How tepid of new Disney management to wait for ink to just dry and THEN protest the new wretched legislation put into law. How convenient. Have the appearance of action while doing inaction, we see right through you!! Playin a game. With people’s lives. What will America be like in 20 when masses of old dinosaurs my age and up are gone. Seems like the younger folk are much less interested in poking their religious zealot noses in other consenting adults business. As it should be. I believe any religion is not for judging others, but for looking inward, “How can I be a better person??”, self improvement.
Not enough that fascist florida has become unaffordable economically to it's residents, Disney itself obtains a wholly avoidable cultural black eye. Once the fallout of dwindling tourism hits the political class there will be a reckoning.
Any organization that supports DeSatan's idiotic legislation will lose customers. LGBT are customers like everyone else and business is about one thing (unless you are Chick-fil-A or Hobby Lobby) --- PROFIT. Today I drove by a rusty, beat up old mobile home with a sign in front that read, "God & Guns for Trump." I was nauseated but not surprised here in Florida.
Hi DB, beat up old motor home. Oh gaaaawd and more oh gaaaawd…. I’m SO weary of that shit. Low information white folk (and I’m Euro heritage) stuck on the REAL faux news, believing they have all the TRUE answers but are actually heads stuffed full of propaganda. I’d like to ask them, “So how is your personal life better/improved after 2016-2020?? I’m sure they would DEFLECT to some general idea, like “The Wall”, all 15 miles of brand new wall with a thousand cuts in it already, people walking right through new holes and ladders, up and over, and sections blown over in the wind…. Ya, “the wall” has certainly improved my personal life. But I wish to persist for an answer of a PERSONAL improvement, more income? Less taxes? Affordable and better healthcare? “How is YOUR personal life better now due to those 4 years???” Maybe “one’s” gotta get a fat black permanent marker handy in pocket and when seeing one of “those” bumper stickers, X them out quick on the sly. Cathartic. Oh Gaaaawd, we need a cathartic release. M. Garland is sitting on a huge bomb of cathartic release if his team just do their jobs holding obvious crooks and criminals responsible for their criminal-ing the same as you or I would promptly be held responsible!!! The big picture, overview of “life” has had me rather mentally cranky lately. That criminally instigated war, nuclear clock far too close to midnight, narcissistic rumpism still running rampant, Q bullshit, conspiracies up the wazoo, all those wretched legislations trying to drag us all back 100 years to the height of the KKK, segregation, lack of womens rights, women can’t even vote, LGBT’s firmly stuffed back in the closet. Garland, drop the big hammer!!! Enough time has slid by. “They can’t keep getting away with it”. “They can’t keep getting away with it!!!” Never mind, just temporarily mentally crabby. We all can boycott CBS news for hiring Mick Mulvaney!! Like they had NO other option. Get real.
I so agree, Rick. Will Garland do something??? I truly am believing that they will let tRump get away with inciting the insurrection. It could only happen here. Other countries would have locked him up on Jan. 6. I'm Euro heritage also, but the rednecks living in the rusty trailers down here are Euro heritage too. They are happy because LGBT (sinners) and minorities will lose rights and immigrants won't be allowed into our white paradise of a country (cough). By disparaging others, they feel better about their sorry lot in life. They know the GQP won't take away their guns (not that the Democrats will either). Low IQ, low information, fanaticism, racism and greed are fueling the GQP. As for Mulvaney, CBS news won't have me as a viewer. There are plenty of good journalists without hiring that thing!
Looks like FAUX news is trying another culture war tactic to distract people from their disastorous handlings of COVID, the economy, and their love affair with Putin. They did the same thing with Mr. Rogers when they needed to make up a culture war boogey man to give themselves a ratings boost. Not really a fan of most of Disney's entertainment since their a soulless corporation with not much artistic value. Although I don't have a problem if other people like them. I'm more of a PBS/NPR & independent music/movie fan myself.
How tepid of new Disney management to wait for ink to just dry and THEN protest the new wretched legislation put into law. How convenient. Have the appearance of action while doing inaction, we see right through you!! Playin a game. With people’s lives. What will America be like in 20 when masses of old dinosaurs my age and up are gone. Seems like the younger folk are much less interested in poking their religious zealot noses in other consenting adults business. As it should be. I believe any religion is not for judging others, but for looking inward, “How can I be a better person??”, self improvement.
Not enough that fascist florida has become unaffordable economically to it's residents, Disney itself obtains a wholly avoidable cultural black eye. Once the fallout of dwindling tourism hits the political class there will be a reckoning.
Any organization that supports DeSatan's idiotic legislation will lose customers. LGBT are customers like everyone else and business is about one thing (unless you are Chick-fil-A or Hobby Lobby) --- PROFIT. Today I drove by a rusty, beat up old mobile home with a sign in front that read, "God & Guns for Trump." I was nauseated but not surprised here in Florida.
Hi DB, beat up old motor home. Oh gaaaawd and more oh gaaaawd…. I’m SO weary of that shit. Low information white folk (and I’m Euro heritage) stuck on the REAL faux news, believing they have all the TRUE answers but are actually heads stuffed full of propaganda. I’d like to ask them, “So how is your personal life better/improved after 2016-2020?? I’m sure they would DEFLECT to some general idea, like “The Wall”, all 15 miles of brand new wall with a thousand cuts in it already, people walking right through new holes and ladders, up and over, and sections blown over in the wind…. Ya, “the wall” has certainly improved my personal life. But I wish to persist for an answer of a PERSONAL improvement, more income? Less taxes? Affordable and better healthcare? “How is YOUR personal life better now due to those 4 years???” Maybe “one’s” gotta get a fat black permanent marker handy in pocket and when seeing one of “those” bumper stickers, X them out quick on the sly. Cathartic. Oh Gaaaawd, we need a cathartic release. M. Garland is sitting on a huge bomb of cathartic release if his team just do their jobs holding obvious crooks and criminals responsible for their criminal-ing the same as you or I would promptly be held responsible!!! The big picture, overview of “life” has had me rather mentally cranky lately. That criminally instigated war, nuclear clock far too close to midnight, narcissistic rumpism still running rampant, Q bullshit, conspiracies up the wazoo, all those wretched legislations trying to drag us all back 100 years to the height of the KKK, segregation, lack of womens rights, women can’t even vote, LGBT’s firmly stuffed back in the closet. Garland, drop the big hammer!!! Enough time has slid by. “They can’t keep getting away with it”. “They can’t keep getting away with it!!!” Never mind, just temporarily mentally crabby. We all can boycott CBS news for hiring Mick Mulvaney!! Like they had NO other option. Get real.
I so agree, Rick. Will Garland do something??? I truly am believing that they will let tRump get away with inciting the insurrection. It could only happen here. Other countries would have locked him up on Jan. 6. I'm Euro heritage also, but the rednecks living in the rusty trailers down here are Euro heritage too. They are happy because LGBT (sinners) and minorities will lose rights and immigrants won't be allowed into our white paradise of a country (cough). By disparaging others, they feel better about their sorry lot in life. They know the GQP won't take away their guns (not that the Democrats will either). Low IQ, low information, fanaticism, racism and greed are fueling the GQP. As for Mulvaney, CBS news won't have me as a viewer. There are plenty of good journalists without hiring that thing!
Looks like FAUX news is trying another culture war tactic to distract people from their disastorous handlings of COVID, the economy, and their love affair with Putin. They did the same thing with Mr. Rogers when they needed to make up a culture war boogey man to give themselves a ratings boost. Not really a fan of most of Disney's entertainment since their a soulless corporation with not much artistic value. Although I don't have a problem if other people like them. I'm more of a PBS/NPR & independent music/movie fan myself.