It has been observed that trump’s tweets have incited his followers to insurrection.
The Ex-Capitol Police Chief must have known of the intent of the rioters, yet didn’t provide the manpower or a strategy for dealing with them.
Certain Capitol police are shown letting the seditionists in opening gates.
Trump and the defense department didn’t allow the national guard to be called in.
The rioters seemed to have preternatural knowledge of the Capitol offices. Who told them?
Trump fired the Secretary of defense Esper and replaced him with a compliant toady Miller, who conveniently couldn’t take the Governor of Maryland, Mr. Hogan’s call requesting his request to send Maryland law enforcement resources.
“President Trump reportedly refused initial requests to send in the National Guard, with Vice President Mike Pence ultimately interfacing with Defense Department officials and giving the order to mobilize units.”
You may say that non of our legislators were murdered, I attribute this to trump’s incompetence.
See, the pathetic national response to Covid testing, vaccine rollouts, etc! Trump couldn’t find sand on the beach, let alone command a successful coup!!
Almost forgot about Mike Flynn who I’m sure helped plot this.
Yes, Marcy Wheeler, on my show on Friday, was putting together the dots of how Trump, Giuliani and others may had had this violence in their plans, may have known it was going to happen -- all to slow down certification. More will come out if that's true.
It took people to die and storm the capital for Twitter and others to suspend, cancel this mans account. Unbelievable!!! This man is not going to go away quiet. He will find away to continue to promote violence. Impeach his lardass and take him to trial right after! I can’t wait to see his ass being dragged to jail along with his loyalists! Now, that’s a reality show: NYAG, Manhattan DA, D.C., MD, and other law enforcement agencies waiting, fighting to arrest him to pay for his crimes 😬
Beautiful weather down in HTX, sunny, 60s’, cleaning the Batcave, laundry, gym, and pro make some ceviche. We shall see. There are several movies that I would to ck out too 😎
I just finished the book “On Tyranny” the other day and jumping into “The Plot Against America”. Other than that I keep tweeting at Ted Cruz to resign. Thankfully there are 2 Texas papers calling for him to resign...just need Dallas to chime in.
Spouse, dog and I found a new trail to explore this morning. And it was a glorious, clear, winter day in Northern California. The week's events have caused us much concern and real fear. Fear that this wave of ignorance and terror might overcome our democracy and drown it. We are in our 70s and veterans of the Free Speech movement, Viet Nam War protests, and Equal Rights marches. Yet we have to sit in our living room, merely observers as the pandemic surges around us and prevents us from joining the forces allied against the hordes. I have seldom felt so helpless.
We toured Sicily and Southern Italy on our honeymoon nine years ago and I threw questions at our guide - the magnificent Gaitano - about Mussolini and how he came to power. This was before Trump, of course, but I was interested in how families dealt with living in a totalitarian state. He told us about his great aunt, an outcast from their family, who was a true-blue supporter of Mussolini, even after he was driven out and killed. She had fallen under his spell, you see, the force of his personality, and could not see the lies and ruthlessness. She always thought he was a champion of "the people" and life was better when he was in power. Once Mussolini was able to get the Church and Pope on his side, he had everything. Yes, the Pope closed his eyes to the thuggery, theft, anti-semitism, and immorality this Duce exemplified. It's hard not to see the same "see no evil" with Evangelicals and Republicans here. We are in that moment, where the cult has overtaken so many there may never be a way out.
The Southern Poverty Law Center has files on these terrorists - from way back to Timothy McVey - and we need to put the hammer down on them now. The Bundys and KKKers and traitors need to be shut down and shut out of power. Taking away guns should be the first order of business.
Thank you Princess. Very interesting regarding Mussolini and I'm glad you spoke to the guide about him. I've made the comparison many times -- and Ruth Ben-Ghiat's book makes the link from Mussolini to Trump as well. I'm glad you're hiking and yes, it's scary but I do think the with Trump removed from the pulpit there are better days. Homeland Security, under Biden, now has to fight the truly dangerous threat right here in this country.
Thanks once again Michelangelo, and all your supporters, for all your tireless and heartfelt work on this! I hope law enforcement is taking protections on inauguration day very seriously. Like maybe plexiglass shields or maybe even an indoor inauguration. And also, protection for the inauguration ball and the major parties to follow. The mainstream media and law enforcement have been way too casual in understanding the seriousness of what is going on now. Maybe this can be discussed on next week's siriusXm shows. What I'm hearing about protection is still too causal. Richard from Fenton MO
Just reported today that the FBI and other enforcement agencies forwarded their “credible threats” intelligence to the Capitol police. Seems like another 911 communication breakdown , or worse. Wouldn’t surprise anyone if the intelligence reached the desk of tRump appointees who then set it aside. We will find out in due course no doubt. Interesting that the “D.C. National Guard” is by name only and is actually under the control of the tRump administration. The first action that should be enacted is that the D.C. Mayor should have the power to deploy the D.C.National Guard.
Baking bread is tremendously therapeutic. I've been baking sourdough every other week since February. I don't plan to stop. I even grind my own grain. I think it is the fact that you're doing something that was done thousands of years ago by our distant ancestors that makes it comforting. Breathe, Michelangelo. Just breathe.
Oh wow, grinding your own grain! Now that is from scratch. And I thought I was getting down to it with fresh yeast. Yes, I love baking -- it takes time, takes you away and keeps you in the house.
Hi Michelangelo and everyone! It seems that one aspect to all this that is not being discussed enough, or even at all, is the prevalence and availability of guns in this country. I doubt a lot of these freaks would have stormed the US or Michigan capitols had it not been for their guns, or being around their friends who have guns. With all their munitions they can feel like little Rambos and gives them a phony courage and power that they probably don't feel elsewhere in their lives. Now, you've got a bunch of people in this country with guns, conspiracy theories, twisted ideologies, hatred, and warped psychologies. And, just like many people talk about after every school shooting, how do we scale back on all the guns? We never do, and so it gets worse.
Yes, so true Alex. I will pursue this on my SiriusXM show this week with gun reform advocates. DC has strict laws around guns but what good are they if people can buy military weapons elsewhere and go to the Capitol?
You know Alex I was thinking about Michigan and the day of that protest in their State Capitol. All because they were angry about the Governor's Coronavirus restrictions. Pretty much every single one of those guys was carrying a long gun and they were standing right in front of a line of police and the police did nothing. I am assuming Michigan is an open carry state. They could have gone in there guns blazing and many people could have been killed or injured. Can you imagine the carnage if the gun laws in DC were that lax? As a gun owner myself I always say, it's not the guns, it's crazy people with guns. We may not be able to fix the crazies but once the Biden-Harris administration is officially in power, maybe, just maybe, they can finally pass some sensible gun legislation.
So Trump lost the Precious (as Joy Reid said) and I am sure he is having massive withdrawal. Completely horrified by this week and extremely worried about the Inauguration, but at least the Secret Service will be handling that. Have already written to my Congressional reps supporting impeachment. Think they should do it even if he doesn’t get convicted until after January 20. He will lose the ability to run again, his pension, protection, etc. and deservedly so. Glad to see arrests happening but the charges need to be stronger.
In terms of here in SoCal, just hunkering down still. Going to be hot next week but that’s a good thing as I will be able to swim for a few days. Watching football today and catching up on laundry and some cleaning. I know you got your new book, but will tell you one of the best baguette recipes I have ever used is Paul Hollywood’s (British Bake Off). It is a wet dough, you think “this can’t possibly be right” but hands down one of the best I have used (and my grandpa from France). They are WAY more tricky than it seems for just flour, salt, yeast and water.
Missed some of your shows this week, last hour on most of them but will catch up on demand. 11 more days of this Monster. Still remember your show 4 years ago and wondering how we were going to survive, but we are just about there. Taking the Senate is the best thing ever. We must hold in 2022. As you always say, the work is ongoing. Cheers!
Wow Chris, yeah we came very far. While Wednesday's show was surreal and enraging, and while this week was demoralizing, I can't say anything matches that day after the 2016 election or those first few weeks. Until we saw a real movement form, it was devastating and scary. Even with this week as horrible as it was we know Trump will be gone. Thanks for all your support. Be well.
My family and I are heartbroken and sick over this weeks event. Cruz and all the minions who supported Trump should be forced to resign and never allowed to hold office again. They are all criminals. The images are so shocking but I am not surprised he caused this level of violence. As a woman I also can’t believe the amount of women who were there, including several I saw posting from my own community. It’s very very troubling and completely insane that women or any human for that matter can listen / support that maniac. Thank you as always for an informative post.
Sen. Gary Peters sent out a petition to pressure the use of the 25th amendment, which they are not going to do. While I strongly support the house impeachment, it is late as they should have never stopped impeaching him. The justice department has this crazy, ridiculous rule that you can't arrest a sitting president. The Supreme Court ruled against Trump's attempt to stop the investigation into his tax returns and they held the the principle of "no one is above the law." Yet, Trump remains above the law; the justice dept. is refusing to charge him, so the focus needs to be on pressure to arrest him, Immense Pressure. Also, since he is Commander in Chief, the military could work with the congress and the FBI, to authorize his removal. He remains a grave threat, no question about it. What I fear is that Putin will step in and shut down the internet
as these planned acts of violence are taking place. Hopefully, they have already popped their champagne bottles, and are just watching the meltdown. Would anyone take it seriously even if
they had set off their napalm cocktails, burnt down the capitol and killed everyone in the building? Maybe we can use the 25th amendment, maybe we can impeach would be the response? TIME TO ARREST. Stay safe. Stay away from any Magas.
I really want to go for a craggy trail hike at my favorite area in the Philly suburbs but being that PA may be one of the states that is being a targeted, I'm terrified of driving across any of the bridges from southern NJ to Philly. But I can use an alternate route to avoid downtown Philly, even though it will add an extra 30 minutes to my drive. I love challenging trail hikes and being in nature. It calms me down.
Happy to read that Twitter finally banned that man and that Parler was removed from Google mobile apps but too little, too late? I still think inauguration activities should be cancelled. It's just not worth the risk and I think Americans would understand passing on this tradition under current circumstances. Even though I was a child, I still remember all too well the traumatic events of the 60s.
I had a dream ( apologizes to MLK) last night that the domestic terrorists who are found guilty and are sent to jail , will have to deal with the inmates that will no doubt teach them a lesson in “white privilege”.
I love all their mug shots. They are all clean shaven, from having beards, like they think that's a disguise. Dangerous idiots, all. I have faith in the fundamentals of America. We will survive.
My husband and I are going for a long walk. It is a beautiful day in Buckeye, Arizona. I am afraid that something will happen to Joe Biden before he is inaugurated with someone in the inside that can get to him. I wish they changed the place for his swearing in on the 20th to an undisclosed location, a more secured location. I am really afraid for this country with these MAGA people attacking our state capitals. They need to arrest Ted Cruz, Hawley and TRUMP NOW. If something happens to Joe Biden, then Pence needs to be arrested and Mitch McConnell needs to be arrested.
So Senator McCarthy requested that Pelosi suspend the impeachment inquiry and in addition to his several procedure worries, he suggested that the impeachment would cause further division ....really?.....Hypocrisy on steroids . McCarthy and his Repugnant associates CREATED and added political fertilizer to the events of the last 4 years that grew into the sad events of this week.
As for his worries regarding the impeachment procedures , he wrote that Pelosi needs to establish “transparent & equitable rules & procedures”....again it becomes totally laughable to hear this coming from McCarthy. He should refer back to the first impeachment opposition, where his opposition to witnesses and subpoenaed documents was the ultimate rejection of judicial equity & transparency. McCarthy , of course, ignores the fact that as Pelosi reminded him that there was no rules under the Constitution or House rules or precedent that the full chamber are required to vote BEFORE moving onto the impeachment procedures.
I am so afraid of what might come in the next 12 days. I have called Sherrod Brown's office, Rob Portman's office and Kristen Sinema's office to advocate for removal, impeachment and the 25th amendment of Trump and the removal of Cruz and Hawley. This has been the longest 2 months and lets throw in the Covid virus. Arizona is a hot bed and we are not going anywhere. My hair is getting so long, I think I will keep that way.
Hi Michelangelo,
I claim a coup organized by trump!
It has been observed that trump’s tweets have incited his followers to insurrection.
The Ex-Capitol Police Chief must have known of the intent of the rioters, yet didn’t provide the manpower or a strategy for dealing with them.
Certain Capitol police are shown letting the seditionists in opening gates.
Trump and the defense department didn’t allow the national guard to be called in.
The rioters seemed to have preternatural knowledge of the Capitol offices. Who told them?
Trump fired the Secretary of defense Esper and replaced him with a compliant toady Miller, who conveniently couldn’t take the Governor of Maryland, Mr. Hogan’s call requesting his request to send Maryland law enforcement resources.
“President Trump reportedly refused initial requests to send in the National Guard, with Vice President Mike Pence ultimately interfacing with Defense Department officials and giving the order to mobilize units.”
You may say that non of our legislators were murdered, I attribute this to trump’s incompetence.
See, the pathetic national response to Covid testing, vaccine rollouts, etc! Trump couldn’t find sand on the beach, let alone command a successful coup!!
Almost forgot about Mike Flynn who I’m sure helped plot this.
Yes, Marcy Wheeler, on my show on Friday, was putting together the dots of how Trump, Giuliani and others may had had this violence in their plans, may have known it was going to happen -- all to slow down certification. More will come out if that's true.
It took people to die and storm the capital for Twitter and others to suspend, cancel this mans account. Unbelievable!!! This man is not going to go away quiet. He will find away to continue to promote violence. Impeach his lardass and take him to trial right after! I can’t wait to see his ass being dragged to jail along with his loyalists! Now, that’s a reality show: NYAG, Manhattan DA, D.C., MD, and other law enforcement agencies waiting, fighting to arrest him to pay for his crimes 😬
Beautiful weather down in HTX, sunny, 60s’, cleaning the Batcave, laundry, gym, and pro make some ceviche. We shall see. There are several movies that I would to ck out too 😎
Glad to hear about the beautiful weather there. At least something is beautiful. And yes i will go to the underground bunker and watch movies too.
I just finished the book “On Tyranny” the other day and jumping into “The Plot Against America”. Other than that I keep tweeting at Ted Cruz to resign. Thankfully there are 2 Texas papers calling for him to resign...just need Dallas to chime in.
Both are great. And keep tweeting at Cruz!
I contacted the Chronicle too :)
Spouse, dog and I found a new trail to explore this morning. And it was a glorious, clear, winter day in Northern California. The week's events have caused us much concern and real fear. Fear that this wave of ignorance and terror might overcome our democracy and drown it. We are in our 70s and veterans of the Free Speech movement, Viet Nam War protests, and Equal Rights marches. Yet we have to sit in our living room, merely observers as the pandemic surges around us and prevents us from joining the forces allied against the hordes. I have seldom felt so helpless.
We toured Sicily and Southern Italy on our honeymoon nine years ago and I threw questions at our guide - the magnificent Gaitano - about Mussolini and how he came to power. This was before Trump, of course, but I was interested in how families dealt with living in a totalitarian state. He told us about his great aunt, an outcast from their family, who was a true-blue supporter of Mussolini, even after he was driven out and killed. She had fallen under his spell, you see, the force of his personality, and could not see the lies and ruthlessness. She always thought he was a champion of "the people" and life was better when he was in power. Once Mussolini was able to get the Church and Pope on his side, he had everything. Yes, the Pope closed his eyes to the thuggery, theft, anti-semitism, and immorality this Duce exemplified. It's hard not to see the same "see no evil" with Evangelicals and Republicans here. We are in that moment, where the cult has overtaken so many there may never be a way out.
The Southern Poverty Law Center has files on these terrorists - from way back to Timothy McVey - and we need to put the hammer down on them now. The Bundys and KKKers and traitors need to be shut down and shut out of power. Taking away guns should be the first order of business.
Thank you Princess. Very interesting regarding Mussolini and I'm glad you spoke to the guide about him. I've made the comparison many times -- and Ruth Ben-Ghiat's book makes the link from Mussolini to Trump as well. I'm glad you're hiking and yes, it's scary but I do think the with Trump removed from the pulpit there are better days. Homeland Security, under Biden, now has to fight the truly dangerous threat right here in this country.
Thank you for the book suggestion.
Thanks once again Michelangelo, and all your supporters, for all your tireless and heartfelt work on this! I hope law enforcement is taking protections on inauguration day very seriously. Like maybe plexiglass shields or maybe even an indoor inauguration. And also, protection for the inauguration ball and the major parties to follow. The mainstream media and law enforcement have been way too casual in understanding the seriousness of what is going on now. Maybe this can be discussed on next week's siriusXm shows. What I'm hearing about protection is still too causal. Richard from Fenton MO
Yes, media hasn't taken the threat seriously for four years. That is so true. Now they're suddenly shocked.
Just reported today that the FBI and other enforcement agencies forwarded their “credible threats” intelligence to the Capitol police. Seems like another 911 communication breakdown , or worse. Wouldn’t surprise anyone if the intelligence reached the desk of tRump appointees who then set it aside. We will find out in due course no doubt. Interesting that the “D.C. National Guard” is by name only and is actually under the control of the tRump administration. The first action that should be enacted is that the D.C. Mayor should have the power to deploy the D.C.National Guard.
Baking bread is tremendously therapeutic. I've been baking sourdough every other week since February. I don't plan to stop. I even grind my own grain. I think it is the fact that you're doing something that was done thousands of years ago by our distant ancestors that makes it comforting. Breathe, Michelangelo. Just breathe.
Oh wow, grinding your own grain! Now that is from scratch. And I thought I was getting down to it with fresh yeast. Yes, I love baking -- it takes time, takes you away and keeps you in the house.
Or brew some beer 🍺
Hi Michelangelo and everyone! It seems that one aspect to all this that is not being discussed enough, or even at all, is the prevalence and availability of guns in this country. I doubt a lot of these freaks would have stormed the US or Michigan capitols had it not been for their guns, or being around their friends who have guns. With all their munitions they can feel like little Rambos and gives them a phony courage and power that they probably don't feel elsewhere in their lives. Now, you've got a bunch of people in this country with guns, conspiracy theories, twisted ideologies, hatred, and warped psychologies. And, just like many people talk about after every school shooting, how do we scale back on all the guns? We never do, and so it gets worse.
Yes, so true Alex. I will pursue this on my SiriusXM show this week with gun reform advocates. DC has strict laws around guns but what good are they if people can buy military weapons elsewhere and go to the Capitol?
You know Alex I was thinking about Michigan and the day of that protest in their State Capitol. All because they were angry about the Governor's Coronavirus restrictions. Pretty much every single one of those guys was carrying a long gun and they were standing right in front of a line of police and the police did nothing. I am assuming Michigan is an open carry state. They could have gone in there guns blazing and many people could have been killed or injured. Can you imagine the carnage if the gun laws in DC were that lax? As a gun owner myself I always say, it's not the guns, it's crazy people with guns. We may not be able to fix the crazies but once the Biden-Harris administration is officially in power, maybe, just maybe, they can finally pass some sensible gun legislation.
My thoughts exactly, Alex!
So Trump lost the Precious (as Joy Reid said) and I am sure he is having massive withdrawal. Completely horrified by this week and extremely worried about the Inauguration, but at least the Secret Service will be handling that. Have already written to my Congressional reps supporting impeachment. Think they should do it even if he doesn’t get convicted until after January 20. He will lose the ability to run again, his pension, protection, etc. and deservedly so. Glad to see arrests happening but the charges need to be stronger.
In terms of here in SoCal, just hunkering down still. Going to be hot next week but that’s a good thing as I will be able to swim for a few days. Watching football today and catching up on laundry and some cleaning. I know you got your new book, but will tell you one of the best baguette recipes I have ever used is Paul Hollywood’s (British Bake Off). It is a wet dough, you think “this can’t possibly be right” but hands down one of the best I have used (and my grandpa from France). They are WAY more tricky than it seems for just flour, salt, yeast and water.
Missed some of your shows this week, last hour on most of them but will catch up on demand. 11 more days of this Monster. Still remember your show 4 years ago and wondering how we were going to survive, but we are just about there. Taking the Senate is the best thing ever. We must hold in 2022. As you always say, the work is ongoing. Cheers!
Wow Chris, yeah we came very far. While Wednesday's show was surreal and enraging, and while this week was demoralizing, I can't say anything matches that day after the 2016 election or those first few weeks. Until we saw a real movement form, it was devastating and scary. Even with this week as horrible as it was we know Trump will be gone. Thanks for all your support. Be well.
My family and I are heartbroken and sick over this weeks event. Cruz and all the minions who supported Trump should be forced to resign and never allowed to hold office again. They are all criminals. The images are so shocking but I am not surprised he caused this level of violence. As a woman I also can’t believe the amount of women who were there, including several I saw posting from my own community. It’s very very troubling and completely insane that women or any human for that matter can listen / support that maniac. Thank you as always for an informative post.
Sen. Gary Peters sent out a petition to pressure the use of the 25th amendment, which they are not going to do. While I strongly support the house impeachment, it is late as they should have never stopped impeaching him. The justice department has this crazy, ridiculous rule that you can't arrest a sitting president. The Supreme Court ruled against Trump's attempt to stop the investigation into his tax returns and they held the the principle of "no one is above the law." Yet, Trump remains above the law; the justice dept. is refusing to charge him, so the focus needs to be on pressure to arrest him, Immense Pressure. Also, since he is Commander in Chief, the military could work with the congress and the FBI, to authorize his removal. He remains a grave threat, no question about it. What I fear is that Putin will step in and shut down the internet
as these planned acts of violence are taking place. Hopefully, they have already popped their champagne bottles, and are just watching the meltdown. Would anyone take it seriously even if
they had set off their napalm cocktails, burnt down the capitol and killed everyone in the building? Maybe we can use the 25th amendment, maybe we can impeach would be the response? TIME TO ARREST. Stay safe. Stay away from any Magas.
I really want to go for a craggy trail hike at my favorite area in the Philly suburbs but being that PA may be one of the states that is being a targeted, I'm terrified of driving across any of the bridges from southern NJ to Philly. But I can use an alternate route to avoid downtown Philly, even though it will add an extra 30 minutes to my drive. I love challenging trail hikes and being in nature. It calms me down.
Happy to read that Twitter finally banned that man and that Parler was removed from Google mobile apps but too little, too late? I still think inauguration activities should be cancelled. It's just not worth the risk and I think Americans would understand passing on this tradition under current circumstances. Even though I was a child, I still remember all too well the traumatic events of the 60s.
Yes, hiking is a good way to unwind.
I'm sure they're planning massive security for the inauguration. We can't cave in to these thugs.
I had a dream ( apologizes to MLK) last night that the domestic terrorists who are found guilty and are sent to jail , will have to deal with the inmates that will no doubt teach them a lesson in “white privilege”.
I really like that dream!
I love all their mug shots. They are all clean shaven, from having beards, like they think that's a disguise. Dangerous idiots, all. I have faith in the fundamentals of America. We will survive.
Oh really. I hadn't noticed that --- their neighbors know what they look like and are turning them in.
My husband and I are going for a long walk. It is a beautiful day in Buckeye, Arizona. I am afraid that something will happen to Joe Biden before he is inaugurated with someone in the inside that can get to him. I wish they changed the place for his swearing in on the 20th to an undisclosed location, a more secured location. I am really afraid for this country with these MAGA people attacking our state capitals. They need to arrest Ted Cruz, Hawley and TRUMP NOW. If something happens to Joe Biden, then Pence needs to be arrested and Mitch McConnell needs to be arrested.
So Senator McCarthy requested that Pelosi suspend the impeachment inquiry and in addition to his several procedure worries, he suggested that the impeachment would cause further division ....really?.....Hypocrisy on steroids . McCarthy and his Repugnant associates CREATED and added political fertilizer to the events of the last 4 years that grew into the sad events of this week.
As for his worries regarding the impeachment procedures , he wrote that Pelosi needs to establish “transparent & equitable rules & procedures”....again it becomes totally laughable to hear this coming from McCarthy. He should refer back to the first impeachment opposition, where his opposition to witnesses and subpoenaed documents was the ultimate rejection of judicial equity & transparency. McCarthy , of course, ignores the fact that as Pelosi reminded him that there was no rules under the Constitution or House rules or precedent that the full chamber are required to vote BEFORE moving onto the impeachment procedures.
I am so afraid of what might come in the next 12 days. I have called Sherrod Brown's office, Rob Portman's office and Kristen Sinema's office to advocate for removal, impeachment and the 25th amendment of Trump and the removal of Cruz and Hawley. This has been the longest 2 months and lets throw in the Covid virus. Arizona is a hot bed and we are not going anywhere. My hair is getting so long, I think I will keep that way.
It's so important for people to call those senators, especially GOP. Thanks Toni.