What frosts me about the GOP is that they continually compare apples to oranges and their moronic fans don't see how illogical it is. People seeking asylum are not the same as troops invading from a hostile country with the intent of a takeover and a change from democracy to a corrupted form of communism.

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I am in fear, disgust and disbelief over the traitors we have allowed to be a part of our democracy in Washington, D.C. Please keep informing the uninformed, Michael. You are a genuine hero of democracy.

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The present-day GOP is nothing more than Putin's Western Front. They are the enemy every bit as much as Putin's Russia is. God help many of them if Putin presses the button and we end up in a lawless land of radioactive ashes. A lot of people may want to settle some scores for what the Trumpie bastards have done to this country. Too bad, so sad. Hope I am alive to see it.

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We are facing the possibility of World War III. And Republicans have come out against the majority of Americans. Openly !!! Unashamedly!!!

This is too bizarre for the Twilight Zone.

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Rs have always been hypocrites, but this represents a new level of paranoia on their part. Capitulating to Putin WILL NOT protect them from the whims of a madman, neither will re-electing another madman.

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It is absolutely frightening what has happened to the GOP after Trump. And what they are doing at the state level nationwide is seriously threatening Democracy. It seems there is no one in Russia, no inner circle that can hold Putin back. If Trump is able to win again it can happen here too.

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