So, his stupid lawyer just admitted to the crime. What a moron.

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Ha, yes.

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I am wondering if others read this article from Politico? (https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/07/30/the-connection-between-political-lies-and-conspiracy-theories-00108378)

The argument for a neurological explanation for the fascination some of our countrymen have for an obvious lunatic like Donald Trump is fascinating!

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I had a neurobiologist on my program about the topic. In fact if you look in the archives I posted the entire interview here. It may have been earlier this year or late last him. And yes, fascinating.

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Very interesting thx for sharing

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Didn't he also admit he knew he lost? Do they have a record of that?

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yes they do.

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Today I heard over 50% of Republicans will not vote for Trump if he is found guilty. God speed!

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The orange nazi always plays the victim of fake news, witch hunts, the deep state, Hillary, Hunter BIden, and whatever else he cooks up in his degenerated mind. One juror can set this criminal free. I won't hold my breath for conviction.

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Tertiary syphilis rots the brain from the inside out :-).

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Wonne, A likely cause of his brain rot!!

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John Gotti and Al Capone were eventually taken down. Time's up for the former guy!

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Indeed, from your lips to God's ears.

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The only "defence" that tRump has is : delay...delay....delay...lie....lie...lié.....

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Can't wait for trumpanzee to get convicted and given the choice to drop out or don the orange jumpsuit. Georgia will get him the jail time he so richly deserves. Saw the montage of concession speeches earlier mourned for days gone by when the politics weren't us vs them. Stark reality today that one party would rather democracy end than to put people before party.

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Great piece Michaelangelo!

The plan is not only win the election and end the cases, but, also to poison the jury pool to get one person on the jury to stop the process. I’m convinced MAGA’s will successfully lie to get on the jury. We can hope one MAGA might emulate the MAGA Manafort juror who ‘left her MAGA hat in the car’ and rightly convicted Manafort.🤞🏻

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Thank you Tom!

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I am wondering if others read this article from Politico? (https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/07/30/the-connection-between-political-lies-and-conspiracy-theories-00108378)

The argument for a neurological explanation for the fascination some of our countrymen have for an obvious lunatic like Donald Trump is fascinating!

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Further thought on Atty. Lauro’s comments, added to what I said earlier: strange as it might be, is Laurie trying to set up an ‘incompetence of counsel’ argument some how?

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