While not being surprised at Schlapp's behavior, I will never understand how folks like schlapp just don't embrace their sexual orientation. Life is short - if you are gay, then be gay and be happy and enjoy your life. It makes me sick that instead, they chose to be hateful and repressed and homophobic.

The GOP is completely void of empathy, compassion, and acceptance and it seems to have multiplied x1000 in the last few years. I will never understand it.

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I'm with you, Michelle! Life is too short to be miserable. The right wing is so devoid of the very emotions which makes a human a human. How is someone's sexual orientation or identity a problem for them in their daily lives? The same can be said about a woman's choice regarding pregnancy, now stripped away by SCOTUS and the GOP legislatures.

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Very well, said! TY

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You, as well!

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Your last paragraph says it all. Republicons have lost touch with the majority of Americans’ views.

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"I will never understand how folks like schlapp just don't embrace their sexual orientation"

I vascillate between attributing this to political expediency of going with whatever red meat gets your base to the polls enthusiastically, or that they kind of believe their rhetoric that being gay is just a choice. Combine this with the idea that everyone is flawed and must be controlled, their sexuality expressing as gay just comes off as something literally everyone deals with and must be controlled or repressed.

It's like that argument that without the bible to teach you morality we'd all want to murder, steal, and rape people. And the counter argument that I rape and murder as many people as I want to without the bible- and that number is zero.

In the end I'm sure there's both kinds of people, or even people who feel both simultaneously.

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An old, old story: Closeted gay men, or those fearful of same-sex attraction within themselves, are so very often our primary tormentors. Straight men secure in their sexuality simply don’t give us much thought. And why should they?

Those “straight” people who obsess over homosexuality clearly have some type of personal stake at play. And when those people bring their obsession into the public sphere to do harm to others, it is the responsibility of the press to call them out.

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So true. There have even been studies on those who express the most homophobia being latently homosexual.

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The classic study is from 1996, from the University of Georgia, involving male freshmen in an Intro to General Psych class. Basically, the researchers had the students take a Likert-type inventory regarding homophobia. Then, these same men viewed gay porn (and were wired, as it were). Those who had the STRONG homophobic scores, had the biggest sexual response to gay porn. Granted, it's a correlational study, but the data were and remain impressive.

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Let’s not forget Schlapp and his wife have been cheerleaders for the authoritarian Orban of Hungary, embracing his policies to fit the American political landscape.

Since he has been exposed, allegations have come fourth from other men as reported by the Daily Beast, an outlet that the Schlapp’s have demonized, and yet the Schlapps never seem to outright deny these charges... Typical of fascists wannabe.

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He's just another GOP hypocrite. They'd sell their souls for a couple of dollars.

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Hi Donnab, As another example, Dennis Hastert is trying to rehabilitate his image now after all the harm he's caused.

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Another example of projection. Sounds to me like Schlapp is a groomer.

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Isn't Matt Schlapp a member in good standing at Bohemian Grove in California?

The members there get ALL their needs met onsite.

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Doesn't the GOP always distract from its own LGBTQ members by doubling down on LGBTQ hate? Look at Lindsay Graham and Tim Scott....bachelors for life??? And the former senator from Idaho who wanted to execute a pick-up in a men's room at an airport? And who knows how many more...:-)

On Senator McConnell - sounds like he's experiencing transient ischemic attacks. Sometimes these come from partially blocked arteries in the neck (NOT, as you're all thinking, from being chronically chinless.) :-)

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LOL! Hi Lorie, yes, what is it about the SC Senators? Hmm...

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Things that make you say hmmmm!?

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As someone who lives on CapHill and has for decades, must say this was all well known forever. Any bar you go to around the Capitol you'll run into closeted GOP men getting drunk and starting to stray out of the fake lanes they stay in during day. The closeted gay Republican has been its own scene in DC forever and my question to Mike is- given all the harm and hate these men bring, why dont they just get outted publicly all the time? Wouldnt that be for the greater good?

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As I said, when closeted gays bring their “issues” into the public sphere to bring harm to others, the press has a responsibility to call them out.

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The misdeeds of closeted gay republicans like Schlapp confirms over and over again the brazen hypocrisy of the Republican Party! They have known all along! Yet, they hold these CPAC events and viciously spew poison and hate on LGBTQ+ people! This is a vile, despicable party that can no longer hide their true colors. After all the party has been exposed. They are now owned by Donald Trump, a sexual assaulter and leading presidential candidate for the GOP with indictments of 91 counts! And they cannot denounce him! That tells us everything about who they are!

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I'm not so sure Schlapp is miserable. I don't think he, like most of the Republican leaders, feels much emotion. They seem devoid of compassion based on their bills and how they vote. Power and duty is more important to them. He gets to strut around with his pretend wife and 5 daughters while enjoying all the acceptance the GOP has to offer for a white man, married to a woman with children.

He might be pissed off that he has been caught trying to fondle some of the men he works with. But as long as he keeps up the appearance of being hetro, he remains in place.

I bet Victor Orban is ok with it as long as Schlapp remains married to his wife and tows the anti LGBT line. He has probably advised Schlapp to get his sexual needs taken care of more discretely.

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And the beat goes on for these hypocrites. As long as he keeps up appearances, and his wife continues to live her lifestyle, all remains status quo.

Karma for him is what we hope for.

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Hi Sakina, Hastert was abusing a high schooler, as I recall. He's just another disgraceful RepubliKKKan. Sanctimonious creeps!

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Struck me as very odd indeed that trumpanzee would skip "cocks plausibly aplenty presentation" last go around. Must have waited for the check to clear before disappointing them...

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May SchlappitySchlap is a pig.

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Gay for a day!

Matt needs a good Schlapp across his hypocritical mug.

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Internalized homophobia is so destructive. Most of these staunch Christian conservatives who spout family values are deeply closeted so they take their hated out on the LGBTQ + community.

I was watching one of the morning news shows and the round table discussion centered on the GOP presidential candidates. Apparently, Tim Scott is under fire from the GOP and donors because he’s a bachelor and “they” want to know why. The entire Republican platform revolves around stripping women, the LGBTQ and minority communities of their rights. It sickens me that the sheepeople in the party continue to vote for them.

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Hello, good man.

Not commenting about closeted powerful asshats as far too obvious and had far too many experiences when I was still tight and adorable.

At 77 1/2 those days are only memories but here’s a completely off the wall request.

Been a fan of yours for decades. I’ve a 1st edition copy of Queer In America bought on Castro St. during the Golden Era of rowdy, outlaw, kickass politics 70’s San Francisco. Would you be so generous to sign my book?

Where may I send?

Those of us who survived those horrible decades of AIDS are now dying of just worn out bodies.

We read actual books when we weren’t burning police cars, shutting down Golden Gate Bridge, occupying evil corporations du jour or just dancin’/fuckin’ like wild men we were.

Dilemma being, no one wants our historical collections of newspapers, books, posters or photos.

Makes me quite sad realizing we are being fazed out and forgotten for all things digital.

Libraries don’t have room or are already overflowing with our leftovers. I’m coordinating with local librarian (str8 ally) setting up our own homo collection. We’re living in sweet spot….Humboldt County, CA.

Besides, seems to me younger fucks don’t read much past 133 characters anyway.

The youngsters I know have embraced and enjoying the lives we helped make possible….but don’t give a crap how it all happened.

OK, enough of geezer complaints.

If you would be the sweetheart I know you to be, please sign my book.


G-man….aka Sammy Slipschit

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I would be completely not-surprised to find out that the GOP in general and CPAC specifically were into "Schlapp-back delay".

Bad pun intended.

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