We could also talk about great TV shows too -- that's fun last weekend, or whatever else anyone is doing this weekend. I just thought this topic warranted a thread since it happened last night. But I know too, on the weekends, people like to talk about everything else.
Wandering into the world of bad disco movie musicals. In particular one made by Cannon Films called "The Apple". Me and my wife like to watch total trainwrecks from time to time.
The Supreme Court decision will not stop the ongoing anti- democratic and seditious action by tRump and his lawyers, and the further actions by tRump will now ALWAYS implicate the 126 Repugnant senators and the 17 states Repugnants . Our duty now, as US citizens is to incessantly remind these Repugnants of their un-American and disgusting anti-democratic action, we need to haunt them out of the Congress . It becomes even more important to support the Georgia run-offs, so we can have total control to salvage our democracy from these people. Donate, volunteer etc. to Warnock & Ossoff...remind friends , family etc who can vote in the Georgia run-offs to VOTE. THIS IS NOW A BATTLE TO SAVE DEMOCRACY IN THIS COUNTRY.
There must be consequences for the Seditious 126. I would prefer the Speaker send their eligibility for seating in the next Congress to be sent to the Rules Committee, there to be dragged out. Eventually, each of them must be forced to sign an affidavit that Biden was legally elected and it the 46th President of the USA. No signature, no seat.
I whole-heartedly agree! There must be consequences for attacks on democracy. If the Democrats roll over (like they usually do) and ignore this, the next time will be much worse and we may be left wondering where our democracy went. These congressmen and women and state AGs need to be tried for sedition!
Good morning everyone. So glad to be back! Two words: “Fucking Traitors”! These idiots are a disgrace and need to be called out in public for their actions!
Paxton like Trump need to go to jail, period. The new administration needs to make an example of these assholes by putting their asses through trial and hopefully in jail! The are what they are, fucking deplorable and vile people! Can’t wait to get out of Texas! So embarrassing!
Biden can look the other way in his efforts to “bring the country together again”; however, the DOJ needs to prosecute those congressmen as well as Trump. The congressmen for seditious behavior and Trump for every infringement he incurred on a weekly basis- Hatch Act, Emoluments Clause, obstruction of justice, etcetera. His children as well, the scurrilous pusbags.
We have saved our democracy by the skin of our teeth, but as far as I am concerned, after all that has occurred, I find it jarring that it is so fragile.
We cannot let up by any means.
On a positive note, I live in Vermont and practice medicine. Getting my COVIDVaccination this week or the following week. Will let you know what it is like.
That's just it. They're trying to wear us down, make people tired, and make them not engage. It's exhausting but we have to stay focused.
Thanks for doing the work you are doing Katherine, putting yourself at risk and taking care others. I'm glad you will get the vaccine and yes, keep us filled in.
I feel the same way, like yes, maybe we won the election but 250 years of democracy is in a very fragile state right now. That's why I think those AGs and Congressional reps must have a comeuppance.
Just what part of 'Cult' do people fail to understand? This isn't a party. This isn't about politics. That's just the stage. This is a cult devoted to the adulation of one person. That will literally do whatever their Dread Lord commands. What we're seeing here is the final refining. The ones left now, who have pledged themselves to Trump, those are the ones who are explicitly saying that they will put their God-Emperor above not only the nation, but their own party.
They literally live in an alternate reality. Things regular people accept as basic facts simply don't exist in their reality. Fervently embracing fantasies, conspiracies, rumors, Q breadcrumbs, things that the real world looks at and just shakes its head.
Right now, the cult is sending him money and fluffing his ego. But very soon, the call will be 'to arms!'. And then that's when we all find our what the term 'Death Cult' really means. Because once Trump has lost all hope of retaining the presidency, he's going full scorched earth, He's going to make the GOP and the nation PAY for spurning him. Betraying him. Not being worthy of him. He will wreak as much havoc and destruction as he can because that's the way he is. And the cult loves him for it.
Today I saw a Chico Marx lookalike on Twitter hailed as JFK Jr by these idiots. They will literally believe anything as long as it's outrageous and totally divorced from reality.
Well when these morons start making up states (New California, New Nevada) why would any court take the lawsuits seriously?
Trump the Toxic Narcissist is extremely dangerous right now. He has NEVER been in a situation he hasn’t been able to scam his way out of or get someone to help him escape. And he knows he can’t pardon his way out of state charges/investigations and prison is calling. Discounting the cowardly GOP, I hope our government is watching his every move. This is not the time for the D.C. Dems to be passive and ignore him as if he’s just a child having a temper tantrum.
The traitors in the House must be sanctioned by Pelosi and the majority. Even the reply from SCOTUS called it a seditious act. What more can this monster inflict upon the American people before he leaves the office?!? I really love to hear people on the right say how the Liberals have destroyed Democracy, being blind to their own actions that totally attempted to tear it down. Never thought I'd believe it, but SCOTUS actually may have saved Democracy!
These traitors need to be charged with sedition, prosecuted and sentenced to prison. Go after the lot of them! It's the only way the weak-minded sheep that follow them will get the message that actions have consequences and nobody looks cute in prison stripes
Now that I think, these cult-followers MoFos tried to kidnap and pro kill the Gov of MI, WTF? No. Fuk them, they can’t get away with their shit! Biden should appoint Ms. Letitia James as the new AG to take care of business. This is insane. These fking people are crazy! I just watched Heaven’s Gate assholes in HBO Max (Documentary), and the people remind me of the GOP-Trump/lick-ass followers!
One case that flew under the radar is the Wisconsin Supreme court agreed to hear arguments today about 220,000 early vote ballots. The hearing happened a little over an hour ago, with the decision expected soon.
The right wing on Twitter said this was no the big case.
Relief that it was a 9-0 decision by SCOTUS to reject the Texas case. But stupid as it was, the GOP is now setting a dangerous precedent whereby every election that they lose will be challenged to death, and millions of gullible Americans will have the well of confidence in our electoral process poisoned for them. That is unforgiveable, as are the 126 Congressional reps who signed on to overturning an election. That cannot be allowed to pass without consequence for them. They betrayed their oath of office. And I don't hear the unicorn call of the mythical moderate Republicans who are supposedly "out there", condemning this act of sedition. The current GOP is angling for an authoritarian state, and we have to take that very seriously. The skirmish may have been won, but this is going to be a long battle back.
Michelangelo, last week you wrote about tv programs you were watching. You once mentioned you enjoy Scandi noir. Have you seen Trapped, a procedural series from Iceland? Great cast and story, plus lovely glimpses of Iceland in winter. It's on Amazon Prime. There's a second series that hasn't been released yet, but I recommend just for the cast who are all so real.
No, I have not seen that! I have to check it out. We had purchased all of Borgen on DVD a couple of years ago. Wasn't available for streaming -- now it is, which is terrific.
This 9-0 ruling will be great for any democratic candidate running for governor in Texas to use for an ad on TV. I hope progressives in Texas turn the state blue in 2022.
One interesting thing is Oracle and Tesla moving to Texas. Who is going with them? Many of their PROGRESSIVE employees. And their PROGRESSIVE policies. I have hopes for at a minimum a purple Texas in the future.
Of course there is that dumb meathead comedian with a podcast who I won't name that moved to Texas. This idiot talks out of both sides of his mouth politically, but is just a total right-wing chud. Not to mention that he thinks Texas has been GOPer land for decades. That prick is older than me and I know there were Democratic politicians such as Ann Richards and LBJ before that moron from Kennebunkport became governor.
We could also talk about great TV shows too -- that's fun last weekend, or whatever else anyone is doing this weekend. I just thought this topic warranted a thread since it happened last night. But I know too, on the weekends, people like to talk about everything else.
Starting on some candy-making and other preps for holiday gifts. Walking the pups.
Enjoying the relatively warm weather for Vermont this time of year.
Hope you had an enjoyable weekend.
It was very warm here too. Went for a run along the Hudson.
Wandering into the world of bad disco movie musicals. In particular one made by Cannon Films called "The Apple". Me and my wife like to watch total trainwrecks from time to time.
The Supreme Court decision will not stop the ongoing anti- democratic and seditious action by tRump and his lawyers, and the further actions by tRump will now ALWAYS implicate the 126 Repugnant senators and the 17 states Repugnants . Our duty now, as US citizens is to incessantly remind these Repugnants of their un-American and disgusting anti-democratic action, we need to haunt them out of the Congress . It becomes even more important to support the Georgia run-offs, so we can have total control to salvage our democracy from these people. Donate, volunteer etc. to Warnock & Ossoff...remind friends , family etc who can vote in the Georgia run-offs to VOTE. THIS IS NOW A BATTLE TO SAVE DEMOCRACY IN THIS COUNTRY.
So true. We can't be diverted from those GA runoffs. And they to with Trump rallies and violence and everything else.
There must be consequences for the Seditious 126. I would prefer the Speaker send their eligibility for seating in the next Congress to be sent to the Rules Committee, there to be dragged out. Eventually, each of them must be forced to sign an affidavit that Biden was legally elected and it the 46th President of the USA. No signature, no seat.
I whole-heartedly agree! There must be consequences for attacks on democracy. If the Democrats roll over (like they usually do) and ignore this, the next time will be much worse and we may be left wondering where our democracy went. These congressmen and women and state AGs need to be tried for sedition!
#Seditious126 needs to be a trending hashtag.
Good morning everyone. So glad to be back! Two words: “Fucking Traitors”! These idiots are a disgrace and need to be called out in public for their actions!
Paxton like Trump need to go to jail, period. The new administration needs to make an example of these assholes by putting their asses through trial and hopefully in jail! The are what they are, fucking deplorable and vile people! Can’t wait to get out of Texas! So embarrassing!
Hi Serge. If they get away with this easily they'll pull so much else. There have to be consequences, agreed.
Indeed. If it was the DEMS doing any of the fkup things, they’ll be in jail!
Disclaimer: Sorry about he profanity to you and everyone here, but I love you all!
Fuk these assholes, they are the worst!
Biden can look the other way in his efforts to “bring the country together again”; however, the DOJ needs to prosecute those congressmen as well as Trump. The congressmen for seditious behavior and Trump for every infringement he incurred on a weekly basis- Hatch Act, Emoluments Clause, obstruction of justice, etcetera. His children as well, the scurrilous pusbags.
Just so damned exhausting.
We have saved our democracy by the skin of our teeth, but as far as I am concerned, after all that has occurred, I find it jarring that it is so fragile.
We cannot let up by any means.
On a positive note, I live in Vermont and practice medicine. Getting my COVIDVaccination this week or the following week. Will let you know what it is like.
That's just it. They're trying to wear us down, make people tired, and make them not engage. It's exhausting but we have to stay focused.
Thanks for doing the work you are doing Katherine, putting yourself at risk and taking care others. I'm glad you will get the vaccine and yes, keep us filled in.
I feel the same way, like yes, maybe we won the election but 250 years of democracy is in a very fragile state right now. That's why I think those AGs and Congressional reps must have a comeuppance.
Just what part of 'Cult' do people fail to understand? This isn't a party. This isn't about politics. That's just the stage. This is a cult devoted to the adulation of one person. That will literally do whatever their Dread Lord commands. What we're seeing here is the final refining. The ones left now, who have pledged themselves to Trump, those are the ones who are explicitly saying that they will put their God-Emperor above not only the nation, but their own party.
They literally live in an alternate reality. Things regular people accept as basic facts simply don't exist in their reality. Fervently embracing fantasies, conspiracies, rumors, Q breadcrumbs, things that the real world looks at and just shakes its head.
Right now, the cult is sending him money and fluffing his ego. But very soon, the call will be 'to arms!'. And then that's when we all find our what the term 'Death Cult' really means. Because once Trump has lost all hope of retaining the presidency, he's going full scorched earth, He's going to make the GOP and the nation PAY for spurning him. Betraying him. Not being worthy of him. He will wreak as much havoc and destruction as he can because that's the way he is. And the cult loves him for it.
Today I saw a Chico Marx lookalike on Twitter hailed as JFK Jr by these idiots. They will literally believe anything as long as it's outrageous and totally divorced from reality.
Well when these morons start making up states (New California, New Nevada) why would any court take the lawsuits seriously?
Trump the Toxic Narcissist is extremely dangerous right now. He has NEVER been in a situation he hasn’t been able to scam his way out of or get someone to help him escape. And he knows he can’t pardon his way out of state charges/investigations and prison is calling. Discounting the cowardly GOP, I hope our government is watching his every move. This is not the time for the D.C. Dems to be passive and ignore him as if he’s just a child having a temper tantrum.
The traitors in the House must be sanctioned by Pelosi and the majority. Even the reply from SCOTUS called it a seditious act. What more can this monster inflict upon the American people before he leaves the office?!? I really love to hear people on the right say how the Liberals have destroyed Democracy, being blind to their own actions that totally attempted to tear it down. Never thought I'd believe it, but SCOTUS actually may have saved Democracy!
These traitors need to be charged with sedition, prosecuted and sentenced to prison. Go after the lot of them! It's the only way the weak-minded sheep that follow them will get the message that actions have consequences and nobody looks cute in prison stripes
Now that I think, these cult-followers MoFos tried to kidnap and pro kill the Gov of MI, WTF? No. Fuk them, they can’t get away with their shit! Biden should appoint Ms. Letitia James as the new AG to take care of business. This is insane. These fking people are crazy! I just watched Heaven’s Gate assholes in HBO Max (Documentary), and the people remind me of the GOP-Trump/lick-ass followers!
One case that flew under the radar is the Wisconsin Supreme court agreed to hear arguments today about 220,000 early vote ballots. The hearing happened a little over an hour ago, with the decision expected soon.
The right wing on Twitter said this was no the big case.
Yes, and also the Wisconsin federal judge --- a Trump appointee. Booting the case.
With the proud boys at the white house and calls for rallying - my fears grow. Anything is possible with this lunatic and his enablers
Trump is determined to do what he can to cause chaos, including violence.
And it seems things turned pretty violent and ugly in DV this weekend. Crickets from tRump et al.
DC I mean
126 House Republicans committed treason. This calls for action, not words. I’m waiting to see the ‘nothing’ Nancy Pelosi will do about it.
Relief that it was a 9-0 decision by SCOTUS to reject the Texas case. But stupid as it was, the GOP is now setting a dangerous precedent whereby every election that they lose will be challenged to death, and millions of gullible Americans will have the well of confidence in our electoral process poisoned for them. That is unforgiveable, as are the 126 Congressional reps who signed on to overturning an election. That cannot be allowed to pass without consequence for them. They betrayed their oath of office. And I don't hear the unicorn call of the mythical moderate Republicans who are supposedly "out there", condemning this act of sedition. The current GOP is angling for an authoritarian state, and we have to take that very seriously. The skirmish may have been won, but this is going to be a long battle back.
Michelangelo, last week you wrote about tv programs you were watching. You once mentioned you enjoy Scandi noir. Have you seen Trapped, a procedural series from Iceland? Great cast and story, plus lovely glimpses of Iceland in winter. It's on Amazon Prime. There's a second series that hasn't been released yet, but I recommend just for the cast who are all so real.
No, I have not seen that! I have to check it out. We had purchased all of Borgen on DVD a couple of years ago. Wasn't available for streaming -- now it is, which is terrific.
This 9-0 ruling will be great for any democratic candidate running for governor in Texas to use for an ad on TV. I hope progressives in Texas turn the state blue in 2022.
One interesting thing is Oracle and Tesla moving to Texas. Who is going with them? Many of their PROGRESSIVE employees. And their PROGRESSIVE policies. I have hopes for at a minimum a purple Texas in the future.
I'm hoping Texas turning blue will cause these right-wing nutjob refugees from other states to move to Russia. We can all dream can we? 😁
Of course there is that dumb meathead comedian with a podcast who I won't name that moved to Texas. This idiot talks out of both sides of his mouth politically, but is just a total right-wing chud. Not to mention that he thinks Texas has been GOPer land for decades. That prick is older than me and I know there were Democratic politicians such as Ann Richards and LBJ before that moron from Kennebunkport became governor.
Not to mention quite a few potential gubernatorial candidates to choose from: Julian Castro, Beto O'rourke, Cecile Richards, etc.