I think along with Sherrod Brown, they need to let Tim Ryan speak at the media junkets in the beltway, because he ain't scared! He would drown out Manchin and Sinema and is clearly speaking the truth! Democrats need to understand that there are ignorant people in the country. They tend to act as if everyone wants to know things; there are people that just don't care about anything but the lies they make up in their head. Republicans feed off the poorly educated, they would be invisible without the poorly educated and Democrats are too academic to notice or they think it should be ignored. NOPE! Another thing, nominating McAuliffe is going backwards, Democrats need to understand for God's sake we cannot go backwards, and he didn't even realize that he had to campaign smarter, harder with all the stamina possible being an old face. The new fresh faced Democrats WON in the mayoral elections. Hopefully, the leadership noticed that.

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I believe Manchin and Sinema are damaging the Dems. How can these 2 “Democrat” conservatives “power play” at this important juncture when Dems have a such small margin of control? They are selfish and narcissistic. Let’s show the American people Democrats can get shit done, then, when our control in the legislature grows we can compromise and negotiate for specific needs. “Moderates” my ass. Fuck Joe Manchin and Fuck Kyrsten Sinema. Wolf in sheep’s clothing.

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That's why I don't think we're gonna get anywhere on these bills they keep holding up. I swear they are trying sabotaging everything so that a GOPer majority can take over congress in November 2022. If anything this goes to show that people need to vote in the Democratic primaries, which have an even lower turnout than the general election.

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We're making far too much of what happened. McAuliffe is a notoriously BAD campaigner. And in NJ, the Dems got supremely cocky and totally screwed the pooch on getting out the vote. So, in Somerset County, our two Dem County Commissioners were trounced by GOP challengers. If the Dems had bothered to vote, that wouldn't have happened. By contrast, Montgomery Township, which is in Somerset County, got the vote out, and we now have NJ's first Muslim female Assemblyperson (Sadaf Jaffer, our former mayor--public policy Ph.D.--terrific!). Now, the hurricane disaster called IDA might have driven down some of the vote (we got hammered), but the Dems should have made SURE that people got to the polls or voted by mail (me). It's EASY to vote in NJ. Ciatrelli is not a good candidate (homophobic--he was my assembly person 20 years ago--I love that his old seat is going to Jaffer). So, Dems need to focus on making sure people can vote and then do so.

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Rachel Maddow went over it last night, this is the first time since Ronald Reagan that both New Jersey and Virginia didn’t switch a year after an election to the opposite party. Are we making too much of this?

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We should have countered the GOPers criticism of CRT with how they want to implement southern confederacy revisionist history in our schools.

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One thing I find hopeful and was NOT covered by the MSM is how many mayoral races were won by Democrats! Maybe talk a bit about that Mike. It shows that good Dems are coming down the pipeline and to me was very encouraging. I don’t view VA or NJ as the be all end all of the status of voters right now. I found these mayoral races to be very good for the future.

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Sherrod Brown got it right, this is about race and white nationalism, the Rs are almost always better at getting their voters out when it comes to these low turnout elections. The fact remains that Virginia, except for areas closer to the Beltway tend to be more R than not and they voted because their candidate focused on the red herring of critical race theory and schools. Time and again it has been called out by our side that this is a LAW SCHOOL course, NOT an elementary, middle or high school course, but Faux News continues to beat it into heads that this is what their children are being taught, right or wrong we need to figure out a way to continue to make this clear in the face of the right wing noise machine!

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