Excellent and worthy interview. I wasn't able to hear the live version, so thank you for posting this. I'm a Boomer (74) and I live in a community of seniors. We have 88 year old residents that teach current event courses and lead resident committees. We put together monthly newsletters and write articles. Yes, some elders have cognition and speech problems due to health issues. But those of us with all of our marbles (touch wood) can form judgments, make decisions, and retain important information as well as anyone. And, here in Northern California, we recognize the difference between a doddering fool and an elder statesman.

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I, too, Princess live in a senior community. I'm your age and I have a friend here, retired professor, age 92 who teaches classes also. He has absolutely no cognition issues. The problem is ageism. Our corporate masters want us out at 50 and then we're considered "over the hill." Nonsense! We have experience and common sense.

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I agree with you completely! Ageism. I was “laid off” when I was 60. Even though I was “employee of the month” and continued to run rings around other administrators at my level. Joe Biden is in far better physical shape than TFG and is mentally much superior.

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I agree. I was laid off at 55, took a year to find a job, but at 60% of my old salary. My husband was laid off at 62 and never found another job. We both have degrees. He even has an advanced degree. We were both put out to pasture.

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The corporate world is a cruel world. I'm so sorry about job loss.

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It stinks. I was told I'd be promoted in 2 weeks and then they offshored my job. Rats!!!!

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Mike thanks for posting this. I heard this live and thought it was excellent (as a Boomer myself!). Very well explained. Bookmarking this one.

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I appreciate this information. I missed your interview but saw Dr. Ranganath on MSNBC, and I hope that he continues to make the rounds. I wish that there had been time enough for him to talk about that aspect of big F forgetting where the person tries to cover for themselves, like the former guy does all the time.

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I saw ( and heard) Gavin interview with the horrendous Kristen Welker. Maybe he could have brought up the 91 felony accounts, and the insurrection and classified docs and DT talking about running against Obama and confusing Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi …. Etc, etc… should Trump step aside? Is it good for our country compared to a man like Joe Biden who’s getting the job done! But, he handled her perfectly.

I’m all in for Grandpa Jo🇺🇸!

She was pathetic.

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Appreciate the use of a scientist for the explanation of a aged memory bank and to a larger extent why our media is doing a nation a grave disservice. A nation used to get even handed truth without the hyperbole, now, we get a media clearly thinking that they have the ability to shape future events to their advantage. They know not what they do. The mere fact that the populous at large questions the mental acuity of a leader is because the media manipulates the narrative and not in a good way. The paucity of accomplishments by Biden on the front page is not by accident. The media shaping the dialogue is a weapon and the people will pay the price if they do not wield the cloak of curiosity. A 2020 redux is in the cards and the current President is the only one with real time accomplishments to run on. I may have never forgiven him for Clarence Thomas but bringing a nation back from the calamity of Covid keeps my loyalty and my vote.

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The media controls the narrative and it seems to want to hang itself. For example, on “local” news this AM regarding the government shutdown, there was a sound byte of republicon Byron Donalds saying there “would be no Republican support” to keep the government open unless border security is addressed; no reference by the reporter covering the story that it was the republicons who wouldn’t even vote on a bipartisan bill with tough border security passed by the Senate.

It doesn’t appear that this “hang myself” behavior is ever going to change with the mainstream media. Extremely short sighted, and it will be ultimately dooming.

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We in fascist florida disown BD because the naked ambition was on display during the primaries. The shutdown will the death knell of trumpanzee in the general notwithstanding Roe vs Wade. These people have no core morals or introspective skills...

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Magacon BD is certainly trying to endear himself to his cult leader. We really need to get out the vote to make sure these hypocrites are no longer in power.

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When younger people during trials and depositions (Drumpf children, Ted Cruz, we could go on and on) “aren’t able to recall”, it seems to go unnoticed. No one, at a younger age, is criticized for not remembering, even when they should have no problem with recalling events.

Ageism, on full display.

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Excellent piece Michael. I do write a bit about these things myself....

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