Aug 11, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Heard your comment the other day about Mr Haney. My husband and I call Trump Mr Haney and Desantis is Haney Jr. Haney was a con man who would try to sell you anything. That way we don't have to speak their names. Love your show. Linda from Florida

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Aug 12, 2023·edited Aug 12, 2023Author

oh yes! ha. thank you!

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I’ve always thought the same about Drumpf being exactly like Mr. Haney, the ultimate lowlife con artist for those of us old enough to remember!

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Aug 11, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Right on Michelangelo. And that cracked head of the House Judicial Committee Jim Jordan gets a pass for looking the other way while his colleague at Ohio State U abused college wrestling athletes on the team where he was a coach. Shades of Sandusky and his abuses of children while using Penn State U facilities. Hypocrisy run amok yet again in the Repugnican party!

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These anti LBDTQ+, anti abortion & draconian education curriculum policies will have a devastating impact on their residents' health & education in those red states that are activating these anti-democracy laws. Like Dr.Kleinmahon , many educators & health professionals currently working in these states will reassess their situation and decide to abandon their state to seek a new start elsewhere. This will be a direct repurcussion of the actions of those narrow minded, radical state representatives who are destroying our democracy. The residents of these states will be the victims of the "hate" actions of their legislatures. Vote these people out.

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Q: "Who's really protecting children?"

A: Matt Gaetz and Joel Greenberg.


Why is he [MG] still walking around free?

Why hasn t Gaetz been charged?

"The Washington Post first reported Friday that career prosecutors have recommended not pursuing charges against Gaetz, in part due to concerns about the credibility of potential witnesses.Sep 24, 2022."

Wouldn't it be nice if the DOJ and all Justice departments across the land made an attempt to protect the children, instead of letting the predators at the very top off the hook? Inquiring minds want to know!

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Gaetz's father is very wealthy.

As you know, money talks.

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Money talks and Bullshit walks! And we both know the CONS are all full of it!

The beat goes on.....

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Not enough that this seething world has no feasible plan to leave the children a viable planet to live on but the current weaponization of their heirs should be the last straw for the former USA. I'm waiting for the rest of the gop legislatures to introduce their Reduction of Marriage Age bills ala West Virginia. The Brain drain here in fascist florida continues apace in the education sector. The kids today will not be surprised to learn their Maga parents did them no favors following DeRacist...

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As a former Catholic (with a vestige of respect for the faith) it pains me to say this, but...

I find it fascinating that DeSantis wants to proscribe all content on gay sex. Yet, once a week, gets on his knees and worships a naked man (who hung out with 12 other single guys and a few prostitutes) nailed to a wooden stick, after having being brutalized in an act of S&M, and LITERALLY (for the sacrament is not allegorical), drinks his blood and eats his flesh in a cannibalistic ritual.

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Sadly republicans are nothing if not twisted hypocrites

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The GOP pro-life stance holds only to fetuses and controlling pregnant women. Once those babies are born, the GOP does not give a rat’s ass about them.

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I was a freshman in college when Anita Bryant waged her Christian nationalist campaign against the gay community of Florida and the nation in the late 1970’s. I was just coming out, and her anti-Gay vitriol was devastating to me. Today’s Republican war for “parental rights” is actually an eliminationalist war on LGBT students in schools (and LGBT teachers), and it’s crushing their souls. The child abuse being perpetrated against precious young people by the ‘Foxnews Republican Christian nationalist Moms for Liberty Ron DeFascist MAGA cult,’ is horrific. I want to know when the parents of LGBT youth are going to get organized, get a backbone, and start raising bloody hell against the attacks on their own kids, and, to paraphrase Anita, Save Our Children!

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Authoritarianism and the Church. Men who are at heart violent and women who submit to them are the ones condoning child abuse. These men who intend to harm children sexually and emotionally (pedophiles) have inhabited authoritarian institutions for millennia. They consciously (or not) choose these positions for the access to children, and to satisfy their diseased minds.

The sheer numbers of disgraced and exposed faith leaders dwarf the numbers of disgraced teachers and others in society who wish to help children. From my experience, people who wish to help children take occupations and jobs where kids are legitimately being helped. On the other hand, priests and pastors' primary focus is not for children, is it? Almost any of us can claim to work for children, but their job is to save souls. Children are secondary.

Bottom line… anyone who thinks that most of these guys are celibate are seriously deluding themselves. I would not leave my child alone with a priest for one minute. The statistics bolster my convictions.

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I am confident that the state I live in is going to be able to defend DCF’s decision readily. The nonsense that passes for rational in red states will not fly here. On the state line. My sense is the Beckett legal team probably understands this and wants this to go to the Supreme Court of Injustice. We all know what that the decision will look like with 6 far right wingers. Oh also the term conservative needs to be updated. Right wing is more accurate. The media needs to disband this mis characterization. Gives cover to what conservative actually means and represents currently. The term is a trivialization

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Right wing extremists is accurate for how these liars should be described.

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Serious question: What approach has anyone used successfully to correct misinformation about gender altering surgery in minors in this country? My understanding is that the medical community won’t perform such procedures until a person is 15 years old, and then only in very specific circumstances. But if you have a discussion with someone firmly indoctrinated in right wing propaganda, they will insist that pre-teens are having surgeries. And if you try to explain what puberty blockers do and why they help kids with dysmorphia, they immediately label it as “chemical castration”. Somehow we need to help explain this complex medical issue in terms that the less than bat-shit crazy “conservatives” will listen to and understand.

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you got all that right. And thanks for trying to educate people. unfortunately they will believe the lies because it's more convenient.

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Education is the key. The media allows right wing extremists to spout these lies and bs to the public, and those whose bias is already strong enough, feed on it.

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