How tepid of new Disney management to wait for ink to just dry and THEN protest the new wretched legislation put into law. How convenient. Have the appearance of action while doing inaction, we see right through you!! Playin a game. With people’s lives. What will America be like in 20 when masses of old dinosaurs my age and up are gone. Seems like the younger folk are much less interested in poking their religious zealot noses in other consenting adults business. As it should be. I believe any religion is not for judging others, but for looking inward, “How can I be a better person??”, self improvement.

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Not enough that fascist florida has become unaffordable economically to it's residents, Disney itself obtains a wholly avoidable cultural black eye. Once the fallout of dwindling tourism hits the political class there will be a reckoning.

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Any organization that supports DeSatan's idiotic legislation will lose customers. LGBT are customers like everyone else and business is about one thing (unless you are Chick-fil-A or Hobby Lobby) --- PROFIT. Today I drove by a rusty, beat up old mobile home with a sign in front that read, "God & Guns for Trump." I was nauseated but not surprised here in Florida.

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Looks like FAUX news is trying another culture war tactic to distract people from their disastorous handlings of COVID, the economy, and their love affair with Putin. They did the same thing with Mr. Rogers when they needed to make up a culture war boogey man to give themselves a ratings boost. Not really a fan of most of Disney's entertainment since their a soulless corporation with not much artistic value. Although I don't have a problem if other people like them. I'm more of a PBS/NPR & independent music/movie fan myself.

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