The one good that could come from the Trump Debacle is for people to realize that putting a businessman in office is a very bad idea. Trump's behavior is essentially no different from how all corporate leaders behave. The difference is we don't get to see exactly how petulant and infantile the leaders of Exxon, GM, etc actually are. The quote above: “They surround themselves with flatterers and sycophants who tell them what they want to hear. And this is counterproductive in the long run, and this is why most of them end up badly.” could describe almost every single corporate CEO on the Fortune 500 list.

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This was simply terrific. I particularly appreciated the tie-in with toxic masculinity (academic term). Clearly, for democracies, we must be ever vigilant and take care to cultivate it within the body politic. Thank you!

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Thanks. Yes, there's so much more I'd like to discuss with Professor Ben-Ghiat and will invite her back on my show.

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Just as an aside...

Obama eschewed the phrase "Radical Islam" and rightly so. Islam is not radical. Individual Muslims could be radical, but not the religion.

So, too with Jews. Cheap Jew is an abhorrent stereotype. An individual Jew could be cheap (as could all of us), but Judaism is not.

So, too, with people of color and gay/straight: there is never a need to stereotype a class. Nothing is gained.

Individual men could be toxic (e.g.: Trump), but masculinity is not toxic and the use of that term is a abhorrent. Please check your own toxicity.

The term is inimical to the well being of men and boys and to use it today, of all days (International Men's Day) speaks volumes about your arrogance.

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And for the sake of consistency...

Femininity is never toxic: it is magnificent and beautiful.

Masculinity is never toxic: it is magnificent and beautiful.

Individual men and women can be toxic, but NEVER the gender itself (regardless of how some people manifest it).

It is imperative to look at the good and focus on ELEMENTS of the bad, and NEVER engage in cheap and vulgar stereotypes, right?

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We need transparency in all policy decisions as soon as our fearless leaders return to do their jobs! Government should NOT be run as a business. It is a system of checks and balances that check the corruption and protect the people of this country from corporate harm caused by poor legislation and inferior leadership. tRUMP and his maladministration are the epitomy of fascist rule and in direct conflict with the governing principles of the UNITED States of America and all must go ASAP!

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Excellent interview! It is the first time I have been able to connect the dots about Trump and his followers. We need to stay awake! Thank you, Michael!

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I am curious to know what you think?

Which of these three is most likely?

(My great fear is that it is the first one)

1. He has a plan to win the election by stealing it, and it is working.

2. He is trying to burn the country in anger.

3. He actually believes he should win and is in denial

The third one I like: it means he will suffer. But the first two worry me.

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Michelangelo, as I commented on the weekend blog, I SO enjoyed this interview — and glad you devoted today's blog to her — and I do hope you can bring her back on the next few weeks as a "Part 2."

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I've been watching "The Rise Of The Nazis" on PBS, and have been finding many disturbing parallels between the way Hitler and his men subverted the German government to his will and the how the enablers in our government have bent to the will of Trump. The major difference between the two are the mass murders and expansionism. I fear if Trump gets his way and overturns the election (or, God forbid, gets reelected in 2024), there will be no stopping him.

Great interview, BTW!

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As a survivor of a narcissistic grandmother and mother, doesn’t Trump’s own narcissism and his father’s factor into his authoritarian behavior? We ordinary citizens can stay alert but what’s it going to take for all of his lackeys to finally cut the cord and do the right thing for our country?

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