I am optimistic about the election. Still, I am as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Trump is a malignant narcissist and he acts like a petulant 5-year old needing to be sent to his room as punishment whenever he doesn’t get his way. He absolutely cannot handle losing. If Biden is winning Trump will try everything he can to steal victory. If Biden wins by a landslide Trump will punish the country. He may refuse to leave office. If he leaves office he has a wealth of classified information that he could share with our adversaries. He can also encourage violence from white supremacy groups. I try nit to focus on this but I still worry. We are living in difficult times as we are faced with the Trump Virus and the election.

As far as the virus is concerned, my husband and I are at home.my husbandworks from home. Our groceries are delivered. A huge outing for me is to pick-up prescriptions through the drive-thru window at Walgreens (while wearing a mask and gloves). Anything else we order online and have shipped. We haven’t eaten at a restaurant, been to a bar, gone shopping for clothing or other items at a store since early March. I turn 68 late next month and several health conditions which makes the Trump Virus especially dangerous for me. I tell folks that I have to survive as I strongly want to someday pee on Trump’s grave. I have plenty to do to keep me busy. I share important news and information with many people via social media and other venues and I am executore to two married friends who both committed suicide 15 months apart.

Please VOTE BLUE on Tuesday, November 3rd if you haven’t already voted. This election is critically important. Trump must be prevented from a second term and Democratic majorities in both houses of Congress are crucial. Be sure to also vote fir down ticket races as state and local governments have a large impact on our lives as well. VOTE BLUE!!!

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John, love this line: "am as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs." That would actually include my pit bull -- who is so nervous and such a scaredy cat. And lovable!

Agreed on all points. He's not going to leave and will encourage violence. It's going to be diffucult. He may even make demands. John, stay safe, it's going to be very rough in this second wave of covid.

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Did anyone hear on the news, I think it was CNN, that some retired general called General Milley and reminded him about the military’s constitutional duty to secure a smooth transition and to remove agent orange out of the White House!

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Thanks so much Mike. Things are going to get really bad during the second wave of the Trump Virus as I call it (tRump has no problem calling others insulting names and referring to the China Virus, he is responsible for the severity of the virus in this country and the lack of leadership leading to so many not wearing masks and our high number of cases. He deserves to have the virus to be named after him. Nancy Pelosi has even started referring to the Trump Virus. Rodolfo and I are taking this very seriously. We stay home and only go to necessary appointments.

I hope you are doing well and are extra careful too. I am disgusted by the folks who refuse to wear masks or socially distance. They don’t want others to tell them what they can and cannot do so the act like Trump (petulant 5-year olds in need of a spanking and timeouts in their bedrooms). My response to them, when I bother to engage which is rate is that they have inspired me. Humans are the only animals who wear clothes. How dare anybody insist I wear clothes. I say let’s take our clothes off in the middle of this store, or at work or on a subway or airplanes. If I am going to drive by the child’s school, I am not going to let others tell me I can’t drive faster than 20 MPH and if I want to have a 5th drink while driving when their child is near my car I am sure they won’t mind. We are in a crazy country at the moment.

As usual you are doing an amazing job. I can’t believe that we go back nearly 27 years since we first met. The one thing good about getting older is that you can get away with more making it easier to stick it to the ass holes (not that either of us have had problems doing so). If I can ever be of any assistance to you Mike just let me know. I am home all the time. It is great being in touch.

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Don't forget that he also has a paranoid and sadistic dynamic to his malignant narcissism.

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Those along with compulsive lying are what differentiate malignant narcissists from narcissists. Malignant narcissists are extremely dangerous and Trump is a textbook case.

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He scare the f--- out of me! His rally in PA tonight is packed and a great super-spreader event.

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Nov 1, 2020
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I also wear face shields. The disposable gloves can be washed. I keep a small pump bottle of sanitizer in the car and as soon as I get back in or touch anything from Walgreens I immediately use the sanitizer. When I get home I walk in the door was wash the gloves while on my hands and then remove them. Next I was my hands, take off my shoes and rewash my hands. I clean the face shield with disinfectant. Next, i go to the bedroom and remove my mask and clothing and into the wash pile they go. Then I raje a shower. Anytime I leave our place I go through this routine.

I don’t know where you live. We are in Dallas and close to downtown. We have all groceries delivered. We use Instacart. Others are also providing a dimilar service. Some grocery stores deliver. Others will do the shopping for you and will put the groceries into your trunk when you pull up. Bills for the groceries including tip are paid online. There are lots of restaurant delivery services available.

To avoid loneliness I am online constantly and keep up with lots of people. I also text and video chat. I watch tons of webinars on Zoom. I also call folks on the phone and video chat with loved ones and friends. I have called lots of people who matter to me whom I haven’t seen or spoken to in ages which makes my day. Fortunately I have the most fantastic husband in the world. I know it is harder oiving alone.

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Did anyone just hear about Trumps Corona virus Doctor Atlas ( the radiologist) went on Russian Tv and spread mis information about the virus and no need for shut downs! Jesus at what point are we going to call all of this treason?!?!?!

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I’m trying really hard not to drink my way threw the election. Spending the weeks dry till the weekends. But I did get a bottle of Fat Bastard Cabernet for election night!

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I’m cautiously optimistic about Pennsylvania and Florida, I hope we can also win North Carolina and Georgia

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Texas? At least hope it’s close there.

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Texas has so many registered Republicans, it’s going to be tough, keep an eye on Harris County, if Biden can win it by more than 500,000 votes, he has a chance

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I was feeling great until I saw about a thousand cars, trucks and trailers driving around our town with their large Trump flags and horns ablazing! New Mexico is a blue state and I have to try and remember that even though it seemed overwhelming, it's hopefully not the majority. Thank goodness Obama and Biden were on when I got home.

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Sorry to hear that Vanessa. Been hearing the same from others, in Los Angeles too.

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I was in Ohio last week and saw trump trucks too.

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I am with my students (virtually) as they compete in a high school debate tournament. They give me hope for the future every day. Stay strong everyone, breathe, we've got this!!!

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Anxiety abounds!

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My husband and I and our elderly roommate all voted 10 days ago in Washington State and verified online that are ballots were received. I share your worries, Michael, that the election will be stolen by the GOP's concerted effort to disqualify ballots. I hope the Democrats will fight that with everything they've got, but with the judges stacked against them, I am very uneasy.

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Stay strong Daniel, thanks!

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My husband and I have both voted (by mail in and both of our ballots were accepted). I have been donating as much as I can to all of the close and important campaigns. While I have some hope, I am steeling myself for what is going to happen Tuesday and after Tuesday. I feel our communities online and on shows like yours are so important, whatever happens, because I know there are massive numbers of people who feel as I do, that we must dump Trump and sweep his party (formerly the GOP, now the party of Trump) completely out of power. But if that does not happen, I wonder how we can deal with the horror that will follow?

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I feel good about our voter turnout and the polls for Biden.

I read an article in the WA Post last night that indicated the GOP was changing their legal strategy from Polls to Ballots and this new editorial doesn't help my concerns for stealing the election through the Supreme Court.


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Yep, something to be very concerned about! Thanks Sandra.

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They say 20 million more are voting this election than the last one. It's hard to believe many of the new voters are Trump's.

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Happy Halloween 🎃 to all my fellow Subs :)

Three more days to seal this sweep. The last four years seems like an eternity. It is time for a change and we all deserve better. Here is something I would like to share, my GF went to vote in person in Harris Co. and apparently a judge told her that even if she voted and there were a huge margin or ahead winning party, her vote wouldn’t even matter? She was like WTF are you talking about? I want my vote to be counted, and now she can’t find her vote or registry?

She got a receipt in the mail and never got anything as told by the judge? 🤨

Now, she is looking for her vote and wants to make sure that is accounted for!!!! Gotta love Texas. Can’t wait for next Tuesday!!!! Stay safe, things are getting crazier in Harris Co.

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Hi Serge! That is an insane story. We're hearing other stories from Harris Co. that are not good -- including perhaps 100K ballots being invalidated. The GOP will do anything to steal this election. And yes, i can't wait until Tuesday too.

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Dying of suspense to see how this all plays out. I hope everyone will just go vote, and ignore the chicanery afoot. Best way to have your vote counted is go to the polls on election day and stay in that line til you get to cast your ballot. This is NOT a done deal for Biden-Harris, they need you to turn out!!!! And thanks, Michelangelo, for all your honest reporting and courage.

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With all the lawsuits from the GOP, it seems like they are hoping for the perfect storm, where everything they have pit in place will work and donald will eek out a victory.

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Some of the lawsuits are already backfiring but yes -- and they need it to be close, and he's looking like it's not. We have to hope it's big and disparate re: the Electoral College.

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IMO, I think it’s a landslide. But, yeah, I could be wrong. I’m ignoring the fear-mongering, I think overall cooler heads will prevail. But with Trump, yeah, anything is possible.

Here on my residential block in L.A., two nights ago the sidewalk was chalked in front of the houses with Biden Harris lawn signs, with “Biden Pedo” and “Trump”; we removed it only to have it reappear the next day. So, the MAGAts are too chickenshit to put Trump lawn signs on their own property, but...

No worries: in CA Trump loses, just like 4 years ago, and Romney, Dole, Bush Jr...

Reports from our County Health Director estimate 15% of COVID cases are coming from dining at restaurants (outside, SFAIK). So, I’m maintaining discipline and ignoring the urge to return to some sense of “normalcy”. We dine outside only at home with family or close friends, socially distant.

We voted in person a week ago, in-and-out in under 15 minutes; temp check on the way in, everyone masked, plenty of hand sanitizer. I put no stock in mail-in ballots nor the USPS. It felt good to get it done and out of the way, especially with all of the propositions on our ballot.

Cautiously anticipating a blowout on Tuesday.

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I've heard the same from other friends in LA Scott -- telling me about Trump caravans coming through town, through Hollywood and West Hollywood, They said the stores are being boarded up too. Glad you voted!

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I haven’t seen it on the streets. I drove to work and back through Hollywood and WeHo Sun-Wed and didn’t see any caravans. I’ve seen some places boarded up but frankly so many storefronts are vacant now, it’s hard to tell what’s an operating business that’s boarded up from a vacancy. I’m tempted to go for a little ride tonight and let you know what I find.

All of this aggression from the MAGAts just reeks of underdog, last days desperation. I don’t think there’s a single Trump lawn sign, but come to think of it, earlier this week I did see a car with a bumper sticker that read, “Democrat for Trump”. That was a new one. The Trumpers here don’t typically advertise it.

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I know our voter’s pamphlet for all the props was like a phone book. But direct democracy, we could use more of that on a federal level.

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Here in Las Cruces it's only the GOP that destroys the signs of the other party. A couple of big signs that were democratic at a busy corner were completely cut up and destroyed and then small Trump banners were hung around the edges that were left.

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If I have to see Trumps egotistical smile and rally’s another 4 years I will vomit

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The fact that he uses the Virus as a strong man tactic makes me think he never had it

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Hello Signorile Family! Our last open weekend thread before Election Day. I still can’t believe we made it 4 years. I am up and down. On the weekend it’s better, my husband watches about 3 hours of news during the week, I am done after local and PBS newshour, and news is stressing me out. As you say, they want people tuned in so they’re like “it’s close” when I feel like it’s not that close. But it scares me. Def have 2016 PTSD.

It’s also nice enough Outside and going to stay nice enough in Palm Springs to swim this week. Swimming is my meditation. Will take a LONG swim Tuesday afternoon before the evening. On nights like that love being on the West Coast. Not sure how you all stay up half the night back East.

You have kept us hopeful, engaged and working these past four years and can’t thank you and our “family” here enough. Off to make the rest of my wild rice casserole for dinner. 😘

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Lucky you to be swimming in Palm Springs! That casserole sounds nice Chris -- I made a pizza, helped me not focus on things!.

Thank you for the kind words, great to hear that we have a community here that connects with people.

We've come a long way in these four years, a lot of heard work and helping to keep one another sane. Thank you all!

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