Sep 16, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Another example of Democrats caving. Relying on Susie Collins to accomplish anything is crazy. She is a pathetic troll of McConnell. Democrats should have called a vote and put the republicons on notice. Let them defend this attempt to deny us of our rights before the public prior to the misterms. As a progressive these kind of caves by Democrats drives me nuts.

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Sep 16, 2022·edited Sep 16, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

You would think that the Democrats would have enough common sense ..at least…to know that Susan Collin’s political savvy has always been an F….eg.SCOTUS appointments….

Delaying this vote till post midterms is rife with uncertainty and danger….we just don’t know if the Repugnant’s midterm outcomes will weaken their resolve or embolden them to reject outright this proposed bill. Relying on Collin’s advice is just plain political stupidity.

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Sep 16, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Schumer seems to have tired of letting Manchin run the Senate, and has now turned to an actual Republican, the never-lies, always-concerned, furrowed-brow Susan Collins. She is a liar and should never be trusted: remember when she said she was satisfied Brett K wouldn't overturn Roe? Or that Trump had learned his lesson after the first impeachment? Relying on Collins for true GOP head counts on any vote is idiocy.

Regardless of their status in the next Senate, Democrats need to evaluate whether they want Schumer replaced, perhaps by Patty Murray, perhaps by Liz Warren, perhaps by Durbin or Booker. We need a new Leader, whether of the Senate Majority or Minority.

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Sep 16, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Bottom Line: Chuck kicked us to the curb once again. Millions of LGBT families kicked to the curb because lame duck republicans promised a yes vote after the midterms... LOL Chuck is getting played by Susan Collins once again. Perhaps Joe should get involved and get it done for Chuck!

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Sep 16, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

This latest cowardly failure to hold Republicans accountable for their positions is at the heart of why I have no respect or love for the Democratic Party. As long as the likes of Schumer, Pelosi, Perez, Biden, Harris... are in control rather than progressives who will actually work for the good of the country, politics be damned, I will not support the party as a whole.

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Sep 16, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

All of this "palace intrigue" bullshit from our side reminds me of what Will Rogers once said: "I am not a member of an organized political party, I'm a Democrat." Susan Collins could not deliver 10 votes to break a filibuster on a bill to recognize the time of day, so why does Schumer pretend that it even matters?

Not holding the vote on the respect for marriage act before the election defeats the purpose of holding the vote in the first place. It's the same reason why Schumer should bring up Lindsey Graham's bill to establish a federal ban on abortion, but Schumer is too much of a chickenshit to do that either.

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Sep 16, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

This is just F**king Bull***t. DEMS are determined to lose one or both houses because of the sheer lack of a spine. Caving to Manchin or Collins is lunacy and will bite us in the ass at the polls. Independents have just shifted their view of the DEMS to unreliable. The dangling carrot of marriage equality has just been dropped into the Cuisinart. If the DEMS think the post midterms vote will bear fruit they are sadly mistaken because the hoped for 2 or 3 seat pickups just vanished because the independents were willing to help with the anti-Dobbs sentiment but will now feel free to hedge their bets on marriage equality. Moscow Mitch is the only one happy with this abrupt decision...

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Makes financial sense for the Schumer to keep delaying the vote. This is a food fundraising method for the democratic party heading into midterms. I could see this also being used to garner more capital heading into 2024.

If I was a betting man I think this bill doesn't get voted on till after 2022

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I don't think that's the reason. It's not really generating funds -- It was about putting the GOP in a touch spot before the election. And now they've been given a pass.

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It must be because Collins is so adorably moderate that Chuck just melts.

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Apologies for commenting whilst seething in anger and essentially shooting the messenger (not liking the post). Slowly realizing it's not about me (it is about wistful melancholy of not being in that DC fantasy bubble anymore).

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I don't know what to think, but I am learning a lot from all these opinions

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My theory

There are enough GOP votes to pass. More than we think. If it goes to vote and is largely bipartisan, Dems lose a talking point and issue before elections.

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I mean, it's possible but I think overly clever for the Democrats. And bottom line is that if you force Ron Johnson for example to vote on it, he's hurt if he votes yes and hurt if he votes no. And yes, you want to hurt Ron Johnson and others in the general election so that they...lose.

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