Aug 23, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Here are the legal documents my WA State AG Bob Ferguson filed in regard to the Post Office.


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Aug 23, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Don’t rely on your elected legislators to “save” our USPS, it will be up to.....

We the People......let’s do it. Write letters, protest, agitate ,put pressure on the GOP to bend to our wishes.Let’s ensure that “No Joy”, Midnight Mitch,and the failed tRump react to our loud and constant voices to ensure that our USPS is allowed to run at it’s efficient best.

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It should be done in front of the White House next week when Trump accepts the nomination.

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Aug 23, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

P.S. not sure if peeps can read this without subscription but this was a GREAT column today in LA Times by the great Steve Lopez

Column: The case for four more years of Donald J. Trump, in his own words


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These soulless miscreants occupying the White House destroy everything they touch. They literally make me want to puke. They are common criminals who without Fred Trump's money would be selling plasma to eat. How this happened to America is beyond my simple mind's ability to understand.

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Happy Saturday! Well, here in Houston we are getting ready to face two more hurricanes at the same time, Should be feeling it in full force by Thurs next week! My thoughts and prayers are with the people affected by the wildfires in California. About the RNC, I won’t even bother to watch and listen to the cult. Those people are totally insane, and to hear more lies, and misinformation, e.g. The orange Turd saying he is the chosen one, that has another miracle C19 cure, that He is the savior of America, nah! Not surprised about Melania “Be Best” ruining the garden. About Dejoy, we all know he is going to mess up the ballots. They need to put his ass in jail right after the elections. We need a strong and justice for all AG. About Bannon (the Orc creature that lurks) getting arrested, it is long overdue. These scoundrels they all need to be in jail. I’d love to see Dumb ass Jr. and the Nimrod Kushner in jumpsuits!

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We're thinking of all of you as you face not one but two hurricanes with no federal leadership again.

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Hi Michelangelo, that’s right. We do not expect from Abbot and/or the Federal Government. Just another week in Trump’s Administration. Hell be busy feeding all his bullshit next week, just as alway!

Both Hurricanes are expected to collide next week and hit Houston. We shall see.

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Hi Michelangelo,

Diane here, formerly from Madison WI and now in the beautiful high desert of Arizona. I think the last time I posted was a few months ago, when getting ready to move and explaining why I was leaving a progressive community for a (previously) solid red state. It has to do with the desert landscape and I remember you saying how much you loved the plants and running in the desert. I wish I could take some of the beautiful early morning desert air and bottle it for you.

The move across country was stressful as only a move to a new place where you don't know anyone can be, especially if it's from a larger city to a small town. It took almost 3 weeks to get TV and internet. I literally haven't seen TV in over a month and have been completely off all media. No newspapers, satellite radio, etc. I've been cut off from what's going on in the world and connecting to the stillness of the desert and the changing of light on the rocks, so it absolutely hasn't been all bad. I didn't know about Kamala Harris or the DNC until just a few days ago. This from someone who spent hours glued to MSNBC and Progressive radio. I think the break was good for me and gave me some balance.

Still I've managed to at least keep up a bit by reading your posts, and the responses you get. I always appreciate your openness to whatever perspective and happenings your readers share.

Here in the Verde Valley of northern AZ there are pro-Trump signs everywhere as well as what seems like lots of support for extreme right wingers like Wendy Rogers who is running for senate in District 6, which isn't even our district. Rogers has signs everywhere that say "pro Trump" at the top. Under her name there will be catch phrases designed to stir up the base like "protect our guns" and "ban sanctuary cities". In my neighborhood right around the corner there is a house that is flying a huge "Trump 2020" flag that also says "no more bullshit". Every time my husband and I walk past this house we are slack-jawed: this person really believes DEMOCRATS are responsible for all the bullshit? How does that even work?

Today we went for a drive to several smaller towns in the area that have been struggling for years and have been hit even harder by COVID, due to lack of tourism support for the businesses, restaurants, and few museums, etc. they do have. And yet the Trump signs and Rogers signs are everywhere, banners proclaiming "On the Trump Train!" and "Keep Making America Great!".

On the one hand it seems impossible to comprehend and on the other there's Fox News.

Every once in a while here I will see a non-Trump sign but it's still not pro-Biden. The only one I've seen is "Any Functioning Adult 2020" which I get a kick out of.

In a few days I have to go back to Wisconsin until November because that's where my health care is and I have another round of cancer screening. I'll be staying with friends and don't have a valid address there so I need to find out how to vote without a valid ID. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. In the meantime I'm working on getting a bit more acquainted with Arizona politics, continuing to support progressives where I can, and breathing lots of desert air.

Thanks again for all you do,


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Diane, so great to hear from you. And wow, all that time unplugged, no news, no idea what was happening....I wish I could do that. And yes, I love that landscape and wish you could bottle the air. Sounds amazing to disconnect like that and yet plug and see that, omg, Kamala is the nominee and Joe Biden did great at the convention. How do you feel about it all -- I mean, having unplugged and then coming back into it? Are you more confident?

Regarding voting -- it's so important. I wasn't sure from your post whether you are registered in Arizona or still in Wisconsin. Arizona has fairly extensive vote by mail. Let us know and we can get you some information.

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Michelangelo, thanks so much for taking the time to respond to my post. I've been trying since you wrote to articulate to myself, and you, how exactly I DO feel after a month of being completely unplugged. And specifically, how and where, do I want to plug back in?

The word that best describes it is "ambivalent". I was SO absorbed politically, every day, since Trump got elected. At the same time I was managing that, I was struggling with feeling very demoralized about climate change, collapsing ecosystems, and general fear of apocalypse. Then, of course, COVID. So by the time I left for AZ I was pretty much in a sorry state. But at the same time, very active and involved, supporting candidates at local and state levels, keeping informed, calling in, donating etc.

It all just stopped with the move and the absence of tv and internet. I got real peaceful with the desert and the rocks and the stillness. And I'm kind of at a loss about how or where or even if I want to jump back in. We finally got tv and I haven't turned it on. I think I'm almost afraid I'll over consume again and it will create anxiety.

All that to say I know who to support at state and local levels in AZ come Nov., and of course in the presidential election. I'm interested in making sure marginalized folks here and in WI where I'll be splitting my time, have access to vote. And that's all in place without too much jumping in.

My voting dilemma is this: From now until after the election I'll be living in WI at a friend's house with a driver's license that has an invalid address (my house has been sold). My legal address is in AZ but I won't have a license or ID or any paperwork to vote absentee. So it seems I'm not legally eligible in either state but I could be missing something really obvious.

Thanks again so much,

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I'm bummed that the Postmaster General can't be fired if Biden wins unless the Board of Governors does it and the Board members are all while male Republicans. Congress needs to change this! (I won't be watching the GOP convention due to the lies and right wing propaganda) and having to hear the Trump children and their wives, girlfriends and husbands.

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If we win back the Senate we could see Congress change oversight of the post office. So yes!

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I sure hope so! I like the old-fashioned post office but would want us to add basic banking and currency exchange per Elizabeth Warren's recommendation (and like they do in the UK).

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Hello Michangelo:

My postal service in Southern CT is ok for now. Discovered November Election Ballot Applications for 2020 are available now on-line. Printed out the application(which allows COVID 19 exemption to use form) and will hand-deliver to Town Clerk Monday 8/24/2020. CT says ballot should be in hand as of 10/02/2020. I will either use drop box or hand-deliver to Town Clerk the completed ballot. I want things done ASAP as Trump isn’t done with his games! The RNC will be a hate-fest and should be fact-checked in real time! Everyone PLAN YOUR VOTE! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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At least you are able to have options.... a lot of people in rural areas have limited & often politically suppressed options to vote easily ... these are the ones who will be severely affected by the “No Joy PO Sabotage “. Scream loudly and often this coming week at your representative. The “Repugnants” will be forced into a corner when they have to deal with the Dem’s USPS rescue package , we need to add the extra pressure and make them squirm. .This is a crucial week in securing our future democratic right for all of us to vote without suppression.

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Trump doesn't need a strong message next week, he doesn't need a plan, most of his base will stick by him because he gives their lives meaning. His base is small but he only needs to depress the Democratic vote. Democratic leadership is not doing nearly enough to broadcast the incredible danger this country faces if Trump is reelected. The very people we need to turn out in massive numbers were not watching the DNC or Biden's fine performance, nor are they following the pundit classes, or the weak and disorganized House oversight hearings. Without coordinated messaging to address the non-stop propaganda and lies blanketing the country by Trump, the GOP, Fox News, right-wing talk radio, I am very concerned that Trump will prevail.

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The only way he will prevail is if we let him! All this BS about mail fraud and suppressing the votes is going to bite on his lard ass after the election! Vote, vote and protect your vote! He is trying to take away our right to vote this November! This dude thinks that he is really in Russia, Belarus, Venezuela, Nicaragua. This is “The United States of America”, not one of Trumps buildings where he can do whatever he wants!

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I've never felt fear from a President in my lifetime except for him.

I have good reason to since he's corrupt. I never felt the same fear when GW or GHW Bush or Reagan were in office. Chris Matthews once said we owe Richard Nixon an apology as he was never as corrupt as Trump.

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Trump is the worst of the worst!

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You know it :)

What did I say earlier? The Orange Dumbshit is about to unveil a new blood-plasma C19 treatment today, coincidence, prior to the Rep Nat “Cult” Convention?

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I just got into an email disagreement with women that are scared if Biden wins, their city will look like Seattle or Portland.

They have obviously been watching Fox News which promotes this propaganda.

True, many cities have had issues as the aftermath of the George Floyd murder, but as a 31 year resident of Seattle, we're not a hellhole.

The protesting has been taking place in a particular part of the city called Capitol Hill which has always been an area with a long history of protests and civil unrest.

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I love the PNW (SEA/PDX) and I lived in Seattle, and they are not def Hellholes! Cap Hill is the place to hang out and have a great time in Seattle, not to mention Ballard, Fremont, QA, and the city itself just like Portland! Remember, Republicans are cult-followers and Fox News / OAN are the Russian and Misinformation networks that they are using across the U.S. to promote Dear_leader. Those people live in a different planet, country, full of hate, bigotry, lies and misinformation!!!

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Capitol Hill has been damaged post the CHAZ-CHOP occupation movement but it’s not an Antifa Haven like the Trumpette’s project.

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At least Jackie had class, dignity, sophistication, etc.; Melania has trump. What a let down.

Will not be watching rnc, can't stand the sight or even hear his voice, even more since my son got covid19. Seems to be improving, but sure keeps me awake at night

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Have you noticed all of the rose bushes have been removed from the Rose Garden?

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Just sitting down and eating my supper . And just thinking about Trump and his cronies makes me sick .

I went to my local post office today it was running smooth .

Michael I truly think there is no way The orange John gotti wins unless he cheats

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I agree. His incentive to cheat only grows by the day as the polls look bad for him.

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I feel for you, Michelangelo,for professional reasons , you have to watch the “Repugnants National Convention, which I am sure is a most excruciating experience to have to endure. We rely on you to suffer so you can enlighten us, for that sacrifice we thank you.

The rest of us should BOYCOTT...BOYCOTT this sad excuse for a democracy and a failed Presidency.

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Hi Michael:

It is Toni from Buckeye, Arizona (was from Cincinnati). Tell Diane that she can register to vote (early vote by mail in ballot) when she gets a Arizona drivers license. They do it right there when you get your license. If she is receiving medicare, she can switch her coverage because she has moved out of Wisconsin. I had to do the same this past week. My new supplemental coverage starts Sept. 1st. I watched the entire convention and it was amazing. I actually am feeling some hope for our future and kids and grandkids future for the first time in a long while. We had just taken a trip up to Prescott, AZ and I did see a number of Trump signs. OMG what are those people thinking..... I can not wait until the election and for this nightmare to be over. It truly won't be over until January. I can't believe Melania destroyed the rose garden. Why would anyone remove those trees. Everything the Trumps touch dies or is destroyed. I will not be watching the RNC convention. Thank you for doing that for me. Thank you for being a voice for all of us. You are very much appreciated.

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Thank you Michael. I'm hoping Diane reads that here. and yes, I watched the first night of the GOP convention --- horrors!

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Hi Toni, thanks for the info. I finally got reliable internet (sort of) so was able to respond more thoroughly to Michelangelo. The issue is that I won't be able to get an AZ driver's license until after the election, when I move here permanently, and my WI license has an invalid address. I'm kind of a transient right now. I can't use the address where I"m staying in WI either. So, how does a person with no legal/permanent address, vote? Or can they?

I'm not of medicare age yet so what little health insurance I have is a Wisconsin HMO that doesn't cover me in AZ. Hence the need to go back for medical treatment. It's not ideal but still I'm much more fortunate than so many others. At least I have SOMETHING.

Good to hear from another midwesterner now in AZ!

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Well I will miss the open threads next week during RNC and being able to commiserate with all the compadres here. However I myself would not watch much of it except spouse views it as a laugh fest at the Cult so am sure it will be on. Definitely will listen to your show.

House next door is a vacation rental, full of young people partying this weekend. At least the breeze is blowing the other way. Don’t get it when over 70% of the new cases in California right now are young people. There only seem to be 8 of them but still. Did we feel this invincible? My memory fails.

I am in SoCal and NoCal is on Fire. Very sad. Climate change is in and of itself a reason to vote for Biden/Harris, among all the other reasons.

Dinner is a big salad, homemade sourdough bread, dessert homemade chocolate “war” cake, a cake that was made often during WWII when eggs and other ingredients were hard to come by.

Thanks for all you do Michelangelo, don’t think I would’ve made it through these last few years without people like you and Dean.

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Thanks Chris. Well, I'll be posting through the week and of course you can jump into the comments on whatever the topic is. And maybe we'll an open thread a day or two in for the GOP convention. How does that sound?

The California wildfires are another tragedy that w have no leadership on, and another reason we have to get rid of Trump.

A great dinner! and thanks for the comments on the show, much appreciated!

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Totally agree Chris! Progress XM is the only station I listen now to except MSNBC. (I love Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell) as my evening lineup! If I miss Michelangelo during his regular time, I listen to it On Demand later in the evening!

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Thank you Sandra!

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Michelangelo, please open another thread about these idiots cult-followers, dumb ass clark and the fake dude, so glad you handed his ass to him :)

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Oh man, he was a complete ass. I'm going to post that call. Just had to do a post on Jerry Falwell Jr. ! and yes, gotta do those calls, and also GOP convention bullshit!

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I look forward. I hope that you eyes and ears are not still bleeding for Listening to all that BS that those MoFos told to the American people last night. That MoFo Gaetz, lush piece of shit, Jordan, and the others!

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Yes, will be listening for you and and playing clips!

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