I’ve said a lot this week, here in the newsletter, and on my SiriusXM show, about many issues.
I want to hear from all of you, and I’ll jump in the discussion, as we do on most weekends. What’s going on where you are?
Coronavirus cases are spiking in many states, while New York now has the lowest rate of transmission in all 50 states. People don’t seem to be wearing masks in states where it’s rising. Trump spoke today a West Point and is going to Tulsa next week, as cases in Oklahoma continue to spike.
And protests are continuing all across the country.
What’s happening, what are you, thinking and what are you up to?
Living in a red county in a blue state is so frustrating. We’re in Phase 1 of reopening, which is basically the same as initial lockdown. To enter Phase 2 we need to get down to 25 or fewer new cases per 100,000 people over a 2-week period - we’re at 638 per 100,000 people, the 4th highest per population in the country. Testing has become more widely available, but only to symptomatic people, and 34% of those tested over the past week have been positive. We have one hospital in Yakima and 3 of the 7 floors are occupied by COVID patients. Our health department is still merely “urging” adherence to the minimal protections those of us here on this feed have been doing for at least 3 months now. On another subject, I’d like to hear more information on the show as to how to combat voter suppression measures. So much of the focus has been on removing the orange monster from the White House rather than voting him out on Election Day. That’s my biggest worry after seeing recent primaries and people standing in line for hours, which is not possible for probably a majority of voters. What steps are being taken by specific groups to ensure voters get to vote and voting machines aren’t hacked. Try to have a good weekend!
Michelangelo, great guests and discussions this week. Your show give me energy. With that said, now is the time to hammer the nail deep into trump's re-election campaign coffin. Non Krump Klut voters have had it with his inability to lead. The White House is a daily shit-show of incompetence. It's time to hammer this message home and keeps the polls moving downward. BLM movement created the momentum to nail the coffin shut. Let's not lose this window of opportunity.