Aug 2, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

To say I loathe DeSantis is an understatement. I think he is the most potentially dangerous man in America today, cynical and ruthless like a Hitler on the rise, and that is not hyperbole.

Republicans have a problem minding their own effing business, whether sticking their noses into women's reproductive or abortion choices, or who can marry, or how people can identify and present themselves. They are cynical bastards because they really don't care, it's all performative to rile up the cretins, and their culture war tactics work every time with gullible people who think with their emotions.

BUT, we live in a different world now than 1947. Women aren't going back to back alley abortions, not with the hypocrisy of men who will get doctors easily legislating our bodies. And drag queens are part of our culture, thank you Mama Ru. A lot of Americans were born after Roe and Stonewall and take rights as assumed. It's our job to mobilize and get them out to vote. Let's hope these arrogant assholes anger enough groups to boot them all out of office, starting with Little Hitler in Florida. God forbid he ever becomes president.

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Totally agree! The one fortunate thing about the SC Roe decision was that Roberts didn't get them to compromise and shave abortion rights back to 15 weeks. The total bans are just making American women seeth all over the place. Little Hitler! Yes!

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And last night Kansas gave SCOTUS and the GOP the kick up the arse they both deserve. I hope it means Dems are energized and will be out there for the midterms.

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What a great win in Kansas, Pat! I was totally energized when I opened up my email this morning and saw Mike's newsletter with that win on the top! It was nerve-wracking because of the way the initiative was worded, but apparently blanket advertising warning voters about how to vote "no" did the trick. If anybody deserves that "kick up the arse" it's the men of SCOTUS. I loved seeing pics of the women celebrating, and hope there'll be more of that tonight on MSNBC.

I hope all of us angry women keep coming to the polls to get those GOP suckers out!

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I couldn't agree more, Pat.

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Aug 2, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

People like DeSantis make me ashamed to be from the state of Florida. If he's worried about "grooming," he really does need to look in a mirror: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1YP_zZJFXs

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Aug 3, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Good article. When it comes to children humans often take leave of their senses. If the goal is dehumanizing your enemies accusing them of not loving their own children is good place to start. Every catastrophe is always accompanied by the number children killed as if the other deaths aren't that important and as a childless, unmarried 71-year-old white man my death won't even raise a blip. "We all love children" falls apart when you consider that people nearly always care more about their own kids over the children of others and will indirectly and sometimes directly cause the death of other people's kids. America needs to believe that a morally pure aspect of America's culture exists. We've used the police, military service members, the Supreme Court and clergy as representing moral superiority and it's no surprise that the innocence of children is considered sacred which extends to the most innocent of all, in their minds, the unborn. Any criticism of the designated morally irreproachable group is essentially a form of blasphemy for these folks.

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It feels like we as a nation are in a gigantic sink and the drain plug has been pulled awhile ago. We are circling, circling, lower and lower, circling, soon to be spit out the drain to find we are now in real Gilead. No one has rights nor power but highly patriarchal men, prone to abuse because they can get away with it. How do we prevent that? Massively GOTV for Dem every time, forever.

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That would be highly patriarchal WHITE heterosexual men, Rick. There were only two black men at J6, along with a few women. Clay Cane (Sirius Urban View) tried discussing the prison time that one of the African Americans got for participating (was it higher because he was Black?) and people called in telling him that if the guy couldn't look at those Confederate Flags and know he was with the wrong group he should sit his butt in jail!

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With all the bullshit, corruption and lies the right wing perpetuates and all of the horrible things they stand for, does anybody really believe they will take back power. They have a history of doing zero for the average person. Do you mean to tell me that over half of the country wants more of that? And please Michael do not let guests on your show continue to say “Of course when they take back the house and senate (Elenor Clift). Bullshit! You are assuming all of the electorate are a bunch of fuckn idiots.

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They can win by cheating since they are professional liars and cheats.

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Drag is at least as old as Shakespearean theater. Does DeSantis think schools shouldn't teach kids about the Bard of Avon?

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One of the Roman Emperors wanted to be a woman. Transvestites, Transgender go way way back in history. DeSatan has DeSatanized school books. Can't read books about black people, slavery or gay characters.

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Degenerate, Denialist, DeRacist seems to think that appealing to the Ill informed will win him points morally (and it will in this current climate) but he forgets the educated constituents have relatives that gave birth to these very entertaining Drag Queens who sit with MAGA relatives and howl at RuPaul's Drag Race. The DoRunRon needs to be pressed on why citizens can no longer afford Fascist Florida and are fleeing. Ogliarchs love the fact that FF doesn't discuss normal policy issues but seems determined to die on the social issues hill. A reckoning is imminent and perhaps the citizens can relieve DoRunRon of his gubernatorial misstep...

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The lil FL Fuhrer's day is coming. KS is proof of that. Most people dislike mandatory heteronormativity as much as they do abortion bans. Something creepy & rape-y about a party of pervs that seeks to force their way into women's wombs & people's bedrooms!

If I were in charge of messaging in FL, I would run parody ads about the need to get women out of tuxedos & jeans & back into dresses just to be fair, lol.


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Drag Queens left the nightclubs and are now in schools and public libraries, reading to children. Why?

Adults can ignore what other adults are doing in their clubs, but become much more prickly when it involves children and public schools.

I don't like drag, I see it as offensive womanface. Blackface is socially unacceptable, but gay men call women 'fish' and worse, mock our bodies and lives, to great applause. If they don't want to hear what normal people think about their acts, they should stay in the night clubs.

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DeSatan is loved by every hater in Florida. He's done everything for his evangelical, gun-nut hypocritical base and NOTHING for anyone else in this state. HIs popularity baffles me to no end. Censoring school books, interfering with women's right and banning masks and deterring people from getting vaccines. He continually campaigns and is drooling over the 2024 RepubliKKKan election for Prez.

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