Seems like so much pure backwards crap hitting Americans in many ways in a speedy flurry, back, back, back, to 1920. Anyone think is likely due to new extremist leaning Supreme Court which emboldens people to take crap to lower courts, get it passed into crap laws and they feel emboldened the SC will uphold if anyone questions ?? Is that the deal ?? It’s so much crap, so fast. Disgusting. From the baskets of deplorables.

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To me, gender identity and orientation also includes "straight". Don't say gay, don't say straight. Just as no teacher will want a kid talking about two dads, they aren't going to want a kid talking about mom and dad, lest a gay family takes offense and sues. Frankly, I think that's what should happen. Expose the sham by taking it to the other direction.

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Bravo Michelangelo the most egregious result of this law is that it again will make LGBTQ students outcasts and ashamed and in the damned closet (just like when I was a student in the 1960s) because that is where these disgusting far right holier-than-thou evangelical GOP people want us, in the closet, in shadows, never spoken about = never accepted! People like your caller infuriate me because they refuse to learn what laws like this are really going to do. If my husband and I had decided to adopt children we would certainly today have to find a private school that would treat LGBTQ students and students of all races and religions (including atheists) as equals and included teaching that explained why it is important to be thoughtful and understanding and accepting. Great show, great clip, love you standing up for all of us all the time!

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Whenever I have a question whether a comment or a bill is homo/trans-phobic, I replace the words pertaining to gay/trans with Jewish or black. For instance, when Ron DeSantis says we don't want to insert transgenderism in kindergarten, in my head I transpose his comment to "we don't want to insert Judaism into kindergarten classes." Awful, isn't it!!!

Folks, we are in major trouble. The Republican Party is increasingly sounded like Nazis in the early and mid-1930's, when they systematically removed Jews form all aspects of German schools and society. I don't think I'm being hyperbolic. I think gay Jews, such as myself, are more aware of these frightening parallels, and it's time we start vocalizing them.

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I'm so tired of the right wing yelling about their freedom while taking away others freedom. OK to carry guns and shoot people, but we can't explain that it's ok for Mary to have two dads or two moms. And we have to censor books in the schools, regardless of whether teachers or other parents want their children reading those books. The vocal minority is destroying democracy one day at a time at the expense of everyone else.

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You nailed it DB.

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Please remind Mr. Highberger that private schools are where indoctrination starts. His kids will face much more bigotry there...

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Did you see where teachers are turning the tables on the law. Instead of Mr or Ms they are using they and them because they are gender neutral. No going to the boys or girls room. That addressing gender so guess they go to any because that’s gender identity so have to use a new perm like “ parent “ I guess. Wish I could send you the article. But, it’s a great way teachers are “ following the directions of the law”.

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It is so patently ridiculous when Rs talk about lawsuits against people discussing LGBT rights in schools or abortion rights. Is this not the party (not so long ago) which was bemoaning the fact that 'frivolous ' lawsuits were out of control?!? Once again, hypocrisy rears it's ugly head. What a pathetic group of idiots, trampling on civil rights when it doesn't suit them.

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Judges look at something called "legislative intent." A record in the legislature of an amendment proposed -- that would specify what topics would actually be banned (those topics the law's defenders now claim are not actually banned) and then not used to amend the bill -- means to a judge that the authors had a chance to make the change and didn't.

This means the law says what it means, not what its defenders say it means later.

Judges use this to defend the bill from people who want to twist it later, in their courtrooms, in hypothetical defenses. In a fair fight, it won't work. Will there be a fair fight? We'll see.

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For the authoritarian followers who are uncomfortable with anything not conventional or 'traditional',

-'Heterosexual' is not a sexual orientation, and

-'Cisgender' is not a gender identity.

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I'm not getting what I am paying for. Nothing in my email from Mike. Did I piss somebody off?

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I bought your book years ago

It isn’t over

Well….it isn’t over and the repubs keep working to see who can be the most repugnant

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The law as written was most purposeful in keeping the language vague enough to place fear in Teachers in the public school realm. The gay angle will begat The race angle and then former usa history...The endgame is to make public education a profit making entity (i.e. privatization). Today's caller was as obtuse as you can get but his muddying of the water was heard.

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Some of my comment was magically deleted. Sorry. Re law in Florida. Teachers are not saying Mother or Father because the tern refer to gender ID. Kids go to restroom not boys or girls room. Hope that clears up my previous post.

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How's THIS for "instruction" on a partisan issue? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1YP_zZJFXs

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