Jun 13, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Living in a red county in a blue state is so frustrating. We’re in Phase 1 of reopening, which is basically the same as initial lockdown. To enter Phase 2 we need to get down to 25 or fewer new cases per 100,000 people over a 2-week period - we’re at 638 per 100,000 people, the 4th highest per population in the country. Testing has become more widely available, but only to symptomatic people, and 34% of those tested over the past week have been positive. We have one hospital in Yakima and 3 of the 7 floors are occupied by COVID patients. Our health department is still merely “urging” adherence to the minimal protections those of us here on this feed have been doing for at least 3 months now. On another subject, I’d like to hear more information on the show as to how to combat voter suppression measures. So much of the focus has been on removing the orange monster from the White House rather than voting him out on Election Day. That’s my biggest worry after seeing recent primaries and people standing in line for hours, which is not possible for probably a majority of voters. What steps are being taken by specific groups to ensure voters get to vote and voting machines aren’t hacked. Try to have a good weekend!

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It's the worry everyone re: the election. Even here in New York with good intentions re: mail-in voting i worry if they state can really handle it. Have a good weekend Joanne.

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Jun 13, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Michelangelo, great guests and discussions this week. Your show give me energy. With that said, now is the time to hammer the nail deep into trump's re-election campaign coffin. Non Krump Klut voters have had it with his inability to lead. The White House is a daily shit-show of incompetence. It's time to hammer this message home and keeps the polls moving downward. BLM movement created the momentum to nail the coffin shut. Let's not lose this window of opportunity.

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Jun 13, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Couldn’t have said it better! We have to stay on task and get him out of OUR house!

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Thanks much --- it's a challenge doing the show from home with me in my home and the producers each in theirs. But we've found guests too are more available and I've been trying to book as many people as I can who provide leadership -- because leadership is lacking! Absolutely right on the momentum, just keep hitting it hard!

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Jun 13, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Our youngest daughter was supposed to be married today. Of course, the day was sparkling sunshine with low humidity - the perfect wedding day. They'll try on August 23 - we'll see. We in our family are wearing masks, but most people in our rural area area are not. It's very disheartening.

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That's too bad, on both counts.

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My son Matthew graduated from UCLA this morning and we are having cake and champagne at home with our immediate family of 5. I wish everyone could have listened to the key note speaker for the Art and Architecture School who spoke live from Pakistan to the students. Also the under grad and graduate students who spoke referenced that these times have highlighted so much inequity in the world. I wish everyone could soak in the words of these amazing students and that these 2020 graduates go out into the world and make profound changes. I hope they demand equality in the world for all people , protect the environment , speak up and take action for justice and all vote! They need be the the change makers in the world. As artists and creators they have power to make profound changes and I am counting on them to use their voices and craft to speak up!

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That sounds wonderful Tina. Congratulations to Matthew!

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Thank you! XOX

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They are the future!

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I’m in Tucson and Arizona is seeing a pretty big surge (thanks Dougie boy) so we’re just hanging out at home, plus it’s 110 outside so that sucks too! Went to the market this morning and people STILL don’t social distance and many are without masks too! I hate being a democrat in a red state but McSally is trailing Kelly and dougie can’t be re-elected so that’s a good thing. Hope everything is good in New York and don’t forget to post Obama’s picture all over social media tomorrow for dear leaders birthday! I’ll be tweeting Obama’s pic to him all day! Love your show too!

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The reports we're getting from AZ are bad -- and it seems all a cave in to Trump. But also, why won't people wear masks? It's simple! Here in NYC the streets are busier but nothing near capacity and most people are wearing masks outside. But outside, if they're distanced, it' okay if they're not --- inside everyone is wearing masks and businesses demand it and it is the law.

I read on Twitter about everyone sending pics of Obama tomorrow -- looking forward And thanks for the comments re: the show!

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I’m in Phoenix and my employer extended work from home into the fall which I’m happy about. We are also going through furloughs throughout the summer. I have been staying home and having groceries delivered...only going out when absolutely necessary. And before I leave AZ for NY, I will be happily voting for Mark Kelly.

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I just returned from a Black Lives Matter protest organized by Black Yale students. We were demanding the elimination of Yale’s police department. There are already 2 city police departments that are over-policing the areas surrounding Yale. Last year, an officer from Yale’s police department along with a Hamden police officer, shot into a car, critically wounding civilians. The protest was completely peaceful and almost everyone wore masks. I hope we can maintain this momentum!

Love you, Michelangelo!

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That sounds awesome Corrine. So glad to hear about students organizing on campus. And glad people were wearing masks. I just saw some video from the East Village last night and it was a lot of people hanging out outside bars -- a lot -- and no masks. Very discouraging. Glad the news focused on it.

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I think in California we opened a bit early especially in SoCal. Not sure what Newsom (who I like) was thinking but he may have been under pressure to reopen. However the good news is local cities can be more strict and our city, while reopening, is very strict on masks, physical distancing, and testing. anyone can get tested anytime here and masks in our city are mandatory with good compliance.

We also had some great very peaceful demonstrations here over the last two weeks.

Otherwise it’s sunny, nice and we can swim. So AOK.

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Where exactly are you Chris? Have people been talking about what Newsom was thinking, and has it been in the media. Curious what he is saying to defend it and wonder if there will be statewide stay-at-home order again.

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Jun 14, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I’m in Palm Springs. Our city has been MUCH stricter than the county. Cases are rising, particularly in our eastern valley with many multi-family households and farm workers.

While some things are slowly opening, masks are required in our city itself. Even restaurants that are slowly opening have mask requirements, also lower capacity, etc. I Practically never see anyone without a mask. In the city itself you can’t go inside a store or anything without a mask in the city itself, thanks to our city council. Also we do have excellent testing here, anyone can get a test anytime with a simple appointment, many drive up test sights. We are starting a more aggressive contact tracing. And hospitals are ok for surges.

In terms of Newsom he’s under a lot of pressure To reopen which is understandable given the immense size Of the state and diversity of the state population. So basically he’s ceding to local communities. Mixed feelings among most of the people I know and many in the press, he’s getting pressured by both sides.

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My wife is a non-resident alien. She is assigned a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). We pay federal income taxes as a family. I am a veteran of the U.S. Army and am considered a Viet Nam era veteran. Also, I am a retired school principal, having served the El Paso Independent School District for twenty-nine years. My family is shocked and dismayed that we are again excluded from benefits that are given to U.S. citizens. We will not receive any amount of stimulus money. We were excluded from a previous stimulus benefit back in 2008. All this because my wife is not a citizen. If there is a benefit for U.S. citizens then my family should be included.

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This is horrible and something we've talked about on my show a great deal. It should never have been allowed in the last bill -- GOP using a loophole -- and Dems are trying to close it in the next bill but GOP doesn't even want pass a bill. You have served this country and deserve much better and it's stories like this that show the hypocrisy of Donald Trump and the GOP. Stay well, and I wish the best to you and your family. We'll keep fighting and making noise about this.

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