters doing whatever the hell they want to do while the rest of watch in horror as Indiana's numbers continue to rise.

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That sounds like a horror show. Yes, Indiana had joined with the Midwest coalition, one of two GOP states. We knew that wouldn't last long. That Trump/Pence would demand all GOP govs open up their states. We're seeing with the senate and house too. The new message is just die.

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Well, I managed to break a tooth ten days ago. My dentist is prohibited from seeing patients, can't even have an assistant to work with him. Fortunately, I have another dentist (a specialist I see twice a year), he evaluated me, I then saw my endodontist who is seeing emergency patients on Mondays only, and two days ago I had the pleasure of a root canal, to be completed next Monday. I'm grateful that these specialists are seeing a limited number of patients during the pandemic. I had to sign waivers with both, too. At my evaluation last week, there was a woman in the waiting room wearing a mask but not covering her nose. I left to use the rest room and when I returned she was on the phone and had completely pulled her mask down to make the call. That really pissed me off. Then, Monday, when I left after the root canal, the first elevator that arrived had a mom and two teenagers in it, all masked, but I passed on it and the mom thanked me. The next elevator was empty, but stopped on the way down. A woman got in wearing no mask, so I exited before the door closed and took another elevator. I'm in L.A. and people are definitely relaxing as far as masks go, except at the market and pharmacy where they're required. In future, I will be saying something to people like in the waiting room and the elevator.

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I am glad you were able to get that work done. I wondered about people needing emergency work. It's been a fear since I had some pain in a tooth -- and am glad it went away. That is so bad about the woman and the mask. They office should enforce it more.

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So just an update. I worked Friday when my restaurant opened for dine in and Sunday. On Sunday we found out one of our cooks had tested positive for Covid so I got tested today and told them Iā€™m not coming back until I have test results and they have a better plan in place.

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Wow -- I can't believe they didn't close down again or tell everyone to stay home until tested.

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Where are you, Charles, may I ask? And, I agree with you, I'm not going back to work until it's reasonably safe to do so.

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I see downthread your'e in Texas...

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Iā€™m in south Houston and I work in Pearland.

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Charles, good for you. Until there's a vaccine for this thing, I refuse to do anything that puts me at risk.

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This has been kind of a nightmare. We are waiting for loans for my husband's contractor business, and I'm working from home while homeschooling two elementary age kids solo. Having Trump as president is bad enough. Having him lead through this is insane. I just blew up at my Trump loving cousin with his conspiracy theories from Fox news. We are not ready to open up, and it's taking longer than it would if we had an effective leader. I'm afraid that if we open up too early we will all go back to square one. Our kids need to go back to school in the fall- it's bad enough that we won't have camps. My philosophy is take the hit now so we can go back to normal sooner.

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I just read the story of a husband and wife who had been married 34 years. Their adult daughter was living with her. They all came down with the Covid 19 and the wife and husband died within 3 days of one another. They were 61 & 62 years old. The daughter survive this virus at home. It scares me that it could happen to my husband and I (60 & 66 years old). These terriorist she be arrested at these court houses. They are not protesting, they are terriorizing our politicians. When our representatives are wearing bulletproof vest, that is terriorizing.

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i saw that. What a terrible story. Stay well and stay angry.

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Angry is the easy part. Stay well and staying sane takes some effort.

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My wife and I are doing alright in southwestern PA.

We've been lucky in getting our stimulus quickly.

I started working from hope shortly before COVID-19 hit.

I'm curious how registered Republicans can cash their stimulus checks AND moan about socialism?

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Right? They like socialism when it suits them.

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