
The honey nut squash soup was delicious. We'd taken a trip last weekend up to the Finger Lakes, to Canandaigua, which is on Canandaigua Lake, not shockingly. Lots of Biden-Harris signs on the way (in between the Trump ones), but up there lots of people with Biden-Harris t-shirts. Fall foliage was gorgeous, and lots a grape festivals, as it's wine country.

And we bought a bunch of honey nut squash on the way back, which are hard to get -- or they're kind of small if I buy them in the city. These were big. Honey nut squash was actually developed up in that area by a Cornell University professor, and it's grown there. It's a cross between a butternut squash and buttercup squash. It's very sweet -- you can even make a dessert out of it. But it was a great soup!

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Oct 17, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

The momentum sure seems to be in Biden’s favor right now. I’m also very optimistic about flipping the senate. Here in Iowa, Joni Ernst is in big trouble after her disastrous debate performance Thursday. Keep the foot on the gas Democrats!

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I'm going to play clips from that debate on my show on Monday -- meant to do it on Friday but there was so much going on. But Joni was a disaster with that soybean answer.

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Oct 18, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

That was a very impressive moderator.

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Oct 18, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I actually know him, he’s a great guy. I worked in television news at an ABC affiliate for 5 years and he is the anchor at the NBC affiliate, so our paths crossed often. He knows what he’s doing and handled the situation perfectly.

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Oct 18, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I voted this past week. Put my ballot in the mail, yes the Mail, on Monday. By Thursday California SOS office texted me that my ballot was received and will be counted. We can sign up for “track your ballot” here, so easy and seamless when you consider how big our state is.

Meanwhile Fake Bone Spurs is headed to OC tomorrow, one of the few red parts of our state, to raise cash. Does he get to keep it? Read an interesting article today, think it was LA Times, discussing how much cash the Dems have. They are running out of time slots for ad buys. Also said DNC pulled out of Colorado due to confidence Hinkenlooper is going to win so putting cash into Alaska, Iowa, etc. Gives me hope! Meanwhile Cheeto gives his virus to the Covidiots in His crowd in Wisconsin. Hanging on by my fingernails, we have waited FOUR YEARS! 17 days left. Can’t wait to hear your show on November 4, hope you and Dean will get together.

Squash soup sounds lovely!

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All sounds good Chris, glad you voted. And yes the soup was great.

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Oct 19, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

We voted today in New Mexico!

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Oct 18, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I live in Oregon. We have had mail-in voting since 1998 with NO PROBLEMS OR FRAUD!!! My ballot arrived today around 4:30 and I completed voting within 10 minutes. Free postage...so will take to PO tmrw and place it by hand in the drop box. Voted straight Dem....f*ck all republic candidates. Hope we kill that party Nov 3rd.

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I wish everyone could do that. The entire country should be able to vote by mail.

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Oct 18, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Same in WA state Daniel! One of the perks of living on the west coast!

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Oct 18, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I've finished 325 postcards to voters in swing states (an Indivisible project), and all of us are supposed to put the cards in the mail on October 21st. Whew! It was a great way to feel like I was contributing to GOTV.

I understand that in Barrett's testimony she said 'sexual preference' instead of 'sexual orientation'. I guess THAT's proof that along with her other right-wing beliefs she thinks that your sexual orientation is a matter of choice. Why doesn't somebody ask her if she "chose" to be a heterosexual?!

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Oct 18, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

2020 has been hell for so many, and it's been the worst year of my life. I beat cancer last year and found out my dad wasn't my biological father after 43 years (mom lied about it) and 2020 was still worse. I lost my job in March, still stuck with Florida's shitty unemployment, and unimaginably lost my 25 year old son on Sept 12th of this year. He shot himself in the head while stationed at Fort Bliss, TX, making my 7 year old son and I a Gold Star Family. We buried him on Oct. 1st. My point though, is that after all of that I am still voting. Having Trump's signature on my son's memorial certificate is extra salt in the wound and I'm at the point where I NEED Biden and Harris in office to fix this mess we're in and also to hopefully reissue a certificate not signed by a "man" who believes my son was a sucker and a loser. I have a lovely thought that my son is hanging out with my non-biological dad, who passed when I was 24, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I've asked her to hug him for me. Michelangelo, I want to thank you for what you do. I've been listening for years and you've gotten me through cancer treatments and now help give my mind much needed breaks from my grief. On a side note, my son told me that he was a big supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement but couldn't participate in protests because of his position in the military. I wore a Black Lives Matter mask to his military funeral in honor of him and his beliefs. We also had to travel from Florida to Wisconsin for his funeral, and I, too, had a few yelling matches with maskless folks along the way. It was shocking to see how many people still were not in masks. I think when you lose a child you pretty much have no f**** left to give, so I did not once feel bad about chewing anyone out, and I don't believe you should either. Please keep doing all that you do. There are so many of us who appreciate and depend on it!

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Jacinda, words can't even describe the sense of sorrow I feel about your terrible loss the grief you are experiencing. I hope everyone here will double down on the work they are doing to get Biden elected, in the memory of your son and thinking about all you've been through. I know I sure will. I am touched that my show could help you get through the battle with cancer and It really means a lot to me that you reached out. Everyone here in this community on the newsletter, and on the show, helps me as well -- I'm honored to do this work and doing it is what helps me get through, so no need to thank me.

Just like you, I was filled with anger when I saw the people without masks on the subway -- I was angry listening to the Amy Coney Barrett hearings -- and I probably reacted with that anger, but their selfishness really got to me. I'm sending you my thoughts an know we're always here for you!

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SO sorry for your loss. How heartbreaking. You have had a terrible year, for sure. Keep the faith that a blue tsunami will lead to a much better 2021, and we can put this miserable year behind us.

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Jacinda, sending you and yours so much love and prayers. I can't even imagine what you are going through. I hope you will feel all of our love.

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Oct 18, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Exactly one week ago tonight I rushed to the hospital with my wife for the birth of my daughter Mia Rose early Sunday morning. With all the new distractions of taking care of a newborn I’m still making time to listen to you and stay just as informed as ever. My parents came to visit on Thursday and while my mom was holding her granddaughter she was telling her to grow up and be a Democrat. I got a kick out of it, my wife who gives Trump more slack didn’t like it, but I’m gonna make sure and do what I can to make sure my daughter is a Democrat.

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That's exciting and wonderful! Congratulation to you both.

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Thanks so much sir!! I’m still getting used to the feedings and diaper changes but it’s great to hold her. It’s occurred to me she’s been born during some dark times that I hope get better for her. Regarding your trip last weekend my sisters family spent a week at the Finger Lakes in August and they loved it.

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Yes, there are many lakes (11) and they cover a wide area as they're all long and skinny, so it does depend on where you go. We went to the westernmost one near Buffalo as we needed to be near family to come and meet us.Hadn't seen my in-laws in over a year and we wanted to obviously do something socially distant, and in masks.

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Oct 18, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Maybe one day we’ll go there. Don’t see that happening now anytime soon. Did you do any lake activities? During the summer we rented a house in the Poconos for a few weeks and I did lots of kayaking, canoeing, etc with my stepson. That was definitely Trump country, Trump signs everywhere, but the people were very pleasant. Got me thinking how divisive politics has become, and when you’re one on one with people without politics being involved we have more in common then we don’t.

On another note last night I watched #Unfit: The Psychology Of Donald Trump. Highly recommend it, would love to hear you discuss it if you watch it. There’s a segment about Trump and golf that’s very revealing. I rented it for a $1 off Amazon.

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Oh I hope to visit Fingerlakes one day! Congrats on the baby!

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That’s sweet!

My father told me to tell my mother I was a Democrat when I was 5 and I have been ever since.

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Oct 18, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Long time listener, new subscriber to the report. Thank you so much for all you say and do, Michelangelo. We're fighting hard here in Arizona (I'm in Tucson) to go blue. Things are looking good for Mark Kelly and Biden. Fingers crossed. Just saw that Trump is planning to visit Tucson this week - seriously? Tucson is not looking forward to it. Check out the letter our mayor wrote to Trump - they still owe our city $80K from a campaign stop in 2016. https://tucson.com/news/local/govt-and-politics/mayor-romero-to-president-trump-your-campaign-owes-tucson-money/article_88157c43-6d21-5a9c-8307-7a9b475bf19f.html

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Oh that's great that the mayor wrote that. Tucson is a wonderful city, love it there. And yes, very progressive and not a place Trump should be welcomed. It's amazing seeing what's happening in Arizona. I can't tell you how satisfying it is to see Martha McSally struggling. Her answers at the debate were pathetic. And she's horrific in the way she hugged Trump all this time but is now freaking out. How do these people not see the handwriting on the wall from way back?

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Oct 18, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Voted Thursday 10/15/2020 with hand delivery to my town clerk! Voted Blue for the soul of America! Also saw wonderful Biden-Harris Campaign ad on Twitter today! Cats working for Biden-Harris; made me smile! The ad is real! Check it out!

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Oct 18, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I walked to the neighborhood post office to mail my ballot.

Then walked to the neighborhood Chinese restaurant and then to the grocery store. Weather is cooling down and wore a coat today for the first time.

BTW, have you seen Don Jr.s insane video that he posted on FB? I will be so glad for this pompous family to not be a daily media event.

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Oct 17, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Took my mother to Brooklyn Whole Foods .

Michael Trump is going down

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The line at Whole Foods in Chelsea was out the door, down the block. It's as if people are stocking up.

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There was a short line in Brooklyn also. My mom used to live in Brooklyn long time ago we walked past her old house .

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Oct 17, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

My husband and I voted yesterday - for Biden Harris and a straight D ticket here in the greater Seattle area. That said, I am nervous about what William Barr may try with any federal prosecutors who may be Trumpists. They may bring up made-up charges of fraud in states, counties, or precincts that are in battleground states and seize polling places, ballot boxes, or, after November 3rd, do raids on state / county facilities that are counting mail-in / absentee ballots. I am under no illusion. They will try everything they can to steal this election for tRump. That said, we are getting ready for dinner and trying to relax with a nice movie. We hope you are, too.

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Oct 18, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I’m getting more anxious as it gets closer to Election Day but trying to stay calm by going for trail walks in Philly ‘burbs. There has been a slight uptick in positive virus cases in NJ but our Governor is doing a good job.

On another note, I’m suspicious of Lindsay Graham’s positive comment to Gretchen Whitmer about Biden winning the election as well as his “joke” about the good ole days of segregation. Deep sarcasm? I don’t think so. When did he become a comic? And Maggot McConnell squashing any additional stimulus. It feels like they’re up to something shady as usual. Or know something is in the works, “the October surprise”. I hope my spidey senses are wrong.

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Oct 18, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Virginia. Just outside of DC. I can see the Washington monument from my rooftop

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Oct 18, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I voted straight blue on Monday. Worked all week then had a relaxing Saturday. I took my brothers and nieces 4 wheeling into the forest and had a nice fire. We avoided politics today but we all hate 🍄 dick (trump). And it snowed on us! Friggin Montana. I love your show Michael. Your recipe for gnocchi is top notch. Thank you.

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Oct 18, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Well i finally got my replacement ballot and it is marked as delivered, but I have no confidence that my vote for Biden will be counted. I was told repeatedly that when my original ballot was marked delivered to me that it meant that it was delivered to the post office. I hope I will be counted and I hope the fuckery is too weak to hold this cycle.

I also hope that there will be some sort of help for people like me soon. I did not receive any stimulus and was laid off the same day enhanced unemployment ended. I feel priveledge to have survived this long but my time is running out. If I don't get my job back soon I don't know what will happen. I have also spent more than 7 months alone. I'm worried that that will have lasting effects and that I will never be "normal" again. Normal me already had anxiety but new normal me will likely have heightened anxiety.

Hope everyone is doing well.

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That's concerning.

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What state are you in?

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