Jan 31·edited Jan 31Author

thanks to our great subscriber Jan Pfhul (whose name I'd initially mispeled--apologies!--but corrected within five minutes).

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I want to thank you for speaking about this more and more recently. I see this as the massive Achilles Heal of the Red Socialist Welfare States, the White Supremacist States, the Christian Nationalist States, that has received little discussion of any kind on a major media platform. If more people start talking about it, if more people are asking questions, maybe even the media may catch on. You never know.

There have been numerous newspaper and magazine articles over the years on this situation and they've always said essentially the same thing. The Successful Blue Donor States pay for the Red Socialist Welfare States. It needs to reach a larger audience. Most people have no idea this is gong on. As I've mentioned, it's been happening in the background for so long, no one even notices it.

Thanks again.

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Thanks Jan! And sorry I initially had a letter missing from your name. Corrected within minutes!

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Sorry to correct you again, Mike. It's Pfuhl.

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Do these Secessionists AKA Traitors realize they’ll get NO SS checks , NO infrastructure $$, NO NOTHING from the Federal Government ?! NO WELFARE CHECKS, NO MEDICARE/MEDICAID? Have they thought this through???

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If republicons under Drumpf take over the presidency, that’s their plan. This needs to be repeated over and over in the media. Republicons are NOT the party of the American working class people.

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And the Democrats are? Maybe once Americans realize what the poor working class are saying…they have no political home. This explains why they are flocking to a political class that is making empty promises on bad faith and abandoning a political class that looks down their nose at them with contempt. You people are so short sighted. To continue to use ad hominem attacks and use racist language perpetuates the problem and delays healing as a country.

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I fully believe the country needs to be healed, not divided and angry. But the MAGA force continues to separate us.

You’re getting “ad hominem attacks” and “racist language” and calling me “you people”, from my short comment to another writer’s response?

You seem to infer a lot.

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“You people?!” Wow.

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Comparatively, yes. One party supports unions, the other doesn’t. Guess which one it is :D

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I hear you, Victoria. Two important things come to mind: will a Dem president pull that money trigger given that Dems also live in those states? How on earth would they be able to stop the spigot of government funds reaching the people in those particular states and know which ones to stop funding? Second and much more horrific: we would be naïve to think that there is not already massive amounts of money flowing into America from the oligarchs around the world who wish to see the demise of our system of government. Take a look at every member of the GOP. There is some incredibly dark money coming into the pockets of each one of those “politicians” who consistently prop up Trump no matter what he does. There is a much deeper coup going on than any of us can imagine.

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Both very good points I had not considered. Thank you

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I'd they secede, they become a new nation with their own government. That's how the feed would know. It would be a messy situation.

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No. They have not.

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Sorry Victoria

With regards to pensions? They will be paid out. No matter where you go that follows you. Move to Uzbekistan or Canada , that money is yours.

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Point taken.

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I just caught myself face palming and asking self, “HOW did we get here??!!”. The ~2015+ “ big picture” is nothing I foresaw. Starting with Rush , 40 years of the true fake news propaganda broadcast over and over, then the advent of internet/social media, it has grown to 25% 30% of US believe disinformation, lies, conspiracies and reject actual data, facts, science, truth. Now add AI on top of all of that. Oh yippie !

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Thanks to Michelangelo for the acknowledgement. And to Sakina for the 'spell check'. After 71+ years, I've sort of gotten used to it.

A clarification to the numbers in the article for California, New York & Massachusetts. Those numbers are for the amounts of money these states GAVE AWAY in 2019 & 2021. In 2019, California PAID $472 billion in Federal Taxes. They GAVE AWAY $14.2 billion of that, money that did not come back as Federal Spending. In 2021, California PAID $587 billion, and GAVE AWAY $44.1 billion of that. Similar for the New York & Massachusetts numbers. In 2019, New York & Massachusetts GAVE AWAY $24.5 billion and $18 billion respectively. In 2021, it was $33 billion & $21.6 billion.

As strengthening borders is such a popular idea these days, especially amongst states that conspicuously DON'T HAVE A BORDER, perhaps these SUCCESSFUL STATES should consider strengthening THEIR BORDERS. I've mostly referred to these Socialist Welfare States as Failures, which they most certainly are. However, if there are 'Shit Hole Countries', it would appear to follow that there could be 'Shit Hole States' as well, no? Why would we, in the SUCCESSFUL STATES want people from the SHIT HOLE STATES contaminating the BLOOD of our SUCCESSFUL STATES.

Hyperbole? Sure. Can't happen, but the same criteria used to label a country a 'Shit Hole Country' would seem to dictate that these states be referred to as 'Shit Hole States'. Chronic Failures. 159 years of Failure, based on how Reconstruction was set up with the Northern States paying for the Southern States. No one has questioned the GIVE AWAY of FREE MONEY since. It just happens in the background, without any discussion or any question. I'm guessing there are a whole lot of people who know about this arrangement and are hoping no one brings it up. Let's start talking about it. As Michelangelo said, these states are pretty much everything they despise. Let's start talking about that!

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I live in Michigan. I will not go to either FL or TX to visit. None of my personal “discretionary” funds will go there, either.

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Is it just me or are we witnessing the results of the war on public education? Voting rights? and the decimation of high school civics. Those in office too long have to go. The people are not pushing back enough to let these nihilists know their terms are too long and they've gotten too used to getting their ass kissed. The growth of maga should have been a bucket of ice water to the face but DEMS are sacrificing us to the alter of comity. From my sick bed yesterday morning I saw a talk show host and his visiting policy wonk suggest Biden go to the border before the supreme court clarifies it's order. I turned away because it was incredibly dumb advice. Let the fellow supremacists tell that mental defective in Texas to shove it and get rid of the razor wire. Americans who care saw the sheer hypocrisy of the gop in real time. Their rejection of the Senate's bill before the ink was dry gives us myriad ads to run in the House enough to clean out the chamber of the riff-raff.

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Close every military base in Texas.

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Since the federal government funds most of the National Guard (it even funds states to help support NG), traitors will be quickly booted off the payroll. Welfare states will have to scrabmle for the funds to help pay for these confederates. Good luck with that.

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Jan 31·edited Jan 31

Love this post, Michelangelo, and thanks to Jan Pfuhl! Love it, love it, love it! It was way past time for this to be called out. I hope that it gets into the mainstream and is reported on much more. I am a Maryland resident, not a donor state. And no, not even our past Republican governors like Larry Hogan and Bob Ehrlich railed about socialism or threatened secession.

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I grew up in Maryland. I'm very proud of that fact. Not perfect, but certainly not a shithole state!

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What a freakin' mess and it just keeps getting worse. When I moved East (~7 years ago) there was talk of creating 'Cascadia' encompassing Washington, Oregon and California which would make it the 5th largest economy in the world, greater than the UK. That is $3.1 Trillion in GDP (2015 stats). The morons in red states might want to consider REACTION to their threats!

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If we win the house, senate and Presidency, the first bill that is passed is a per capita tax system based on an amount per person and states with less population would only receive their population times that per capita amount and call it the fair taxation act. and why not because we rarely receive their support anymore on legislation, which is why this got out of hand.

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Good point. But the first order of business has to be ending the filibuster and expanding the Supreme Court

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And getting rid of the Electoral College.

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And instituting new qualifications to run for Congress or for president. A civics test and psychological screening wild be a good start. I'm not even joking.

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Excellent story. One point of clarification: SCOTUS didn’t say Abbott can’t put up razor wire. They just said that the Feds are free to cut it down.

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thank you. corrected.

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I hail from Alaska, the largest state and one of the Social Welfare states almost completely dependent on federal government money (the rest is Permanent Fund Dividend benefits for the oil that is running out, and tourism, which isn’t all that stable.) I worked there as a federal employee and would chuckle at my colleagues in the Federal Building when they would rail against the government (quietly, of course, and in private because the Hatch Act takes a dim view of such things). I would ask them where they would be without government money—nobody ever had an answer, and they wouldn’t, would they?

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Thanks Mike and Jan, so glad to see this highlighted. And Mike keep it up when supporters of Fake Bone Spurs call in! “Hi I’m John from South Carolina, Trump is God!”. Like that “peace and prosperity” guy that called a month or two ago. I was ready to crawl through the car radio on that one. No more highway funding, no more military bases, no national parks, etc. These dimwits have no idea what all their rhetoric means!

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When they seceded during the REAL CW, they were branded traitors. And they will be again, as it’s illegal to do so.

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SHOULD be. But as Dean Obeidallah pointed out on his nightly show, the DOJ under Garland has dragged its feet for too long and allowed Drumpf and his minions to buy time and get closer to the election.

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Larry, that Merrick angle both pisses me off and gives me heartburn !! Over an entire precious year twiddled twaddled and fiddled away ! After AG Barr was out, I wonder why D’s did not revisit the Mueller report ? There is considerable in there. Memory says 10 counts of obstruction of justice. Is that not illegal ??

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Of course it should have been “revisited”; the Mueller report was tossed, allowing republicons to make it go away. Garland was not, in hindsight, the person for the job.

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Garland! 🙄🙄🙄

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Is ‘Federalization’ an oxymoron? What makes you think the national guard in these red states would go along with Biden’s orders. If it comes to this I doubt they would support the federal government. I would bet most of these troops are Trump supporters.

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One would suppose that, at that point, we would discover whether the national guard troops are loyal to Trump or to the United States. You can't have it both ways, you know. They are mutually exclusive.

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Frightening. Americans don’t understand the danger of this division; add that to our foreign enemies taking notice.

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I’m a Democrat in OH, which has several large blue cities. Our idiot governor has pledged ONG troops to TX, because he is an idiot. Did I mention that?

The Donor state idea isn’t new but most of us cannot or do not wish to leave—I’m in the state capital, the 14th largest city in the country, I live a mile from the largest university in the country (an endless resource of libraries and classes), and we have fabulous nightlife, music, restaurants and bars. Reproductive rights are enshrined in our constitution.

DeWine sent federal unemployment $$ back to the federal government after COVID. I hope that means we aren’t a Socialist Welfare state, even though we are chaired by an idiot.

If this shit goes on much longer POTUS has to federalize the NG and put an end to it.

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